Allergy to pollen - treatment "flower disease"

October 15, 2011

 Allergies to pollen
 My nose runs, throat tickle, skin rash - all symptoms of an allergic reaction, the risk of which increases in hypersensitive people in the spring and summer. Allergy to pollen is very common and it is a headache in every sense of the word for hypersensitive people. With this allergy need to fight, following all the recommendations of experts.

An allergic reaction to pollen often resembles a classic rhinitis, which occurs with colds. Sometimes there is pain in the eyes as conjunctivitis, eye blush, disturbed visual acuity. When such symptoms should not expect that all by itself will take place, you need to see a doctor. While you're waiting, allergies may increase, and sensitivity to pollen allergy be added to foods, wool and other irritants. Moreover, according to allergist if allergy has affected the eyes and nose, there is a possibility that it will progress, causing more serious diseases - Otitis Otitis - than could face an ear infection  Otitis - than could face an ear infection
 Sinusitis Sinusitis - difficult to cope alone  Sinusitis - difficult to cope alone
 . From 10 to 30% of grass pollen allergy are asthmatic disease.

The first symptoms of pollen allergy appear in early April. Then begins the increased sensitivity to flower, which appears in the tree, grass. From February to April may appear hypersensitivity to pollen on birch, cypress, from May to July dangerous to be in the flowering meadows, fields, orchards, which grow wild. From August to October, when a period of intense flowering ends as may be hypersensitivity to wormwood, ragweed. The pollen of some plants can remain in the air all year round, but of course it depends on the region of residence.

 Allergy to pollen - treatment "flower disease"

Medications for allergy relief

Fortunately, today there are drugs that help to cope with allergies. Antihistamines rapidly affect the body and eliminate irritation in the throat, nose, arresting allergic rhinitis.

But the application of such tools need to be attentive to the side effects. Often antihistamine drugs have a sedative effect and causes drowsiness. If you drive, you should beware of such products and consult a physician for use of allergy medications with less sedating effect.

Classical drug may be combined with topical corticoids for the eyes and nose. Medicines that need to dig in, quickly remove from within the nose, but is not recommended for a long period due to the potential risk of irritation of the mucous membrane.

If you want to use natural remedies, choose sprays containing calendula. She is known for its soothing properties and ability to clear mucous, and can be used on a daily basis during the flowering period.

 Allergy to pollen - treatment "flower disease"

Consult an allergist

Stuffy nose can cause insomnia, headaches, general fatigue, and as a result, sometimes it is necessary to suspend the operation. That is why you should not run the problem and provoke a more active allergic side effects, it is better at the first sign to see a specialist - allergist.

Sometimes classical allergy treatment is not enough to stop it, because you need to know exactly what exactly have the body there is such a reaction. Through conversation, answering questions on the consultation, laboratory tests of blood and allergy tests can accurately determine what is an allergen. And then eliminate allergies a lot easier.

 Allergy to pollen - treatment "flower disease"


Skin allergy tests - this is the easiest way to determine to what substance there was an allergy. For example, you have hypersensitivity to the family mjatlikovyh plants that grow everywhere in the meadows, lawns, in the field, in the parks. It is necessary to avoid visiting these places. You also need to know what an allergy to prevent the negative impact of other potential allergens. For example, if you are allergic to birch pollen, chances are good that there is hypersensitivity to pollen of cherry and apple trees. Distributed also allergic to cut grass.

Prick test - the easiest, least expensive, and indicative of allergy tests. It lies in the fact that under the skin (on the back or arm) administered a small dose of different allergens. After ten or fifteen minutes, redness, small swelling at the site of a particular allergen - as determined by a positive reaction. In the event of doubt as to the results obtained skin prick test, the doctor prescribes a blood test that will detect antibody Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity  Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
   to a particular substance.

 Allergy to pollen - treatment "flower disease"

Desensitization - do away with allergies?

In contrast to the action of antihistamines, which eliminate only the symptoms of allergy, desensitization or immunotherapy can work on its causes. This is the only type of therapy that gives a long lasting result.

When an allergen identified, your doctor may suggest a patient desensitization. Here, the principle of vaccination: the body is introduced a certain dose of allergens, so that he gets used to it, and when the allergen begins to act from the outside, the body does not respond. Desensitization may be performed on both children and adults.

 Allergy to pollen - treatment "flower disease"


Efficacy of desensitization is assessed as quite high - 60-80%. It may be reduced due to the fact that the body accepts more substances hostile. Allergy symptoms may disappear gradually during the first season after the procedure, sometimes require repeated desensitization to three to five times. After the procedure, in due course disappear symptoms of allergies to pollen, on the grass, wool animals for food products. Also, desensitization to reduce the risk of asthma and eczema Eczema - is difficult to treat  Eczema - is difficult to treat

Avoid allergy to pollen is not easy, because if food-allergens can simply not there, then the pollen is in the air we breathe outdoors. To reduce the risk of an allergic reaction, should take note of a few recommendations:

  • Do not make picnics in the immediate vicinity of the flowering plants.
  • Once the allergy symptoms are uncomfortable, drugs do not help, seek medical advice immediately.
  • Avoid windy weather for walking, it is also undesirable for a walk in the hours of increased solar activity. After the rain the air contains the least amount of pollen.
  • In the car, do not open the windows because at high speed you inhale more pollen than usual. Also allergies you should not ride a bike to places flowering.
  • Do not sleep in the flowering period with the window open.
  • After you come home from the street, it is best to wash your hair and take a shower to wash off pollen particles may have settled.
  • To protect the eyes wear sunglasses.

Article Tags:
  • allergy
