Atopic dermatitis - the unpleasant legacy

October 26, 2008

  • Atopic dermatitis - the unpleasant legacy
  • What is atopic dermatitis

 Atopic dermatitis
   Atopic dermatitis - a chronic skin disease that is often associated with asthma and hay fever. Most often it affects the skin on the hands and knees. Typically, the symptoms appear during periods of exacerbation, and then disappear at a time.

 Atopic dermatitis - the unpleasant legacy


The main symptoms of atopic dermatitis:

  • Red or brownish-gray spots on the skin
  • Itching, which is worse at night
  • Small swellings on the skin; if the surface is broken, fluid flows from them, and then place them on a dry crust is formed
  • Seals, chapped and / or flaky skin
  • Increased sensitivity and tenderness of the skin - occurs when a person regularly comb the affected skin

In addition to hands and knees, the symptoms of atopic dermatitis can occur on the face, neck and torso. Sometimes the disease affects the skin around the eyes.

In most patients, the first episode of atopic dermatitis begins in childhood, before the age of 5 years. The intervals between episodes can be long - up to several years. In the active phase of the disease causes severe itching, which is why patients (especially children) often comb the skin, causing a worsening of symptoms. The result may be destroyed by the skin barrier; This in turn can lead to infection such as that caused by Staphylococcus aureus, which permanently resides in the skin. This greatly complicates the course of the disease.

Other factors that may aggravate the symptoms of atopic dermatitis:

  • Dry skin
  • Stress
  • Increased perspiration
  • Rapid temperature change
  • Low humidity
  • Wool Clothing
  • Dust or sand
  • Tobacco smoke
  • Life in big cities with high air pollution
  • Some food products, such as eggs, milk, fish, soybean and wheat

Consult your doctor if you or your child, because of the symptoms of atopic dermatitis are experiencing severe discomfort - for example, they cause sleep disturbance Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   or distract from daily affairs. You should also refer to the experts, if the skin becomes very painful, if you suspect someone you have a skin infection, or if home treatment does not bring tangible results. The more pronounced the symptoms of dermatitis, the harder it is to treat.

 Atopic dermatitis - the unpleasant legacy


The exact cause of atopic dermatitis is unclear, but is likely contributing factors are dryness and skin irritation, and disruption of the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
   organism. Stress and other psychological problems may aggravate the symptoms of atopic dermatitis, but did not cause their appearance.

Many experts believe that the development of atopic dermatitis have a genetic cause.

 Atopic dermatitis - the unpleasant legacy


Among the most common causes of atopic dermatitis Dermatitis - what to do with the inflamed skin?  Dermatitis - what to do with the inflamed skin?

  • Neurodermatitis may result from prolonged episodes of atopic dermatitis. It develops in those areas of the skin that the patient regularly combing. The skin on them becomes more dense and coarse. The color of these portions may differ from the basic color. In some cases, scars on the skin and lots diskoloratsii.
  • Infections of the skin. If the patient is brushing the skin so much that it hurts, in the resulting wounds can penetrate pathogens - a process called impetiginizatsiey. Typically, an infectious agent is Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Eye diseases. Severe atopic dermatitis can lead to various diseases of the eye, or even their permanent damage. With the threat of such complications itching on the skin around the eyes is particularly strong, there is an increased lacrimation, inflammation of the eyelids and conjunctivitis. If you have such symptoms should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Antihistamines: how to neutralize the negative effects of histamine?

April 23, 2009

  • Antihistamines: how to neutralize the negative effects of histamine?
  • Blockers
  • Blockers of histamine H2-receptor
  • Cimetidine
  • Famotidine
  • Nizatidine and ranitidine
  • Side effects when taking H2-blockers of histamine receptors
  • Antagonists of histamine H2 receptor

 Antihistamines - a group of drugs that suppress the action of histamine receptors in the body. Antihistamines relieve spasm induced by histamine bronchial smooth muscle and intestine, reducing capillary permeability, prevent the development of edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   tissues and facilitates the allergic reactions.

Many antihistamines are available without a prescription, such as drugs of the first generation: brompheniramine (dimetapp, bromfen, dimethano, nazahist), chlorpheniramine (chlor-trimeton), clemastine (allergist, tavist) and diphenhydramine (Benadryl) and an antihistamine of the second generation loratadine (Claritin). One of the main advantages of Loratadine (Claritin) that it does not cause drowsiness.

By antihistamines, prescription (drugs is a second-generation) include cetirizine (Zyrtec), desloratadine (klarineks) and fexofenadine (Allegra). These antihistamines (and loratadine) have less side effects, in particular, does not cause drowsiness and dry mouth.

Some antihistamines, nasal sprays (e.g., azelastine), are also suitable for the treatment of symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, and itchy nose.

 Antihistamines: how to neutralize the negative effects of histamine?

History antihistamines

Antihistamines for the first time have been used successfully to treat people in 1942. First antihistamine developed Bernard Halpern. In 1944, the drug has been improved, and in 1946 went on sale in the US as diphenhydramine and tripallanamin. With the introduction of the first generation antihistamines - ethylene diamine, ethanolamines, alkylamines, piperazine, tritsiklidov - by 1950 the ninth year antihistamines have gained immense popularity worldwide.

 Antihistamines: how to neutralize the negative effects of histamine?

Types of antihistamines

Ethylenediamine - the first clinically effective group of antihistamines. On this basis, they developed ethanolamines, which, in turn, became the basis for benedrila, OTC that cause drowsiness, but was considered very effective.

Ethanolamines were also used in the popular medicines for hay fever, intended for children, because they had a pleasant taste. Molecular variation of ethanolamines was the basis for SNCR.

Alkyl amines have been designed in such a way to reduce sleepiness. This non-prescription drugs, which are used to treat colds, ie, elimination of their symptoms: sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes. Alkylamino - antihistamine component in Visine-A. Piperazine - an antihistamine developed for the impact on parts of the brain that are responsible for the occurrence of nausea and vomiting, dizziness, Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet  Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
   and motion sickness. Tritsiklidy - antihistamines, antidepressants are meant to be, but now used mainly to eliminate toxicity, nausea and sedation.

 Antihistamines: how to neutralize the negative effects of histamine?

Antihistamines are the second generation

Antihistamines are the second generation does not have a sedative action and have fewer side effects. They also differ in their structure and effect. These antihistamines were introduced in 1981. The first second-generation drugs became ranitidine Ranitidine - help in the prevention of relapse of peptic ulcer  Ranitidine - help in the prevention of relapse of peptic ulcer
 And by the end of the 1980s it ranked first among the prescription drugs.

 Antihistamines: how to neutralize the negative effects of histamine?

Antihistamines are the third generation

Third generation of antihistamines have been developed in the 1990s and has a greater efficiency and almost complete lack of side-effects including drowsiness. This generation of drugs developed for the potential treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Further studies are directed at improving the efficiency of antihistamines and reducing their side effects.

 Antihistamines: how to neutralize the negative effects of histamine?

The mechanism of action of antihistamines

Antihistamines displace histamine from biochemical tissue systems and block the receptors of smooth muscle cells and glands, thereby preventing occurrence of allergic symptoms. Antihistamines are most effective if taken continuously throughout the season (for seasonal allergies).

 Antihistamines: how to neutralize the negative effects of histamine?

Who are counter antihistamines

Antihistamines are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its active components. They can cause unwanted side effects in the following cases:

  • when taken with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs);
  • in patients with glaucoma Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness  Glaucoma - a perspective possible blindness
  • in nursing mothers.

 Antihistamines: how to neutralize the negative effects of histamine?

The use of antihistamines

Antihistamines are produced in the form of tablets, chewable tablets, capsules and liquids. The frequency of dosing depends on the specific characteristics and type (its dosage forms and dosage).

 Antihistamines: how to neutralize the negative effects of histamine?

Reaction with Food and Drug Administration

Do not take other drugs and foods that cause drowsiness, such as alcohol, sedatives or tranquilizers when using antihistamines. Also, do not take MAO inhibitors (eg, isocarboxazid [Marplan], phenelzine sulfate [Nardil], or tranylcypromine [Parnat]) within fourteen days after the completion of antihistamines.

 Antihistamines: how to neutralize the negative effects of histamine?

Side effects of antihistamines

Many antihistamines (particularly first-generation drugs) may cause the following side effects:

  • drowsiness;
  • dry mouth;
  • urinary retention;
  • loss of visual acuity.

Before taking antihistamines, consult your doctor.
