Air freshener - how much it is safe?

February 4, 2010

 air freshener
 In order to create and maintain comfort in the house, it takes a lot of effort. The order, tasteful furniture - this is not guarantee that your home will be comfortable. Of great importance in the building play odors. The aroma of freshly prepared food makes any home warm and cozy, but the smell of burning cigarettes can spoil all impression. In order to odors do not bother you, there are air fresheners. We used to use them, but rarely think about what kind of air freshener is safer and better suited for the premises.

Manufacturers of air fresheners we presented them, as a means of destroying the fine any unpleasant odors. In fact, most fresheners simply mask the smell of one another, stronger. Often a mixture of the two smells, for example, the smell of cigarettes and air freshener to form a mixture of flavors that stay in the premises becomes very difficult.

As part of these air fresheners are not present natural flavors, but only chemicals, high concentrations can be dangerous for human health. Especially dangerous is the combination of these chemicals, ozone, as they form formaldehyde, which can cause an allergic reaction Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat
   or asthma. Therefore, when using air fresheners are not recommended ventilation or use of air purifiers.

In addition, the cylinders with air freshener potential fire hazard. They can not be stored near heat sources or open flames. It household air fresheners have repeatedly been the cause of fires in homes and offices.

Now there are different types of air fresheners: oil-based, gel or aerosol. Some of them need to be sprayed by hand, while others operate on the network. Electric air fresheners more comfortable and that you can manually adjust the amount and frequency of spray freshener sprays. If the spray fresheners for some reason do not suit you, it is now easy to choose an alternative. For example, air freshener Ultimatic by Katrin. It is a small device, which operates on conventional batteries. Inside the device is a dispenser with a fan and a gel cartridge. The fan distributes the fragrance throughout the room for three to four weeks. The disadvantage of this air freshener is that it spreads the fragrance continuously, you can turn it off, just by removing the battery.

Some air fresheners have a structure that allows you to install them on the door, they are activated each time the door is opened. As a rule, professional fresheners, which are used in toilets. Other air fresheners are triggered automatically when you turn on the light, they are also professional and most often used in washrooms.

There are also programmable electronic air fresheners. Such manufactured by Kimberlu-Clark. They are convenient in that such air fresheners can operate desired time, such as six to twelve hours or more with the necessary breaks - from several minutes to several days. The capacity of the container depends on the floor space and is designed for 30 or more days of use.

In order to select a suitable air freshener, you need to take into account the many nuances .  If you want to regulate the time and the amount of spray flavor, do not have allergies, then you will approach a normal bulb .  If you want to use an automatic air freshener, you can choose any one available on the market .  It is important to establish such a unit - not too far off the floor and away from the drawing, otherwise the whole fragrance is sprayed out into the ventilation shaft .  If the room is small, it is not necessary to establish a professional air freshener, as it is designed for large areas and intensive use .  All removable panels, cartridges and other parts from one machine to be used only with the same brand fresheners, otherwise they may not work .  Choosing a fragrance is better to give preference to flavors, close to the natural scents such as the aroma of pine needles, citrus, flowers .  Other flavors can be very sharp and persistent, not like those who use perfume - often the smell of air freshener is more stable than the smell of perfume .

Air freshener - useful and convenient thing that will help maintain a feeling of cleanliness and comfort in your home or office. To freshener did not dangerous, it is necessary to carefully choose the model, follow all the rules for its use and storage, and to remember that none of the artificial Freshener will not notice the smell of cleanliness.

Kira Cam

Article Tags:
  • means aromatherapy

How to use Tribulus - whether self-treatment?

October 3, 2013

 how to use Tribestan
 How to Use Tribulus? Tribestan - it is herbal, that does not mean that it can be used independently without a doctor's prescription. The effect of this drug on the organism studied is not yet fully, so its use should be treated with caution. It is especially important to apply Tribestan strictly prescribed for disorders of sexual function in men and women.

 How to use Tribulus - whether self-treatment?

Features action tribestana

Tribestan produces a Bulgarian pharmaceutical company Sopharma, based on the dry extract herbs Tribulus Terrestris, which contain large amounts of saponins furostanol. The main representative of saponins in tribestane furostanol is protodioscin, which has diverse effects on the body of the patient. Other biologically active agents of the same groups enhance its therapeutic effect.

In the human body Tribulus has a double impact. On the one hand it normalizes fat (and in particular cholesterol) metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 , Thus preventing the development of atherosclerosis, and many diseases of the cardiovascular system such as coronary heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis of the lower limbs and so forth. On the other hand Tribulus has a mild impact on the system of the hypothalamus - pituitary - ovary (testicles), thus regulating the reproductive function of men and women.

Thus men and women Tribulus has different effects. In women, it activates the secretion of hormones that support the first half of the menstrual cycle - pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estradiol (one of the female hormone estrogen). Such influence leads to more rapid maturation of the egg in the ovary and fit woman with a failure of the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

Men Tribulus stimulates the pituitary secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and male hormones. Therefore, it is used as impotence Impotence - a female perspective on the problem  Impotence - a female perspective on the problem
 As well as for male infertility, with a decrease in sperm concentration and sperm violation of their fertility.

 How to use Tribulus - whether self-treatment?

How to use Tribulus for the prevention of atherosclerosis

For the prevention of atherosclerosis Tribestan rates apply for up to three months. During the first month Tribestan used on a tablet three times a day while eating, then move on to a maintenance dose of a tablet twice a day.

Such courses pofilaktiki can be carried out once or twice a year, but only on prescription. The fact that Tribulus helps to reduce blood coagulation and if the patient has a tendency to bleed, it does not fit. Do not approach it as patients suffering from severe diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. To appointment tribestana not bring harm, it is used by a physician.

 How to use Tribulus - whether self-treatment?

How to use Tribulus when sexual dysfunction in women

When sexual dysfunction in women Tribestan used only after blood tests for hormones, as it is not suitable for all women suffering from hormone infertility. Assign Tribestan if female infertility only if disrupted the first phase of the menstrual cycle, that is, the body produces enough FSH and estrogen.

In this case, Tribulus designate tablet three times a day for a month, and then once for two months on a tablet twice a day. With minor hormonal shifts Tribulus can be administered in the form of self-treatment. If significant hormonal disorders, he was appointed as part of a treatment - Tribulus increases the effects of drugs that stimulate egg maturation.

Do not take if you are hypersensitive Tribestan its components, during pregnancy, infant feeding Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding, adolescents under 18 years of age, women with severe diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. Do not appoint Tribestan well as hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
 Associated with increased secretion of estrogens.

 How to use Tribulus - whether self-treatment?

How to use Tribulus for violations of sexual function in men

When sexual dysfunction in men Tribestan used just like the women in the form of a course of treatment prescribed by your doctor. The duration of treatment for impotence - 40-50 days for male infertility - not less than three months.

Tribulus is contraindicated in prostate cancer at the age of 18, when you are hypersensitive to its components, as well as in severe diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

Due to the significant number of contraindications Tribulus men may appoint a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Tribestan
