All parents know that the usual black and green teas for younger children do not approach, but during a family tea party needed something to pour into the cup of the child, so many ordinary pour tea, brewing it less hard. The tannin contained in tea, has a stimulating effect on the brain that can be shown increased anxiety or hyperactivity of the child, even at such a reception. Therefore, children's best to use special teas.
Children's tea factory production
Currently, pharmacies and specialty stores sold a large number of herbal teas for children. They can be represented by a mixture, in bags and beads. Tea in a total mixture is dosed with the help of a teaspoon, brewing, a special dishes.
It is more convenient to use tea bags, which are welded directly to the child's cup. Teas in granules have the best taste, but they are achieved through the addition of special devices: sucrose, glucose
Glucose: The energy source
or maltodextrin.
Kids teas usually contain a few herbs, but many children are allergic to certain herbs, so give your child from the tea, it is necessary to closely monitor his health, to quickly take action in the development of any reaction.
Tea factory production for children are divided into prevention, treatment and prevention and treatment, which makes it easy to solve certain problems of the child. Teas, having in its composition rosehips, berries, anise, vitamin C enhances immunity
Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
If tea contains fennel, chamomile, mint
Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
Melissa or anise, and affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, facilitating colic, improving appetite and preventing eating disorders.
Children with increased excitability appointed tea with Melissa. There are teas and teas antitussives sweatshops, which are also used for children. In any case, before you buy a children's tea, remember that there are no relatives with allergic reactions to grass, carefully read the tea, the recommendation of the manufacturer and expiration date.
Teas home
Before tea was brought to Russia, instead they use herbs, including St. John's wort were, marjoram, willow-herb
Ivan tea and its beneficial properties - very Russian drink
, some others. In some families, these traditions have survived until now.
Many parents prefer to give their children teas personally collected herbs. This has some advantages. You can make monochay (tea made from one kind of herb), which significantly reduces the risk of allergies. If necessary, you can pick up a collection of herbs suitable for the child solve a particular problem. For example, tea from lime blossom has diaphoretic properties and good help for colds and tea from the hips will increase the overall resistance of the organism. Tea made from hypericum protects against disease. Mother and stepmother helps with coughing. But with the use of herbs you need to follow some rules.
Collect the grass is not always possible, as they can not provide therapeutic and toxic effects, if grown near the road, close to the chemical factory or a plant in the city. It is best to collect the grass in forest clearings, away from settlements. The optimal time for the collection of herbs - in the morning, after the dew has dried. It is necessary to comply with the timing of the collection, which are individual for each herb and differ in different climatic zones. Dates collection can be specified in special directories.
The next factor to be taken into account - herbs have a pronounced influence on the body, and they must be used, knowing the indications and dosage. Not all herbs are allowed children of the possibility of application of herbal tea is best to consult your pediatrician.
Svetlana Shimkovich
Article Tags:
- Products for the baby,
- tea