Aevitum Children should not be used

May 20, 2012

 Aevitum children
 The structure Aevitum include vitamins A and E, it is vitally necessary for the growth and development of children. Here are just a dose of these vitamins in aevite very high and can have toxic effects on the body of the child. Therefore Aevitum Aevitum - for the treatment, rather than prevention  Aevitum - for the treatment, rather than prevention
   in pediatric patients is not applicable.

 Aevitum Children should not be used

Vitamin A and its impact on the child's body

Aitamin A or retinol - a fat-soluble vitamin that is vital for proper metabolism in the skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory, intestinal and urinary systems. It is necessary for good vision (especially in the dark), as involved in the formation of visual pigments. Vitamin A also helps strengthen the immune system Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
 Especially local, participating in the formation of immunoglobulin A, which protects the skin and mucous membranes of the penetration of pathogens.

Need to retinol in children from birth to one year is 400 micrograms per day (1,191 IU), from one to three years - 450 micrograms (1340 IU), between four and six - 500 micrograms (1670 IU). Therapeutic doses of vitamin A for beriberi children ranged from 1000 to 5000 ME per day, depending on age. When skin diseases appoint a day for 5000-10000-20 000 ME. In wounds, burns and frostbites retinol oil solution applied to the skin once a day. For this purpose, you can use Aevitum. Single doses of vitamin A for children should not exceed 5000 ME for children, per diem - 20 000 ME. For comparison: in each capsule contains Aevitum 100,000 IU of vitamin A - a dose five times higher than the maximum permissible daily therapeutic dose for children.

Admission retinol in therapeutic doses, should be carried out as intended and under the supervision of a physician. If you use such a dose is long and uncontrolled, it is possible the development of hypervitaminosis A. This condition manifests itself in young children fever, vomiting, excessive sweating, drowsiness, rash on the skin may also increase in intracranial pressure. In older children on the background of hypervitaminosis A occur lethargy, drowsiness, combined with irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Headache, facial flushing, nausea, vomiting, movement disorders, pain in the bones. It is also possible exacerbation of cholelithiasis and chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas).

 Aevitum Children should not be used

Vitamin E and its effect on the child's body

Vitamin E or tocopherol Vitamin E (tocopherol) - not to be carried away  Vitamin E (tocopherol) - not to be carried away
   - It is also a fat-soluble vitamin that is vital to the child. It promotes proper absorption body proteins, fats, vitamins A and D, controls the metabolism in liver and muscle cells and activates synthesis of pituitary hormones (including growth hormone, gonadotropic hormones, necessary for the formation of sexual characteristics). Tocopherol need the child's body for proper operation of the circulatory, muscular and nervous systems, it promotes wound healing, anti-inflammatory effect. But the main advantage of vitamin E is that it has a pronounced anti-oxidant properties - the ability to neutralize the toxic effects of free radicals on the body. The body of the child especially a lot of free radicals formed during various chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases.

With a lack of this vitamin in childhood skin condition is getting worse, increasing the likelihood of developing anemia (hemolytic anemia is characterized especially newborns, which is characterized by destruction of red blood cells), decreased immunity, which contributes to frequent colds and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The daily requirement for vitamin E: for children under one year - 3-4 mg, from one year to 6-7 years - 6-7 mg, after 7 years - 7-10 mg. With the purpose of treatment used vitamin E lagging infants in weight and height (wasting), chronic skin diseases (scleroderma, psoriasis), and others. Children up to year-tocopherol therapeutic purposes prescribed by 5-10 mg per day. For comparison, the same Aevitum capsule contains 100 mg of vitamin E.

Overdose of vitamin E is much rarer than an overdose of vitamin A. However, chronic administration of tocopherol 400 mg or more per day may be signs of an overdose, which appear blurred vision, dizziness, severe headaches, nausea, diarrhea, stomach pains , weakness. If you continue to take vitamin E, and further, may cause bleeding in children with insufficient content of vitamin K, violations of the thyroid gland, the development of thrombophlebitis, necrotic (with tissue death) defeats the walls of the colon, liver enlargement in violation of its function, dysfunction kidney, retinal hemorrhage.

Aevitum should not be used to treat children.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Aevitum

Dairy kitchen for children - how is it different from an adult?

July 4, 2010

 dairy food children
 For a child up to a year is the best form of nutrition - breast milk. But it so happens that from the first days of life breast-feeding Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast impossible for various reasons. In this case, to the aid of a special infant formula, which can be prepared by yourself at home, and can be produced on a dairy kitchen. After some time here you will get for your baby and other products necessary for its proper development.

 Dairy kitchen for children - how is it different from an adult?

The history of the children's dairy kitchens

The history of children's dairy kitchens starts with the beginning of the last century, when in 1901 at the initiative of Russian society escort of public health in the St. Petersburg city shelter for premature infants was organized point "A drop of milk." In 1904, in St. Petersburg it was opened central station for preparing and producing milk for children where milk is transported to a drugstore, where his mother received a special medical certificate. But widespread "drop of milk" is not received.

After the revolution, dairy dishes began to organize in the baby clinic. The main objectives is to help dairy dishes pediatrician for feeding both healthy and sick infants, toddlers service as catering. An important role in the preservation of life and health of children's dairy kitchens played in the Great Patriotic War. At railway stations and docks water transport, where there were dairy food, for evacuated children preparing infant formula Dairy mixture - selection of useful power  Dairy mixture - selection of useful power
   and other baby food.

After the war, infant kitchens in special workshops preparing infant (including dairy) mixture, cottage cheese and some other dietary foods for children under one year, packaged juices, fruit and vegetable purees. But over time, dairy food were allowed to give parents the products produced in the factory. It radically changed their function: the majority of dairy kitchens ceased to produce its products and actually began to serve as distribution points.

But even today, in some regions there are still real dairy kitchens that prepare children yogurt, cottage cheese and some other products.

 Dairy kitchen for children - how is it different from an adult?

Production of children's dairy kitchens

Children dairy food produces high quality dairy products for children aged up to two years. All products comply with sanitary norms and rules, shelf life is not more than a day, so that it can be consumed even newborns.

So what is the production of children's dairy kitchens different from factory production, including the child nutrition? First of all, in that it is prepared from whole natural milk, but not powder. The second difference - is a complete absence of preservatives and special treatment: for example, for children's yogurt into the milk simply added starter. The same thing happens with the preparation of cheese. For its preparation is also used fresh milk and dairy products are not defective, harmless substance is added to curd and whey is separated. The shelf life of such products speaks for itself: it is equal to one day.

Factory children's dairy products, for example, the products of the company "Agusha" differ from their own products dairy cuisine that for longer storage uses a special heat treatment, and this leads to the loss of a number of nutrients. Therefore, the validity of these products for about two weeks.

 Dairy kitchen for children - how is it different from an adult?

So is there any infant food today?

In most regions of their long gone, and baby milk kitchen turned into a warehouse of finished products. But do not stock a lot of work, because children's products must be stored properly, but where is the guarantee that the usual shops to comply with all the rules of storage? Here the work on receiving and order picking to distribution points, organized in the dairy kitchen. Therefore, infant food, even after his transformation into items of baby food are needed.

In big cities, infant food today often turn into a problem: in order to save the authorities are trying to reduce their number, because of what the parents have to several times a week to go to other areas of the food and to stand there long queues.

But not everywhere is related to the dairy food, some cities continue to operate the former dairy plant kitchens, and children are the real fresh dairy products. So, baby milk food Irkutsk - a production facility with modern equipment and with a planned capacity of 25 thousand plates per shift, consisting of a line of development of fermented milk products (8 titles) and workshops for the production of sterile milk and curds.

Dairy food for children - it is a guarantee of proper nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
   young children.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Products for the baby
