Expressing breast milk - when it is really necessary?

May 9, 2010

 Expressing breastmilk
 There is no better way to soothe a crying baby than to put his chest. The change is magical: the baby calms down quickly and busily starts to suckle, sometimes short-lived, but it is enough for him to feel the atmosphere of comfort and security. Therefore, breastfeeding is so necessary for the baby.

 Expressing breast milk - when it is really necessary?

How to breastfeed

Today, the basic rules of feeding the child Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast completely revised in favor of a natural, adjusted for millennia rhythm feeding "on demand". The advantage of this feed is that it contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the central nervous system (CNS) of the child and, therefore, all the organs and tissues, as they develop, "under the direction" of the CNS. It calms the baby breastfeeding, gives him a sense of comfort and security, so in the first months of life is important so often put it to his chest.

The second, no less important reason for feeding "on demand" is the regulation of education at such feeding of breast milk. The number of his stands on the principle that it takes for a child. If during the day a child has sucked all the milk, then the next day it will be the amount, if lower, the decrease.

In the first two months of a small child can be applied to the chest up to 12 times or more. Over time, he sucks the more milk at each feeding and breaks between feedings are also becoming larger. By 4-6 months (the first time the introduction of complementary foods) child already maintains the interval between feedings to 3-3, 5 hours.

 Expressing breast milk - when it is really necessary?

Do I need to constantly express breast

With proper feeding pumping milk is only required in special cases. Nature has arranged the woman's body so that the amount allocated to breast milk depends on the needs of the child and governed by its appetite: the greater the suck, the more will come.

But in some cases, the procedure of pumping is still necessary:

  • if a mother and child are separated from each other in relation to health; In this case, only the regular thorough pumping breast milk to 8-10 times a day for 10-15 minutes to help a woman maintain lactation;
  • If the mother is required to leave somewhere for a few hours;
  • If postpartum women quickly began to arrive milk and formed a stagnation of milk (lactostasis) - in this case the pumping is carried out not in full, and to improve the condition of the woman, or the milk will continue to come and lactostasis Lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the mammary gland  Lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the mammary gland
  • if the child health in the early days of sucks a little milk and a number of his starts to decrease - Policy Pay pumping 5-6 times a day.

 Expressing breast milk - when it is really necessary?

How to express breast milk

You can express breast milk manually or by using a breast pump. Before decanting need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, prepare a sterile container (if the milk is useful for a child) and the chest running water to wash without soap, rinsing and then boiled. Before decanting can not lubricate the nipples with a cream or ointment.

Currently, pumping breast milk is often done using breast pumps. To this end, produced a variety of models of breast pumps - from the simple hand (for example, with a rubber bulb) to complex electrical (such as a battery, and working on the network). Pumping is carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions supplied.

Hand expression is carried out in the following way: you have to take a comfortable position to relax and unwind; Only after that the thumb and forefinger grasp the nipple a few inches from the tip, and then gently press and slide your fingers toward the nipple; when in this place the milk has ended, the fingers shifted and re-perform the procedure, and so repeatedly until all tanks is around the nipple and milk will not be emptied; the total duration of a procedure full manual breast pump - 10-15 minutes, in fact, the procedure may last less, it all depends on the purpose for which Policy Pay racking.

 Expressing breast milk - when it is really necessary?

How to store and use expressed breast milk

Breast milk can be stored for a long time, since it has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. To express it better in a sterile glass or plastic (designed for baby food) dishes.

Breast milk contains a lot of fat, so of bottle as it is rapidly becoming a multi-layer view - it should not scare as stirring milk again becomes uniform.

Breast milk is stored at room temperature for 6 hours in a refrigerator - two days in the freezer a conventional refrigerator - 1-2 weeks after deep freezing - up to three months.

To use your milk, it is necessary to heat up. To do this, a bottle of breast milk is placed in a bowl with hot water and periodically shaken. Breast milk should not be heated over an open fire in the microwave oven.

Remember, proper breastfeeding "on demand" - a self-regulating system that does not involve pumping. Expressing required only in extreme situations.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • lactation

Hypoallergenic infant formula - Prevention and Treatment

October 10, 2010

 hypoallergenic mixture of baby food
 Unfortunately, allergies in infants is quite common, so today issued a series of infant formulas, which have anti-allergenic properties. Of course, the allergy can be any product, even in the hypoallergenic formula, however, most children hypoallergenic food mixtures helps reduce allergic reactions Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat  Allergic reactions: how to understand why you tickle in the throat

 Hypoallergenic infant formula - Prevention and Treatment

Why and how to start a food allergy in infants

Food allergies in children under one year usually develop cow's milk protein, gluten (gluten, contained in some cereals, such as oats), egg yolk and other. Children who are breastfed, allergies is much rarer, because human milk protein is not foreign to the body of the child and easier to digest.

Developing a food allergy is more common in children with congenital atopic (hereditary allergy due to the individual characteristics of the body), which is referred to it by their parents or by a variety of adverse environmental impacts (for example, smoking and various diseases of the mother during pregnancy).

Food allergies may be in violation of the gastrointestinal tract of the child, as well as various violations of the nutritional feeding mother or child.

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in this age can be expressed:

  • insufficient production of digestive enzymes - they help digest food;
  • a lack IgA - immunoglobulin that is normally in the mucous membranes and prevents the absorption into the blood of foreign particles or antigens, e.g., cow's milk protein;
  • increased permeability of the intestinal mucosa for the large molecules, for example, cow's milk protein;
  • in violation of the formation of intestinal microflora; normal intestinal microflora - bacteria that help digest food, is formed within a few months.

Abnormalities in the maternal and child nutrition, leading to the development of food allergy in children Allergies in children - how to help your child?  Allergies in children - how to help your child?
   first year of life:

  • use mother food too large quantities of milk and dairy products, and other products having allergenic properties (eggs, chocolate, nuts, hard broths, etc.);
  • early termination of breastfeeding and breast-feeding Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   Whole cow's milk.

Food allergies can manifest itself in a variety of skin rashes, regurgitation, vomiting, constant bloating, diarrhea or constipation, runny nose, cough, dyspnea, and various combinations of these features. When these symptoms persist occurring child should be examined by an allergist.

If a food allergy is often formed hypersensitivity to other allergens (pollen, household and so on) and the number of allergy symptoms can grow like a snowball.

 Hypoallergenic infant formula - Prevention and Treatment

What to do with food allergies

First of all, as long as such a child should be breastfed or mixed, if breast milk is not enough. If this is not possible today as hypoallergenic manufactured in two mixtures:

  • hydrolysates of cow's milk - dairy protein in them is subjected to special treatment or hydrolysis, resulting in its molecule are considerably less reduced allergenicity and their increased digestibility;
  • Isolated soy - hypoallergenic mixture containing highly purified soy protein.

 Hypoallergenic infant formula - Prevention and Treatment

Hypoallergenic mixture based on hydrolysates of cow's milk

These mixtures are divided according to their appointment:

  • healing - there is almost no antigens, so they can be used to treat children with severe manifestations of food allergy; to treatment mixtures are Alfaro (Nestlé, Switzerland), Nutrilon Pepto TSC (The Netherlands), Nutrilak peptide MCT (Russia), Tutteli peptide (Finland), Frisopep (Netherlands);
  • Medical prophylactic - they are administered to children at risk of food allergy and pulmonary its forms, is a mixture of Nutrilak GA (Russia), a hippie HA 1 and HA 2 (Austria), Humana HA 1 and HA 2, Humana HA 0 (Germany) ;
  • prophylactic - prevention of food allergy, e.g., Nan HA (Nestle, Switzerland).

 Hypoallergenic infant formula - Prevention and Treatment

Hypoallergenic mixture based on soy isolates

When allergy to cow's milk protein used as soy mixture, the effect thus occurs within four weeks from the beginning of their use. Soy mixtures based on soy protein isolate derived from genetically modified soybean, they do not contain gluten a vegetable protein, to which infants are also often develops allergy.

Such mixtures include: Nan soybeans (Nestlé, Switzerland), Nutrilon soya (Netherlands), Nutrilak soy (Russia), Similac-Izomil (USA), Soya-CEMP (Sweden), Tutteli-Soy (Finland), Friso soy (Holland), Humana-SL (Germany).

But nearly a quarter of infants suffering from food allergies, and revealed an allergy to soy mixture. In this case only a mixture based on hydrolysates of cow's milk.

Choose milk mixture Dairy mixture - selection of useful power  Dairy mixture - selection of useful power
   for a child suffering from a food allergy, an allergist or pediatrician will help, do it yourself is very difficult.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Products for the baby
