Honey massage and its amazing properties - the most pleasant procedure

April 22, 2010

 honey massage
 On the beneficial properties of honey massage has long been known. This health-building procedure has many advantages compared to the classic massage, because honey is quickly absorbed into the skin, and all its biologically active components quickly into the blood and are included in the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 . It is known that honey contains a large number of trace elements and vitamins necessary for human health and the body does not waste energy on their assimilation, since previously they were processed by enzymes, and the bees are ready to assimilate.

 Honey massage and its amazing properties - the most pleasant procedure

Here are some advantages of honey massage:

  • unlocks and stimulates the lymphatic system;
  • improves the thermal regulation of the skin;
  • positively affects the nervous system;
  • reduces inflammation and promotes relaxation Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!  Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!
  • improves blood circulation.

Honey massage of the back and abdomen helps relieve stress and bring toxins from the body How to remove toxins from the body - simple ways  How to remove toxins from the body - simple ways
 . Honey massage increases breathing through the skin and improves blood flow. Honey penetrates deeply into the surface tissue of the body absorbs all the accumulated toxins there, resulting in 15-20 minutes honey massage transparent honey, applied to the body, it gets dark, sometimes grayish tint. As a result of honey massage increases the elasticity and skin turgor, destroyed subcutaneous fat.

 Honey massage and its amazing properties - the most pleasant procedure

The antimicrobial properties of honey

Since ancient times honey is widely used in bandages to disinfect wounds, and now this property of honey again claimed by modern medicine. The antibacterial properties of honey help clean the wound from infection and anti-inflammatory action of honey reduces pain and improves blood circulation. Honey stimulates the growth and repair of damaged tissues, which greatly speeds up the healing process. Honey is not only used for the healing of the newly formed lesions, but also to tighten the scars.

 Honey massage and its amazing properties - the most pleasant procedure

Vitamins, minerals and amino acids

Honey contains a wide range of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants, including niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc.

 Honey massage and its amazing properties - the most pleasant procedure


In addition to the nutrients that are involved in metabolic activity, honey contains polyphenols have potent antioxidant properties. Antioxidants honey help treat colon after colitis. In addition, it is proved that honey helps to increase the number of probiotic bacteria in the gut, which helps strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, reduce cholesterol and prevent colon cancer. Antioxidants also neutralize harmful free radicals - products of waste generated in the process of metabolism and cause the development of many serious diseases.

 Honey massage and its amazing properties - the most pleasant procedure

Anti-cellulite honey massage

Honey massage - one of the best and most effective ways to fight cellulite Fighting cellulite: the war of a lifetime  Fighting cellulite: the war of a lifetime
 . He has an amazing anti-aging treatment stimulates metabolic processes in the tissues, it helps cleanse the body of toxins, tones the muscles and corrects the shape, eliminating the subcutaneous fat.

Apply to the problem area a thin layer of honey (you will need 2 teaspoons of honey for the thighs and buttocks area). Lightly palms (hands should be dry) press on the skin surface.

First, the motion should be light when the skin sticks to the palms, there may be pain. The fact is that your movements create a kind of "vacuum effect" that just helps break down fatty deposits under the skin. Continue massage, ignoring the discomfort and possible discomfort. Ultimately, honey should remain on hand and buy gray or whitish hue (tint gives a stretched skin of toxins and salts). After the massage the skin is red, there is a slight burning sensation. In addition, it is possible the appearance of small bruises, which soon disappear. Duration of honey massage - 5-10 minutes. After the end of the massage the honey rinse with warm water without soap and apply a skin moisturizer or anti-cellulite cream.

Repeat massage every other day for 1 month (to achieve the desired effect requires 15 procedures). The first results are visible already after the second procedure.

Honey massage is contraindicated in women who are allergic to honey, as well as expectant mothers. In addition, honey massage is not recommended for varicose veins on the problem areas.

Article Tags:
  • massages

Lycopene: Natural ingredient for youthful skin

June 30, 2013

  • Lycopene: Natural ingredient for youthful skin
  • Products
  • Application

 Lycopene - a natural chemical compound that gives fruits and vegetables red. It belongs to the group of pigments known under the common name - carotenoids. Lycopene is found in watermelons, pink grapefruit and guava, apricots. Especially a lot of lycopene in tomatoes, and a variety of products that are made from them.

Many residents of the Nordic countries and 85% of lycopene from tomatoes is obtained, including from tomato paste and juice. In 240 ml of tomato juice contains about 23 lycopene. Spin tomatoes at high temperatures (as is usual in the production of juices, ketchup and tomato paste) contained in fresh vegetables, lycopene is converted into a form that is easily absorbed by the body. Lycopene from supplements is absorbed almost as well as from food.

Take supplements lycopene recommended for the prevention of heart disease and cancer of the prostate, breast, lung, bladder, ovarian, colon and pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
 . Lycopene is also used in the treatment of infections caused by the human papillomavirus, which are a major cause of cancer of the uterus. Sometimes lycopene prescribed to people with cataracts and asthma.

 Lycopene: Natural ingredient for youthful skin

How effective lycopene

It is found that lycopene is effective for preventing diabetes and conditions associated with deficiency of lycopene. Its effectiveness in the prevention of other disorders is still under question.

  • Prostate cancer. Early studies, which involved men with pre-cancerous tumors in the prostate, have shown that taking 4 mg of lycopene twice daily may slow or prevent the development of prostate cancer. In addition, the researchers studied the eating habits of the subjects, and found conflicting information on the role of lycopene in the prevention of cancer. Some studies have shown that getting lycopene from foods is associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer. However, other studies no link between cancer and the intake of lycopene was detected. At the same time, a diet rich in foods containing lycopene reduces the risk of prostate cancer in men, in whose family history has this disease.
  • Mammary cancer. In several studies failed to establish a link between the consumption of lycopene and risk of breast cancer.
  • Bladder Cancer Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
 . Available data indicate that the level of lycopene in the blood does not affect the risk of developing bladder cancer.
  • Ovarian cancer. Some studies suggest that a diet rich in carotenoids, including lycopene can prevent the development of ovarian cancer in young women.
  • Pancreas cancer. A diet rich in foods containing large amounts of lycopene - especially tomatoes reduces the risk of developing pancreatic cancer.
  • Lung cancer. In one study, the consumption of dietary lycopene (not less than 12 mg per day - for men, and not less than 6.5 mg for women) - reduced the risk of lung cancer in non-smoking men aged 40 to 75 years, and non-smoking women aged 30 to 55 years.
  • Cancer of the colon and rectum. Communication between lycopene intake and the risk of these cancers has not been established.
  • Heart diseases. Studies have yielded mixed results, and is impossible to say with certainty that lycopene may reduce the risk of various heart diseases.

 Lycopene: Natural ingredient for youthful skin

How does

Lycopene - a powerful antioxidant Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits  Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits
 Which protects the cells from damage. That is why scientists are showing such an interest in exploring the use of lycopene in cancer treatment.

 Lycopene: Natural ingredient for youthful skin


Currently considered safe consumption of up to 30 mg of lycopene per day. As part of the research subjects consumed a quantity of lycopene for 8 weeks, without harm to their health.

Use of lycopene contained in a food for pregnant women and is safe even necessary. However, data regarding the safety of supplementation Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
   lycopene during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not enough. Do not take it without first consulting your doctor.

Scientists warn that lycopene may worsen the condition of patients have prostate cancer patients. Until this problem is better understood, so patients should refrain from taking supplements containing lycopene.

 Lycopene: Natural ingredient for youthful skin

Drug Interactions

On the interaction of lycopene with any drugs is unknown. However, if you are taking prescription drugs, and plan to start supplementation with lycopene, you must first consult with a physician.

Simultaneous treatment with beta-carotene and lycopene may increase absorption of the latter, which in some cases is undesirable. Ask your doctor or pharmacist to help select the most appropriate dosage of these supplements.
