The myths about skin care: the dependence on cosmetics

June 9, 2011

 skin care
 You think you are protected from UV light in the room? Throw cream, if it has no immediate effect? Do not use highly active drugs based on retinoids, because they are afraid of irritation? Buying sunglasses on the nearest market and are confident that your eyes are protected? You may be surprised when you find out that you were under the power of the banal myths.

 The myths about skin care: the dependence on cosmetics

Myth: The occurrence of psoriasis depends on the makeup

Fact: psoriasis - a phenomenon in any case does not depend on the quality or quantity of cosmetics that you use: it is an autoimmune disease, accompanied by the appearance of itchy red spots and dense "scales" on the skin. Psoriasis is considered a "system" skin disease, because it can be hit and the vital organs - such as the heart.

Psoriasis causes too rapid reproduction of skin cells that reproduce themselves every four days (under normal circumstances, this process takes about 28 days). This explains the accumulation of skin cells and the formation of tissue damage.

 The myths about skin care: the dependence on cosmetics

Myth: The ultraviolet rays damage the skin only when the Outdoors

Fact: The popular belief that indoor UV rays can not harm the skin, is only partly true: it is the house you most security, but the skin is still exposed to harmful UV. Ultraviolet rays are easy to overcome obstacles in the form of a window glass, although this depends to some extent on the kind of windows in the building.

Clear glass transmits 75% of UV radiation and smoked glass - up to 25-50%. To ensure maximum protection of skin from ultraviolet radiation, dermatologists advise not to be near the windows in the period of greatest intensity of ultraviolet radiation (from 10 am to 4 pm) and regularly applied to the face and neck with sunscreen Sunscreen is not just for the beach  Sunscreen is not just for the beach
   or lotion.

 The myths about skin care: the dependence on cosmetics

Myth: All sunglasses protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation

Fact: Unfortunately, not all models of sunglasses effectively protect the eyes from the sun. Choose sunglasses on the label which indicates that they block 99 to 100% of ultraviolet rays of the spectrum A and B. To make sure that your chosen sunglasses provide exactly the level of protection that is specified by the manufacturer, show them to the ophthalmologist, who with the help of special equipment will be able to check the degree of protection provided by sunglasses.

 The myths about skin care: the dependence on cosmetics

Myth: If the makeup does not work immediately, it is better not to use

Fact: The action for the majority of products for skin care is required for some time, and there is nothing surprising in the fact that women customers eager disappointed in cosmetics in a week or two after the start of use. Typically, in order to observe the results of the action of cosmetic products, it is necessary for at least a month. For example, if you use cosmetics with retinoids, to notice improvement in skin condition, it requires up to six months, and the dramatic changes will be noticeable not until next year. The effect of cosmetics for the treatment of acne can be seen in one to three months, and the effect of anti-aging cosmetics - not less than three months. Therefore, patience - the main rule at the beginning of a new use of cosmetics.

The only case where you need to stop using cosmetics - is the emergence of allergies; slight irritation of the skin at the first use of cosmetics is considered normal, but if the cosmetics are constantly causes a rash, redness and itching of the skin, you should immediately stop using this tool. If you are not sure whether the normal side effects caused by cosmetics is best to consult a dermatologist.

 The myths about skin care: the dependence on cosmetics

Myth: The level of protection against UV SPF corresponds exactly to the label on the bottle

Fact: Very often people think that buying a sunscreen lotion with an SPF of 30 and putting it on the skin, they are guaranteed to ensure your skin is a layer of protection from ultraviolet radiation. Unfortunately, the effect of sunscreen cosmetics is not so simplistic. It plays an important role is how you apply sunscreen. Most people deal not enough sunscreen, or use it regularly, so that the level of protection from ultraviolet radiation is much lower.

Furthermore, the level of protection provided by the sunscreen lotion your skin depends on its type. SPF, listed on the packaging of cosmetics - only the average value: so, for example, for owners of a gentle, easy to burn the skin, using makeup with an SPF of 30, the real level of protection from ultraviolet radiation does not exceed 10.

 The myths about skin care: the dependence on cosmetics

Myth: thinning hair - the result of genetics

Fact: in fact hair thinning with age depends on many different factors, only one of which - a genetic predisposition. For example, high levels of hormones during pregnancy may cause hair growth and lead to thickening. After pregnancy, when hormone levels return to normal, the hair can fall out. Worrying, however, is not necessary, because a few months after giving birth the normal mechanism of hair growth is restored. In addition to hair thinning can cause fluctuations in hormone levels during menopause. Hair loss can also cause certain medications (eg, antidepressants), stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 Aging, overuse of styling products, lack of nutrients in the body.

 The myths about skin care: the dependence on cosmetics

Myth: owners of dry or sensitive skin can not use cosmetics with retinoids

Fact: Although retinoids, indeed, can cause skin irritation, even for owners of dry or sensitive skin Sensitive skin: causes and care  Sensitive skin: causes and care
   There are special soft cosmetic formulas. For example, for very dry skin commonly prescribed retinoid Renova or Differin, is very gentle on the skin. The most powerful retinoid is considered Avage, which is commonly prescribed for skin largely damaged sunburn.

At the risk of irritation and affect the way the application of cosmetics with retinoids. For example, the need to apply makeup on dry skin, washing up to at least 20 minutes prior to the application - wet skin is more susceptible to irritation. After application of cosmetics with retinoids can not be immediately applied to the skin layer of moisturizer "sealing" retinoids, it makes their effects on the skin even more intense, thereby increasing the risk of irritation.

Cosmetics with retinoids is sold by prescription only, so before you buy these funds will have to consult a dermatologist. Available without a prescription alternative to retinoids - cosmetics with retinol, another "derivative" of vitamin A, but slightly less effective. Retinol acts on the skin softer, therefore causes less irritation - but in order to observe the results of the action of such cosmetics, will take much longer.

 The myths about skin care: the dependence on cosmetics

Myth: Drinking the liquid will help keep skin hydrated

Fact: a common misconception that the more water we drink per day, the more we help the skin retain essential moisture, is fundamentally wrong: Drink the liquid provides the necessary moisture the body, but not moisturizes the skin. Although it is often misleading exaggerated all sorts of glossy magazines, in fact, no study has confirmed its veracity. Dermatologists noted that the volume of moisture produced skin during the 5-minute showers, much greater than the volume of liquid that a person drinks per day. Fluid intake is also not completely moisturizes the skin, as is customary bath is not thirst quenching.

 The myths about skin care: the dependence on cosmetics

Myth: after applying self-tanning agents can use the scrub

Fact: diverse peeling cosmetics - the key to a smooth, soft skin. Use a scrub is necessary before using the funds for tanning - this helps remove dead skin cells and make more even tanning. However, the use of exfoliating cosmetics after applying self-tanning agents is not recommended - along with the skin particles come down and just created a tan. As a result, instead of a smooth, natural-looking tan on the skin appear uneven spots.

Among the most common exfoliating ingredients that make up cosmetics - whether cleansing lotion or moisturizer - include salicylic acid, retinol, glycolic acid, lactic acid Lactic acid - shows our health  Lactic acid - shows our health

 The myths about skin care: the dependence on cosmetics

Myth: solarium helps to create a "protective" base tan

Fact: Many people mistakenly believe that indoor tanning is safer than tanning under the open sun, as in the solarium we spend just a few minutes. In addition, the assumption is wrong, and that this "base" tan is able to protect the skin. In fact, the solarium is more dangerous because they used ultraviolet spectrum A - the rays of the spectrum A deeper into the skin, the less intense, but causing burns ultraviolet spectrum B.

"Base" tan leads to increased melanin in the skin, which provides minimal protection from ultraviolet radiation - SPF level 3. However, any tan - a signal of ultraviolet damaged. Minimum additional UV protection is not worth the damage to the skin, which provokes a tan in the solarium.

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  • means for skin
