Care for beautiful legs how to do a pedicure at home

September 21, 2012

 care for beautiful legs
 Professional salon pedicure - it is a real pleasure and a great opportunity to pamper your feet. However, it is quite an expensive procedure. If you want to pamper your feet while saving a significant amount of money, you should think about how to do a pedicure at home. In fact, to make a quality pedicure yourself is very easy and all you need to do it a few inexpensive tools and accessories.

 Care for beautiful legs how to do a pedicure at home

You will need

  • Nail file of a hard material or soft sandpaper nail file
  • The pelvis is large enough to fit it in both feet
  • Coffee-cup
  • bath towel
  • Hand towel
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp. tablespoon of Epsom salt
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • ½ cup and 1 tsp. Olive oil (separately)
  • Nail polish (color of your choice)
  • Clear lacquer-base
  • Nail polish remover
  • Cotton balls
  • Large clippers pedicure
  • Orange stick for cuticles
  • Vitamin E - Oil (can take capsules which are then opened)
  • Moisturizer for feet

 Care for beautiful legs how to do a pedicure at home

What do we have to do

Start procedure pedicure, filling a large bowl with warm water and make the bath for the feet. Place the pelvis on bath towel, so as not to wet the floor. Add the water 1 tbsp. spoonful of Epsom salt and 3 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice. Gently stir with his hands. Dip your feet in a foot bath personally cooked and steamed them for 20 minutes. During the bath, rub the foot several times. Epsom salt - an excellent tool for peeling feet, making them soft and smooth. After 2-3 minutes, remove the legs from the pelvis and wipe dry with a clean bath towel.

Pour the water from the basin and the rinse water, so that it leaves no residue of lemon juice and salt. Refill the basin with warm water and set aside. In a small bowl, mix ½ cup of olive oil and 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and gently stir with your fingers. Apply the product to the feet and gently rub them for a few minutes: it will help to remove rough skin and corns. Then apply a little composition of olive oil and sugar on the tips of the toes and on the cuticle and gently rub to exfoliate dead skin cells. When you rub the skin, especially around the nails, oil-sugar scrub, you remove the dry and rough skin particles, the field which is much easier to push the cuticles. Rinse feet in pre-filled with warm water basin. Wipe feet dry with a towel for hands.

Trim toenails by preparing them for the application of varnish. It is best to cut your toenails straight line, they began to grow, especially for big fingers. Do not cut nails "at the root". Leave at least a little white part of each nail. Hard or soft sandpaper nail file nail file off the top edge of the right and slightly on the sides upwards. Keep filing until each nail on your legs will not look neat and tidy. Then take 1 tsp. Olive oil and rub it into the cuticle of toes. Take the orange stick and gently move the cuticle. After applying olive oil to make it easier. In addition, oil moisturize the skin around the nail and eliminate dryness. Wipe off excess polish with olive oil hand towel.

Rub in the foot and toes moisturizing lotion. It is best to use a moisturizer, a part of which has mint Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness  Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
 That cool and relax your feet and soothe muscles. Do not apply moisturizer to the nails, or nail polish will not last long. Then apply on the nail of each finger clearcoat-base and let it dry. Complete pedicure and covered with two layers of nail varnish of any color, as you wish. Before you put on socks or shoes, let the lacquer coating to dry completely (it usually takes about 20-30 minutes). Use dividers toes for a pedicure if you use them more convenient to apply and polish to dry. In addition, you can cause the feet to the skin moisturizing lotion after painting nails and complete drying varnish. In this case, the lotion may be applied over the entire surface of the legs.

Article Tags:
  • pedicure

Nail Care: Frequently Asked Questions

April 6, 2008

  • Nail Care: Frequently Asked Questions
  • Health Effects
  • Using the varnish
  • Homemade bath
  • Home remedies

 nail care
 Beautiful healthy nails 14 tips for strong and healthy nails  14 tips for strong and healthy nails
   - It is not only the merit of nature, but also the result of proper care. Nails, like any other part of the body require attention, which is a number of simple procedures that can improve the structure of the nails and keep them in good condition.

 Nail Care: Frequently Asked Questions

Why nails do not grow?

If you have no health problems that can affect the growth of the nails, the nails grow normally without problems. The average nail plate increases by 3 mm per month. Damage to the nail plate, nail brittleness and fragility does not allow to really see how the growing nail. Many people bite nails, rip off, this leads to brittleness and even the loss of the nail plate before the appearance of the new. Refer to a specialist who can help you develop a suitable program for you nail care and follow it, you will surely achieve positive results.

 Nail Care: Frequently Asked Questions

Will the false nails to align the nail plate?

If your nails grow in a certain way, unfortunately, they do not change their shape. To change the surface of the nail can only lead to the violation of the structure of the nail tissue. The use of artificial nails Artificial feet - acrylic, gel and silk  Artificial feet - acrylic, gel and silk
   can only cover up the appearance of your nails, but to change the structure and form of these procedures nail can not.

 Nail Care: Frequently Asked Questions

How to get rid of the grooves and irregularities on the surface of the nail?

Unfortunately, almost nothing. If they always have been, your nail will continue to be uneven in the same as before. If you have never suffered from this, but for some time now began to notice that appeared on the surface of the nail groove, it may be the cause or the stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
 Or the natural aging changes. Indeed, with the age of the nail surface becomes rough, it is related to changes in the structure of the nail plate. To get rid of the grooves, carefully sand the nail plate special nail file, remove the cover and the resulting pollen nails leveling agent. Then apply a base coat under the nail, two layers of nail polish and a fixer.

 Nail Care: Frequently Asked Questions

How to help dry skin and cuticles?

There are many ways to get rid of dry skin and moisturize the cuticles. Use butter, moisturizing lotions, means that delays in the skin moisture and nutrients - in general, choose to your taste. Get a good hand cream, try to always keep it handy. You must apply the cream after each hand washing. Also we advise to buy oil to moisturize cuticles, to achieve tangible results gently rub it into the skin cuticles twice a day.

For very dry, cracked skin of the hands and feet, we recommend bath of paraffin wax.

 Nail Care: Frequently Asked Questions

Should I remove the cuticle and cut the corn?

In no case do not do it. In a sense, this is your protection. The cuticle prevents infections and corn in some way act as shock absorbers. If you cut the corn, it will grow even more, to become coarser and thicker, and can be a source of infection. Apply cuticle special oil, let it soften slightly and gently slide them to the nail plate stick from an orange tree. Hangnail is better to cut neatly. It is better to do the task a qualified technician manicure and pedicure, so it is better to entrust the professional procedure.

 Nail Care: Frequently Asked Questions

Causing damage to the nail plate?

The habit of biting nails or tear off the skin around the nail, manicure or careless injury - all of these factors can cause damage to the nail. On the damaged nail plate grooves and grooves appear, nails exfoliate and break. If within one year nails are not acquired again healthy appearance, most likely structure of the nail tissue was profoundly damaged and the nail plate and will continue to grow uneven and bumpy.

 Nail Care: Frequently Asked Questions

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis - an inherited disease that affects the skin on the elbows, knees, face and even on the head and is manifested in the form of a rash. On the nails psoriasis manifested in the appearance of small depressions on the nail surface, or separation of the nail plate from the nail bed (onycholysis). Pay attention to the condition of nails, if she lost shine and a healthy glow, they were growths - there is reason to be alarmed.

 Nail Care: Frequently Asked Questions

What is paronychia (nogteeda)?

Paronychia is an inflammation of the nail fold caused by constant exposure to moisture. The defeat of the bacteria or fungi can also cause further infection, which is accompanied by a painful swelling of the nail fold. If paronychia first thing is to reduce inflammation, take antibiotics for it Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   or applied to the affected areas of antifungal or antiseptic agents. If you have been diagnosed with paronychia, avoid prolonged contact with water (for example, when washing dishes), do homework in rubber gloves.
