Artificial nails - acrylic, gel and silk

June 4, 2013

 artificial nails
 There are many reasons to make artificial nails. Maybe you are going to a wedding or a reunion, and want to look as much as possible effective. Or perhaps you find it difficult to grow their nails, and to get long claws, you need the help of professionals.

Today, each more or less a major city, you can find a variety of salons, where they make a gel, acrylic and silk nails. Silk is most often used when you need to increase the nails only for a short period of time - for example, as long as they recover their own damaged nails. Artificial nails made of other materials, many women are weeks and even months.

 Artificial nails - acrylic, gel and silk

Acrylic nails

  • The procedure for building

Specialist mix the powder with a liquid, and a special brush does this mixture on your nails. Typically, they cover the entire surface of the nail, but sometimes increasing only the tips of nails.

Liquid acrylic hardens on exposure to air. During the procedure, you will feel a strong odor, but if the room ventilation is good, it is harmless.

By themselves, acrylic nails also safe, but when they are damaged the risk of bacterial or fungal infections of the nail plate. This can happen, for example, if a layer of acrylic disconnected from the natural nail, and in the resulting gap is formed comfortable environment for growth of microorganisms.

  • Nursing

Gradually, the nails will grow back, so to keep them well-groomed appearance, every two or three weeks, you need to take in the cabin additional treatments. Regrown region acrylic nail simply fill - it takes much more time than capacity.

  • Remove

Remove acrylic nails can be alone, but it is better to do it in the cabin. Nails is soaked in acetone for approximately 15 minutes, after which the acrylic fiber was removed. Sometimes they have to soak a few times, but in general, acrylic artificial nails removed fairly easily and quickly.

 Artificial nails - acrylic, gel and silk

Gel nails

  • The procedure for building

In contrast to the recent past thick gels resembling toothpaste Toothpastes - how to choose?  Toothpastes - how to choose?
 , Modern gel consistency more like nail polish. It is applied to the nails or tips - when you want to extend your nails. After specialist must cause the number of layers of the gel, a pair of nails for holding minutes under UV lamp - it is necessary that the gel hardened. Unlike acrylic, gel nails is odorless.

There is evidence indicating that frequent exposure to UV light can increase the development of skin cancer, but during the gel building person receives only a small dose of UV radiation. However, if you have other risk factors, increases the likelihood of skin cancer Skin cancer - a full recovery possible  Skin cancer - a full recovery possible
 , You may want to choose a kind of arc capacity.

If damaged, acrylic nails and there is a high probability of infection.

Gel nails are more expensive than acrylic, but their advantage is that they retain their color longer, and less likely to break down, so the high price can be considered fair.

  • Nursing

As is the case with an acrylic capacity, every two to three weeks is necessary to go to additional procedures to fill portions regrown nails.

  • Remove

Gel nails can be removed, soak them in nail polish remover. Sometimes, in order to expedite the process, pre-cut down part of the nail. At home, it is better not to do, as there is risk of damage to their own nails, moreover, weakened after a long stay under a layer of gel.

 Artificial nails - acrylic, gel and silk

Silk nails

Silk capacity - the most harmless to the natural nail, and the most short-lived. Strictly speaking, this type of capacity is not always used silk - can replace flax, paper or glass. Pieces of fabric of suitable size cover glue that attaches them to the nails. On top of the fabric with a layer of gel. Such extensions are not designed for long term - artificial nails begin to detach two or three weeks, or sooner - for example, if you wash the dishes without gloves.

 Artificial nails - acrylic, gel and silk

Advice to those who do nails

  • Do capacity in specialized stores. Using a variety of kits to build at home requires skills and knowledge. Build the nails is much more difficult than, for example, the hair dye in private.
  • Do not attempt to disrupt the artificial nails. The materials from which they are made, must be securely attached to the nails, so when you try to tear you can cause serious damage to the nail bed. Normally, after the removal of artificial nails your nails should look healthy. Therefore, to remove acrylic or gel nails is highly recommended in the cabin.
  • Choose a nail technician recommendations of friends and acquaintances, and not on the basis of price and location. Many people just go to the salon, which is located close to home or in a window, which posted an attractive price. But the same kind of capacity is not everywhere do the same - nail technicians use different equipment they were trained in different places, one of them more experienced, someone - less. Therefore, you will question their friends who do build, and do not take the time and money to get to the really good specialist.
  • The interior must be clean. If the room gives the impression of untidiness, barely there to provide quality services. Tools that are used repeatedly, must be disinfected after each customer.
  • The nail technician should wash their hands before starting work, and ask you to do the same.
  • Do not let a specialist and push back, especially trim your cuticles. Damage to this thin protective layer of the skin can cause infections.
  • Do not try these or other ways yourself repair a damaged artificial nail. Go to a specialist. Otherwise, a layer of acrylic or gel may begin to develop the infection.
  • Ask nail technique on how to properly care for artificial nails. Perhaps you yourself know it, but the way the technician will answer this question, can tell a lot about his professionalism. In addition, a good specialist can tell you about nail care a lot - each of them have their little tricks.
  • Speak if you have something does not suit. Be sure to tell me if during or after the building you feel the pain - if you do everything correctly, this procedure should be completely painless. If soon after you have built up your nails, you have a rash on the hands, face or neck (women often touch with their hands), seek medical attention - perhaps you are allergic to one or the other product used for building.
  • Give your nails a break from the artificial nails. During this "rest" do baths for hands, rub in nail oils and fatty creams.

Article Tags:
  • nail extension

5 tips to care for healthy skin

July 20, 2013

 Tips for healthy skin care
 Proper care - including sun protection and gentle cleansing - can help you keep your skin healthy and beautiful for many years. No time for lengthy and costly procedure? Compliance Tips for healthy skin care in most cases, the skin look fresh and healthy. Running useful recommendations will not take you much time and effort, but will give very good results.

 5 tips to care for healthy skin

Protect yourself from the sun

This is one of the most important rules of skin care. Over time, exposure to sunlight leads to the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, and other problems with the skin, and also increases the risk of skin cancer.

For the most complete sun protection is recommended:

  • Use sunscreen. Choose shirokospektralnye creams (protecting against UVA and UVB radiation), with an SPF of at least 15. In the summer or while traveling to the southern countries to better use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more. When you are a long time in the open air, apply the cream every two hours and after each bathing. Those who are very much sweat, sunscreen should be applied 1-1.5 hours.
  • Hiding in the shadows. Avoid being in direct sunlight between 10 am and 4 pm - this time in the summer months the peak of solar activity.
  • Choose the right clothes. Cover your skin from the sun blouse with long sleeves, long pants and skirts, wide-brimmed hats. Despite the fact that summer is usually considered a short clothes, it is not good enough to protect people from ultraviolet radiation. You can also wear clothing designed specifically to block UV rays - it does not replace sunscreen Sunscreen is not just for the beach  Sunscreen is not just for the beach
 But it will significantly reduce the risk of getting a sunburn.

 5 tips to care for healthy skin

Do not smoke

Smoking ages the skin rather quickly, and promotes the formation of wrinkles. Under the influence of nicotine and other tobacco smoke contained substances thin the blood vessels found in the upper layers of the skin constrict and blood circulation slows down in them. The skin does not get enough oxygen and other nutrients necessary for her health. In addition, smoking hurts collagen and elastin - proteins responsible for the density and elasticity of the skin. Finally, on their own movement of facial muscles that a person regularly performs during smoking (compresses and slightly pulls the lips, narrows his eyes, so that the smoke did not hit in the eye) - also contribute to the appearance of wrinkles. If you smoke, the best way to protect your skin - give up the habit. If you are too hard to do it yourself, ask your doctor to recommend nicotine patches and other means to quit smoking.

 5 tips to care for healthy skin

Treat the skin gently

Daily cleansing effect of water, shaving - all this contributes to skin aging Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions  Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions

  • Take a shower quickly. Long and frequent exposure to hot water robs skin of protective oils produced by the sebaceous glands. Try to take a shower quickly, within 5-15 minutes and wash with warm, not hot water.
  • Avoid aggressive cleanser. Ordinary soap and many cleansers for skin containing alcohol, dry skin, and in some cases even cause irritation. Use a mild detergent solution, not only for individuals but also for the entire body.
  • Wipes correctly. Do not rub the skin with a towel after a shower or bath. Just wrap it in a large towel and gently pat the face with another towel - because of the moisture will stay in the skin cells.
  • Moisturize the skin. Be sure to moisturize the skin, especially if you feel that it is dry because hot water heating systems, and the impact of other factors. During the day, use a moisturizer containing sunscreen.

 5 tips to care for healthy skin

Eat right

Healthy nutrition - the key to beauty and health. Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. Although a direct link between diet and the development of acne is not installed, some evidence suggests that a diet rich in vitamin C, and the rejection of refined carbohydrates and unhealthy fats can make the skin more clean. In addition, thanks to a balanced diet skin will stay young longer.

 5 tips to care for healthy skin

Control your stress

High levels of stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   makes the skin more sensitive, it is the cause of acne Acne: facial trouble  Acne: facial trouble
   and other skin problems. To make the skin more healthy - and to improve the state of the entire body and calm the mind - learn to control stress. Put a reasonable goal included in the list as many tasks as you can perform, not a loose forces and allocate time to activities that bring you pleasure. The results of these simple steps can exceed your expectations.

Article Tags:
  • skin care
