Sensitive skin: causes and care

September 3, 2014

 causes of sensitive skin
 Are you concerned that your sensitive skin is never in a normal state? The first thing to do is to understand what your skin type How to determine your skin type  How to determine your skin type
 . Its status can be different - from allergies to cosmetic products and acne to chronic diseases such as rosacea or eczema - here's what you need to know about each state - and to seek help from a professional.

You have already experimented with dozens of products whose manufacturers claim that they are for sensitive skin, but they only end up irritating the skin more? Do not you think that maybe you have a special skin condition, and you need more information on the possible causes of and appropriate treatment? Skin diseases can be difficult to diagnose, especially since the sensitivity is a common symptom of various skin diseases.


Contact dermatitis

The cause of any condition sensitive skin is dermatitis - a general term for inflammation, irritation of the skin, which includes several specific conditions.

Dermatitis is also known as eczema and includes chronic forms, such as atopic dermatitis. Contact dermatitis, on the other hand, is the response time to a certain stimulus. There are two types of contact dermatitis:

Allergic contact dermatitis refers to allergens that cause reactions, even after a very short-term exposure; for example, after contact with poison oak or poison ivy. Other forms of allergic contact dermatitis include allergic to certain metals, e.g., jewelry, domestic animals or reaction to pollen.

Irritation in contact dermatitis occurs after repeated exposure to stimuli, which include common ingredients in cosmetics or in your home agent - e.g., chemical detergents, flavorings, alcohol or artificial preservatives.

It is very important for contact dermatitis narrow down the specific stimuli for your skin, so you can avoid further irritation - contact a professional if you are unsure. At the same time, use creams against irritation and soothing agent for the skin until your skin returns to normal.


Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is often referred to simply as eczema Eczema - is difficult to treat  Eczema - is difficult to treat
   (though technically this term includes all forms of dermatitis), it is the most serious type of dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is the most common in infants and children, but, unfortunately, in some cases of eczema persists into adulthood. Chronic eczema affects more than thirty million Americans today, and from it there is no cure.

Doctors often prescribe topical or oral steroids for the treatment of atopic dermatitis, but you can do something, and for its part, the house - start with gentle skin care routine that includes soft means to relieve itching.



Although rosacea Rosacea - undetermined  Rosacea - undetermined
   affects approximately sixteen million Americans, some patients may not even know that they have it. According to experts, 78% of Americans do not have the basic knowledge about the state of adult skin. Symptoms of rosacea include redness, inflammation, and tiny pimples.

Rosacea is often mistaken simply for acne. However, the typical products of the treatment of acne rosacea can make the symptoms worse. Instead, look for the formula means that reduce redness and ease inflamed skin condition.



The National Psoriasis Foundation reported that 7, 5 million. Americans suffer from psoriasis, an autoimmune disease caused by an overproduction of skin cells. The most common type of the disease is plaque psoriasis, which is characterized by raised red patches and silver or white flakes that accumulate and crumble.

OTC treatment option involves creams and ointments that help to remove the formed layers of skin cells. Look for medications that contain salicylic acid or coal tar, and use moisturizers to help relieve the symptoms of dry, tingling of the skin and protect you from scratches.



It is surprising, but the acne skin and sensitive. Although many people who suffer from acne Acne: facial trouble  Acne: facial trouble
 Believe that the key to the treatment of acne is excess fat and drying the acne affected areas of the skin, hard treatments only cause more redness, inflammation and discomfort.

The best way to treat acne is to maintain a healthy skin care routine that includes a cleanser, moisturizer and treatment formula.

Use a gentle exfoliator to clean pores, and treat some places by the local treatment of lesions - means that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide - but do not overdo it.

While you may not be able to cure your skin or prevent the re-occurrence of the symptoms, you can control how you take care of your skin, which is important for the health and appearance of your skin. Keep in mind that your own research can not replace a formal diagnosis of a professional; be sure to make an appointment with a dermatologist.

Article Tags:
  • skin problems,
  • sensitive skin

Solarium: harm or benefit?

June 29, 2013

  • Solarium: harm or benefit?
  • Controlled tan
  • Effect

 The fashion for a tan led to the discovery of countless sun decks around the planet, which brought a considerable total profit to their owners. Rising popularity of tanning continues, especially among young women.

Lamps used in tanning salons, the assurances of owners and manufacturers, provide an effective, quick and harmless alternative to sunburn, gets sunlight. However, there is growing evidence that the ultraviolet light emitted by these lamps actually increases the risk of serious diseases, including - of skin cancer.

Annually in the world it revealed 132,000 cases of melanoma (the most insidious and deadly form of skin cancer) and over two million cases of other skin cancers. One of the three cases of cancer - a cancer of the skin. In most cases, these patients have a history of excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The tanning is dangerous and how to reduce the risks for those who want to buy a nice tan?

 Solarium: harm or benefit?

Skin cancer

Ultraviolet light emitted as the sun, and the lamps in the tanning bed, is a long-known risk factor for skin cancer. In the course of experiments on animals have shown that medium-radiation UVB (280-315 nm wavelength) imposes a carcinogenic effect. Recently there is evidence indicating that the longwave UVA radiation (315-400 nm) which penetrates deeper into the skin, promotes the development of cancerous tumors. Studies conducted in Norway and Sweden showed a significant increase in cancer risk among women who regularly attend solarium.

Moreover, tanning in a solarium with a high probability reinforces the negative effects of excessive exposure to the sun better. While there is no evidence to say that tanning in a solarium is safer or more harmful than lying on the beach in sunny weather. However, we know that many people with fair skin in 2-3 years of regular visits to the solarium detected precancerous skin.

 Solarium: harm or benefit?

Skin aging, eye damage and other adverse effects

Excessive exposure to UV light, regardless of the source from which it flows could result in structural damage to the skin. In the short term, it burns, peeling skin and fragility, in the long run - photoaging. Signs of the latter is before the appearance of wrinkles and reduced elasticity; This is due to the fact that ultraviolet light destroys the collagen fibers. Other consequences are too frequent visits to the solarium can be cataracts Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?  Cataracts - how to solve the problem completely?
 , Pterygium (the violation of the cornea tissue of the conjunctiva grows) and inflammation of the eyes. In some cases, UV radiation suppresses the immune system, and the person becomes more vulnerable to various diseases.

 Solarium: harm or benefit?

Skin types, which the solarium is contraindicated

On the basis of exposure to sunburn skin types are divided into six classes (I - VI). In people with the first skin type How to determine your skin type  How to determine your skin type
   very light skin, which, after several visits to the solarium does not appear even light tan. Instead, the skin in varying degrees of burns. In people with a second type of skin tan there, but they are also very often burn. Knowledge about the person's own skin type are usually based on self-test or, worse, a bad experience of sunburn. It is essential that people working in solariums, specially trained, able to distinguish one from another type of skin, and make appropriate recommendations.

 Solarium: harm or benefit?

Solarium is not for children

Displacement of ultraviolet radiation received during childhood, and the frequency increases the risk of sunburn in the future development of melanoma. Therefore, children and adolescents are strongly recommended to visit the solarium, while legislation is not forbidden.

 Solarium: harm or benefit?

Health Benefits

The most useful feature of the known tanning - is that it stimulates the production of vitamin D in humans suffering from a lack of sunlight. If you live in an area where sunny days a year, enough to use a solarium for these purposes it is not necessary to you. However, even those that live in the Arctic Circle, vitamin D is best obtained from dietary supplements Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
 , Without the help of tanning lamps.

Only in rare and specific cases solarium use for medical purposes. For example, UV radiation has been used successfully to treat certain skin diseases such as dermatitis and psoriasis. However, such treatment is not carried out in conventional tanning and clinics with special equipment and supervised by professionals.

There is a common misconception that a tan acquired in a solarium can replace sunscreen Sunscreen is not just for the beach  Sunscreen is not just for the beach
   summer or while traveling on a sunny country. In fact, it gives the same protection as a cream with a sun protection factor of 2-3 units.
