Sunblock - a protection index is right for you?
March 30, 2008
But doctors continue to insist that there are no people who could fearlessly sunbathing and do not use any means of protection for your skin. Ultraviolet is not only one of the main culprits place her age changes, but can cause cancer processes.
What is SPF?
Any sunblock skin forms on the surface of a thin film that protects it from the sun. The degree of protection can be different, and it is expressed in the so-called SPF (from the English Sun Protection Factor). The packaging with sunscreen
Sunscreen is not just for the beach
usually near the abbreviation SPF can usually find the number 5 to 30. treats them in two ways. On the one hand, it is an indication of the amount of sunscreen in the preparation. On the other hand, it speaks of the additional number of time that you can add on to the average allowable length of stay in the sun.
For example, a cream with SPF 15 gives you the opportunity to soak up the sun for fifteen minutes more than prescribe well-known recommendations.
Light skin phototypes
All people have different skin color and texture. Sunscreens for it is usually chosen with an eye on the so-called tsvetotip or photo type. In Europe, the four most common phototype - Celtic, Germanic, and mixed Mediterranean.
The representatives of the Celtic phototype skin is very bright, has a pinkish hue, and sometimes even "veiled" freckles. Exposure to sunlight lasting more than five minutes for them usually ends with the formation of age spots and burns. They need to use sunblock with the highest degree of protection, that is, with an index of 30 SPF.
For the German type is also characterized by relatively light skin, but it's a little more stamina recommended time of exposure to the sun for people without the use of protective equipment is already ten to fifteen minutes.
The first sun bath it is preferably carried out with a "strong" cream with SPF 20-30, and later it can be replaced by means of a SPF 8-10.
Tips for swarthy
Representatives mixed phototype skin has a light brown color, and in principle, they can do without the filter, if carried out in the open sun no more than half an hour at a time. Leisure at sea, they would do well choosing for the first weeks of vacation a cream with SPF 15, and then change it to the version with SPF 8-10.
And finally, the fourth - the Mediterranean - the type usually referred dark-skinned, dark-eyed brunettes. Despite the fact that their skin is sufficiently adapted to ultraviolet neglected sunscreens they should not. Communication with the bright sun is best to start with the support of a cream with SPF 10, which is a week can be safely replaced by the "lite" version with SPF 5-6.
Children sunblock
A baby's skin, whatever photo type it is potentially not belong in any case requires maximum protection. Doctors speak out on this issue is very categorical: only SPF 30, and nothing else, and it does not matter, the child five years or ten.
By the way, both children and adults prescribed use sunblock with the highest level of protection not only during the holiday on the southern coasts of the sea, but in those cases where it occurs in the mountains.
In a good sunblock necessarily contain UV-filters. They may have a mineral origin, based on oils or plant extracts, and is a purely synthetic combinations. Natural filters reflect solar energy and good that are harmless to the skin. Synthetic analogues transform it into heat, which is distributed throughout the body, but may be far from harmless to skin. Before you apply sunblock on large surfaces, there should be a trial experiment on a local area of skin. Itching, redness and other unpleasant reactions warn that this type of cream is not suitable for the skin.
How to help the skin burned - some simple ways to cope with sunburn
July 17, 2013
- How to help the skin burned - some simple ways to cope with sunburn
- Treatment
- Nursing
Burnt skin - a problem familiar to all who have ever sunbathed on the beach, or just a long walk on a sunny day without taking the necessary precautions. The severity of sunburn depends on skin type and how long a person has been exposed to UV radiation.
The source of ultraviolet radiation is not only sunlight but also a solarium
Solarium: harm or benefit?
and lamps for phototherapy
Phototherapy - restores vitality
(they are used to treat certain diseases, such as neonatal jaundice). When using phototherapy lamps risk of burns is minimal - it could happen, perhaps, because of the incompetence of the person who carries out medical procedure. The sunroom also burns easily avoided if you follow safety rules.
During his stay in the open air burn risk is greatest on sunny days between 11 and 3 pm, when the sun is particularly active. Burn can be obtained even in cold weather conditions - for example, by the impact of the snow reflected sunlight (sunscreens therefore necessary to use in winter in the mountains). People are very easy to burn in windy weather - the wind cools the body and a person can stay in the sun a lot longer than usual.
Risk factors
Burn in the sun can absolutely everything, but most other people at risk who have the least in the skin melanin. Melanin - a pigment, which is produced in the skin; it absorbs ultraviolet light, thus protecting the skin from damage. As a result, the skin becomes a darker shade. If the skin a little melanin (as evidenced by a very light color, often such people are freckles and red hair), a person burns rapidly and substantially incapable of anything like a tan.
Younger children burn quicker than adults because of insufficiently developed defense mechanisms of the skin.
The main symptoms of sunburn are:
- Reddened skin, touching which can be very painful;
- Hot to the touch;
- Severe peeling of the skin for several days (usually 4-7 days after the first signs of burning).
- Symptoms usually appear burn 3-5 hours after UV exposure, and they are most pronounced after 12-24 hours.
Symptoms of severe sunburn:
- The blisters on the skin;
- Swelling of the skin;
- Chills;
- Increase in body temperature to 38C or higher;
- The feeling of general discomfort due to burned skin.
These symptoms may be accompanied by symptoms of heat stroke as dizziness, headache and nausea.
Sunburn is caused by too long exposure to ultraviolet radiation. There are three types of ultraviolet rays.
- UVA rays are less dangerous than UVB rays, while they penetrate deeper into the skin and damage its middle layer - the dermis, which is located in the tissue, ensuring skin elasticity. Prolonged exposure to the rays of this type leads to premature aging of the skin.
- UVB rays are absorbed by the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis. In the epidermis produced substances, because of which there are signs of sunburn, pain, redness and swelling of the skin.
- UBC's rays do not miss the atmosphere of the Earth, so human they are not dangerous.
Human skin has a natural UV protection, but if you stay in the sun too long, it is not enough. Most often people get sunburn under the age of 6 years and above 60 years, people with very fair skin and those who spend much time at high altitude - for example, climbers and skiers. Travels the country, located near the equator, also increases the risk of sunburn, especially for residents of northern regions.
When to see a doctor
Consult your doctor if symptoms of sunburn were a small child. If you have symptoms of severe sunburn in adults also need to seek medical help.
Preventing sunburn
You can reduce the risk of sunburn and other problems associated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
- If possible, avoid direct sunlight, especially at a time of day when the sun is most active. In hot sunny weather, wear loose clothing and long hats.
- For half an hour before going out of the house, it should be put on the skin sunscreen
Sunscreen is not just for the beach
Blocking UVA and UVB radiation. If you stay on the beach, re-apply the cream every 2-3 hours. Those parts of the body that are the easiest to burn - the ears, nose, lips - to smear cream can be more often.
- Do not allow young children to stay long in the sun, and use to prevent burns special sunscreen for children.
In addition to the scaly, reddened skin sunburn may have other consequences:
- Premature aging of the skin
Aging Skin: The three most common problems and their solutions
(caused by UVA radiation);
- Solar keratoses - rough appearance of areas, strongly peeling skin;
- Infections - sometimes as a result of sunburn blisters appear on the skin, and when they burst, the skin can easily infiltrate agents of various infections;
- Photokeratitis. Prolonged exposure to bright sunlight can cause painful sensitivity of the eye, known as photokeratitis. For the prevention of photokeratitis in sunny weather, and when visiting the solarium, it is necessary to wear sunglasses.
Skin cancer. Frequent and prolonged exposure to UV radiation increases the risk of skin cancer. Risk groups include people with very light, easy to burn the skin; those who had sunburn in childhood; People with more moles on the body (50); People, whose family history of skin cancer, and patients taking medications that suppress the immune system.