- Vacuum massage - the return of old cans
- Benefit
Ancient technique can massage has found its place in the world of modern medicine. Vacuum massage in modern medicine and cosmetology is a modified version of the common practices used in traditional Chinese medicine
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And the results that it gives can be really impressive. After suction and negative pressure is made of soft tissue massage, eliminates excess fluid, toxins, improves blood circulation, congestion in the tissues of the skin and dissolve skin equalized in color and turgor.
Vacuum massage glass jars for several thousand years. Banks are widely used in traditional Chinese medicine, and they are now adapted for other medical practices, including chiropractic. Massage has a powerful therapeutic effect and is a great addition to beauty treatments the spa or in private practice. Moreover, the banks are not expensive, the effect was a high, so the technique is very popular.
History can massage
Vacuum massage is closely linked historically to the procedure of bloodletting. It was used by many peoples of the world for a variety of therapeutic purposes. With its help people got rid of toxins aspirated snake bites. As grandparents of glass jars, which began to be used later used hollow horns of animals, which were then replaced by bamboo cup, and they eventually turned into glass jars.
The therapeutic use of cans evolved as the number of people, who used them for different methods of maintaining health. Chinese doctors have expanded the use of this technique in surgery. They began to use staging cans to provide blood flow to the operated place. Soon technique staging cans bloodletting began to be used, and other ancient cultures, including the Egyptians and Greeks, over time it spread throughout Europe and then became known in America.
Bleed for many centuries has been one of the most common methods for the treatment of a huge number of diseases until the early twentieth century. Soon we began to adopt a more humane and effective ways to treat diseases, but the banks with which recently pulled blood from the affected places began to be used for another purpose. The principle of operation is the same, based on the effect of negative pressure within the cavity. But now the banks have to move the body, performing a massage, which operated relaxing the nervous system and well affect the general immunity
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and skin condition.
Modern vacuum massage
Vacuum massage today - is one of the most effective modern ways to combat cellulite
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and for a variety of other problems. High positive result of this massage is achieved by using special equipment developed based on the knowledge of ancient Chinese school can massage.
Facilities of the modern vacuum massage in the salon are the special cups with rarefied air, connected to the unit. This massage is incredibly effective for the removal of fat deposits and cellulite on the thighs, buttocks and abdomen, which explains the popularity of this type of massage in many women.
Vakkumnye massage also called pneumomassage. Numerous studies show that after the sessions of this massage are significant positive changes in the body. In particular, it improves peripheral circulation and trophic processes in the tissues, improves muscle tone and increases the strength of the calf muscles. Massage helps to reduce or even eliminate intermittent claudication.
After completing the course vacuum massage marked increase in the number of functioning capillaries, lung volume and speed of inhalation and exhalation. Under vacuum massage observed increase in skin temperature by 2 degrees. Patients suffering from high blood pressure after the vacuum massage session usually watch his decline and feel better.
Doctors insist on efficiency and significant therapeutic effect for treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, as well as the venous or lymphatic insufficiency.
Vacuum massage is done with the help of special equipment. Its operation is quite simple: its action is based on the alternation of high and low pressure. Comprising a unit of an air compressor and a double-acting pump. During operation, the pump piston motion in one direction causes the absorption and in the other - air injection. In the course of the session is performed tissue massage applicator, which is shaped like a bell-cup - this is an improved version of the old cans.
Vacuum massage technique
Procedure of vacuum massage lasts no more than 15-25 minutes. Before massage feet
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with them should be removed all the hair, it is recommended to apply a little oil to improve the sliding of the applicator. The applicator in a vacuum massage is moving along the blood and lymph vessels longitudinal, transverse, spiral and zigzag movements. Due to this vacuum massage helps to improve blood flow and lymph circulation.
Specialist massage applicator must move very smoothly and without jerks, so as not to traumatize the skin and soft tissues. Professionally conducted vacuum massage does not cause pain to the patient, and if it occurs, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of the massage.