Asparkam administered to children as a treatment when blood have reduced amounts of potassium - a condition called hypokalemia. Assign it and for the prevention of hypokalemia in the case where a child for some reason loses a lot of fluid.
What is hypokalemia, and why it can develop in children
Hypokalemia - is reduced compared with the normal concentration of potassium in the blood. The concentration of potassium is reduced in the cells, primarily in muscle cells. Especially dangerous decrease of potassium in the cells of the muscle fibers of the heart muscle (myocardium).
Hypokalemia in children can occur with diarrhea and vomiting of any origin (especially if it is associated with intoxication), congenital disorders patency of the gastrointestinal tract, in some diseases of the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, in the treatment of certain medications (glucocorticoid and diuretics) . Quite often, diuretics (eg diakarb) appointed by the pediatric neurology at various perinatal lesions of the nervous system, which are accompanied by increased intracranial pressure.
Hypokalemia children sometimes develops due to the introduction of large amounts of glucose-saline solutions lacking potassium, when administered to a child, backward weight, large amounts of protein and glucose (deposition of glycogen from which the glucose and protein synthesis in cells is mediated by potassium ).
How does hypokalemia children
By reducing the potassium in the blood of a child somnolence, lethargy, apathy. Especially noticeable muscle weakness. Infants bad breastfeed, their skin becomes dry, the belly swells from a large number of gases, appears regurgitation, vomiting passing by. Lowering blood pressure
Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
further enhances lethargy, tachycardia appears
Tachycardia - the body to the limit?
(tachycardia), and heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias).
How does a child asparkam
Asparkam - a drug which consists of potassium and magnesium. Thus magnesium transfers (conveys) potassium into the cells. Potassium restores normal heart rhythm and maintain a normal heart activity. Magnesium in addition to the transport function is also a supplier of energy, which helps the cell to carry out its activities.
In some cases, the children appointed asparkam
Hypokalemia is always difficult for the underlying disease, so it requires urgent remedial measures. The main source of potassium for the treatment of hypokalemia in children is asparkam and its analogs (eg Pananginum). If not pronounced hypokalemia asparkam appointed interior in the form of tablets. Asparkama dose is prescribed individually depending on the condition of the child.
In severe hypokalemia asparkam in exceptional cases is administered intravenously - bolus or infusion, is very slow. Asparkam thus diluted 5% glucose
Glucose: The energy source
. With the rapid introduction asparkama possible drug overdose. Asparkama Overdose can cause rapid development of symptoms of hyperkalemia: the child becomes drowsy, impaired consciousness. In severe hyperkalemia may limp paralysis of smooth muscles of internal organs, especially the intestines, which increases flatulence, causing constipation and intestinal colic. If such a child just will not be helped, he may die.
To prevent hypokalemia asparkam often given together with drugs, which his conclusions. For example, pediatric neurologists to reduce intracranial pressure and prevention of cerebral edema often prescribed to infants with neurological problems diakarb - a diuretic, which displays potassium. Assign this drug prolonged intermittent use of the special scheme, and always with him appoint asparkam that restores the water-salt metabolism.
Asparkam children prescribed and if they develop arrhythmia
Arrhythmia - when we hear your heart
. Most arrhythmias occur in preschool and school age against the backdrop of myocarditis. Myocarditis - an inflammation of the heart muscle (myocardium), which develops some time after previous viral or bacterial infections, and is manifested by lethargy, tiredness, pain in the heart, can occur and heart rhythm abnormalities. Asparkam in this case assigned to the tablets on an individual circuit.
You can not assign asparkam children with severe diseases of the kidney with a violation of their function (in this case, it can accumulate in the body and cause hyperkalemia), and heart block (they can develop on the background of myocarditis) and hypersensitive to the components of the drug.
Asparkam - a drug that is administered to children, starting from the neonatal period.
Galina Romanenko