Mycoplasma can cause illness in children. Basically mycoplasmosis in children occurs in the form of destruction of the respiratory and nervous system. There are other organs and lesions. These diseases are usually slow prolonged duration.
What types of mycoplasma to cause disease in children
There are many species of mycoplasmas, but mostly mycoplasmosis in children is caused by species, which was named Mycoplasma pneumonia. This pathogen is transmitted by airborne droplets. You can also send it from mother to child during childbirth.
Once in the blood, Mycoplasma is the most significant changes in the respiratory tract. Particularly severe disease develops in the newly-born children. In children, the older (8-10 years of age) are more common form of the disease erased. Children of secondary school age, as well as very small Delhi, seriously ill.
Sometimes respiratory mycoplasmosis in children combined with the defeat of those bodies by other respiratory viruses, including influenza virus. Such combinations often lead to pneumonia.
How is respiratory mycoplasmosis in children
The incubation period in children mycoplasma lasts one - two weeks, but can be as shorter or longer (up to five weeks). In most cases the process takes place in the form of acute respiratory disease. The process may involve as bronchi and lungs with the development of mycoplasma pneumonia
Mycoplasma pneumonia - respiratory pathogens
In children of different ages mycoplasmosis may proceed differently. For preschoolers and primary school children mycoplasmosis flows often easy. It begins slowly with nasal congestion, dry cough, and a small rise in temperature. Sometimes complicated by the addition of otitis purulent character. As a rule, after two weeks recovery occurs.
Heavier mycoplasmosis occurs in children of secondary school age. The disease begins acutely, with a rise in temperature to 38-40˚S and lasts up to three to five days. The child grows toxicosis, there is lethargy, anxiety, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, headache, pain in bones and joints, sometimes paroxysmal abdominal pain
Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
Catarrhal symptoms of the upper respiratory tract (cough, runny nose, sore throat) last at least two weeks. The cough is often paroxysmal (pertussislike) character. In severe disease often appears in cyanosis nasolabial triangle and fingertips. Sometimes the skin appears maculopapular rash, which disappears after about three days. Rash can occur in mucous membranes, such as in hard and soft palate. Join catarrhal conjunctivitis and otitis
Catarrhal otitis media - the spread of infection
When pneumonia often affects the lower parts of the right and the left lung with a primary location of inflammatory foci in the right lung. This almost always suffers from the cardiovascular system of the child: there is palpitation.
On radiographs for pneumonia can see small and large pockets of infiltration, sometimes there are areas of atelectasis (wears off) lung tissue. Signs of inflammation present in the blood (increased leukocyte count, increased ESR).
Status of children with mycoplasmosis gradually improved during the week, but then a long period of time can hold a slight fever, cough, and nasal congestion. The total duration of the disease about two weeks. If you joined pneumonia, the child is ill for about a month.
Other mycoplasma children
Mycoplasmosis can lead to the defeat of the nervous system in children. Develop meningitis, meningoeetsefality, polyneuritis. The combination of mycoplasma infection with some respiratory virus may have some special characteristics. For example, the combination of adenovirus infection mycoplasma and impedes the development of asthmatic syndrome, characteristic of the latter. But the mixed infections are usually harder than normal mycoplasmosis.
Diagnosis and treatment
The causative agent of the disease can be detected in the sputum of the child by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) - revealed the genome of the microorganism. Furthermore, enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) can detect the presence of antibodies in the blood.
Treatment of mild forms of the disease is carried out as a treatment for ordinary acute respiratory viral infection - the appointment of a hearty drink, antihistamines, expectorants, vasoconstrictor nose drops
Vasoconstrictor nose drops - use with caution!
In severe mycoplasma appointed antibiotics, which are sensitive mycoplasma - tetracycline and macrolides. Children in particular often appointed azithromycin (sumamed).
Galina Romanenko