The treatment of menopausal hot flashes - medication plus a healthy lifestyle
October 29, 2013
Menopausal hot flashes - it is the most common symptom of menopause. They occur more than two-thirds of women during perimenopause and almost all women at induced menopause (which is the result of medical intervention), and premature menopause.
What menopausal hot flushes
Menopausal hot flashes called suddenly there is a feeling of heat that may be accompanied by redness of the skin and sweating. The exact causes of menopausal hot flashes is unknown, but it is expected that they may be related to changes in blood circulation during menopause. At that time, when a woman feels the increase in body temperature, blood vessels near the surface of her skin dilate - this is a natural reaction of the body when it needs cooling. As a result, the skin reddens; Sweating is also a reaction to the feeling of heat appeared. Some women have hot flashes during menopause increases the heart rate, and then they start shivering.
Accompanied by severe sweating menopausal hot flashes often occur at night during sleep
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. The intensity and duration of hot flashes in different women can vary greatly. Someone they are expressed rather weakly, and last only for a short period of time. Some women suffering from menopausal hot flashes from the beginning to the end of perimenopause life, although their intensity may decrease with time.
In most cases, the tides are terminated when the hormonal balance and overall health of women after menopause are more or less stabilized.
How to prevent menopausal hot flushes
Although completely avoid menopausal hot flashes during menopause can not be (if there is a predisposition to them), you can limit the exposure to certain triggers that increase the frequency of hot flashes and make them more intense. These triggers are:
- Stress;
- Caffeine;
- Alcoholic drinks;
- Tabasco;
- Tight fitting, tight clothes;
- High temperature;
- Smoking.
Try to avoid these triggers, as well as the following guidelines to menopausal hot flashes occurred as rarely as possible:
Do not overheat. At night, in the bedroom, keep a relatively low temperature - no more than 18C (just open the window - fresh air, too, will do you good), or cover several blankets. Day use for cooling air conditioning or fans. While enjoying the outdoors, you can use a fan. The first layer of clothing - one that is closest to the body - must be made of cotton or other natural materials.
Learn how to breathe deeply and slowly. Breathe so that the air is filled with the stomach - you have to see how it increases on inspiration, and perform six to eight breaths per minute. Practice this breathing for 15 minutes in the morning and in the evening, and when you feel that begin menopausal hot flashes.
Daily sport. Run, ride a bike, swim, dance, or simply go on foot.
If menopausal hot flashes significantly complicate your life, talk to your doctor. He may prescribe a short-term hormone replacement therapy
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- It helps to prevent menopausal hot flashes in many women.
This therapy may alleviate other symptoms of menopause, such as vaginal dryness
Vaginal dryness: Causes and Symptoms
and mood changes. However, even a brief hormone therapy is associated with certain risks, among them - the formation of blood clots and gallbladder inflammation. If hormone replacement therapy does not suit you, it can be used other treatments. For example, a doctor may prescribe vitamin E, vitamins of group B, or ibuprofen
Ibuprofen: anti-inflammatory drug
. Sometimes women suffering from menopausal hot flashes, prescribe drugs to lower blood pressure, antidepressants and other prescription medications. If during treatment you are going to start taking any more drugs (including OTC), previously consult with your gynecologist.
Alternative means to relieve menopausal hot flushes
The use of some alternative means, such as medicinal herbs, showing promising results, but to assess all associated risks and benefits, more research is needed. Since any herbs can cause certain side effects, prior to the reception it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Soy products. Plant estrogens (phytoestrogens) contained in soy products, e.g., isoflavones, can relieve the symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes climacteric. However, the results of studies of these compounds have so far been very inconsistent. Doctors recommend eating soy foods, not taking supplements that contain the active ingredients of soya.
Evening primrose oil is also used for the treatment of menopausal hot flashes, but its effectiveness has not been confirmed. Side effects of this oil can be nausea and diarrhea. It should not be used by women who are taking medication, blood thinning.
Black cohosh can relieve menopausal hot flashes, but it should not take more than six months. A side effect of black cohosh may be an upset stomach.
Menopause in women: treatment of folk remedies
May 8, 2011
The average age of menopause in women - 51 year. The time of its occurrence is considered to be the end time of the last menstrual period. Different women, it can begin at different ages - from 30 to 60 years of age or older.
How is climax
Menopause begins after the age of 45 years and is characterized by a decrease in the secretion of hormones. Normally, this process can occur quickly, simply decreases the duration of menstruation and the volume of blood lost by this. Sami menstruation also occur less frequently. Sometimes the last menstrual period occurs within six months or more after the previous one. After that menopause.
But almost half of the women menopause is accompanied by climacteric syndrome: the emergence of a variety of mental changes (irritable weakness, frequent changes of mood, decreased performance), vegetative-vascular disorders (tides of blood to the face, neck, upper body, strong sweating, bouts of palpitations, dizziness, headaches), metabolic disorders (skin becomes dry, suffer hair and nails, bones made brittle, prone to fractures).
Climacteric syndrome can occur easily, and can be very hard, and women often require medical attention. In mild cases, it is possible to manage traditional medicines that improve the status of women and help to survive the bad period of her life.
The advent of early menopause can cause mental stress and stress, smoking, and extreme diets to reduce body weight.
Folk remedies for removal of neuropsychiatric changes during menopause
For removal of the spleen
Irritability - you try to control my temper
, Anxiety, improve sleep
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during menopause, traditional medicine recommends:
- valerian root tincture: tablespoon dried minced valerian root pour a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, drain, squeeze and take on a third cup twice daily;
- Soothing collection: chopped raw material mix dry valerian root, peppermint leaves and chamomile flowers at the rate of 1: 1: 1, 5; tablespoon collection pour a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, drain, squeeze and take half cup twice a day;
- every day to eat at least two cups of blackberry and cranberry; from dried berries can make infusions and fruit drinks.
Folk remedies to reduce the manifestations of vegetative-vascular in menopause
Vegetative-vascular manifestations - this is probably the most unpleasant side of menopause. To reduce them, traditional medicine recommends:
- infusion of flowers or fruit hawthorn: teaspoon dried minced raw pour a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, drain, squeeze, take the third cup twice a day for half an hour before meals; It helps with heart palpitations and flushing;
- tincture of hawthorn flowers (you can buy in a drugstore), take 30 drops 3 times a day;
- infusion of herbs sage
Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
: Tablespoon dry chopped herbs pour two cups of boiled water, half an hour, strain, wring out and take a glass 3 times a day; well regulated sweating;
- collection to reduce sweating and hot flushes: chopped raw material mix dry herb sage, horsetail, and valerian root at the rate of (3: 1: 1); tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, drain, squeeze; to take on a third cup 2 times a day;
- collection to reduce vegetative-vascular symptoms of menopause, including lowering blood pressure: Mix equal parts of hawthorn flowers, mint leaves
Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
peppermint leaves mistletoe, motherwort herb; tablespoon of the mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, drain, squeeze and take on a third cup 3 times a day.
Folk remedies for the recovery of metabolism during menopause
To restore normal metabolism recommended:
- Five lemons scroll through a meat grinder, add five tablespoons of honey; shell eggs from five pound to a powder, add to the mix and put everything to infuse for a week in a dark place; take a teaspoon three times a day;
- to reduce the effects of osteoporosis should be consumed more milk and dairy products, green leafy vegetables;
- include in the diet of large marine fish and seafood, fruits and vegetables; do not eat fatty meat, sharp, salty, fried foods;
- to normalize hormonal eat foods rich in vitamin E: vegetable oils, nuts, wheat germ.
Menopause - a period when it is complete restructuring work of the woman's body. Folk remedies will help make this time less painful.
Article Tags:
- Menopause and traditional medicine