Ascorutin at premenopausal - help to cope with unpleasant symptoms

October 21, 2012

 Ascorutinum at premenopausal
 The structure of the complex treatment of hormonal disorders during menopause is often included Ascorutinum, which helps to cope with menstrual and intermenstrual bleeding, often developing during this period. As an antioxidant Ascorutinum can reduce the harmful effects of free radicals on the body of women during this period.

 Ascorutin at premenopausal - help to cope with unpleasant symptoms

Premenopausal and its main manifestations

Premenopausal - this time from the start of menstrual cycle before the last menstrual period. Next comes the menopause - the last menstrual period and postmenopause Postmenopause - is it possible to control it?  Postmenopause - is it possible to control it?
   - The time of the last menstrual period before the complete cessation of secretion of hormones in the ovaries. More frequently, the whole menopause is divided into two periods - premenopausal and menopause, which shares the last menstrual period.

During premenopause begins decline of ovarian function. This reduction always leads to an increased release of pituitary hormones, whose mission - to stimulate the secretion of female hormones. But the ovaries gradually reduced ability to respond to stimulation from the pituitary gland, which leads to hormonal disturbances. Premenopause period begins in 45-48 years and lasts for several years.

Premenopausal can take place quickly, but most women have clinical manifestations of this period is still there, as the female sex estrogens are involved in the metabolism, the central and autonomic nervous systems (CNS and ANS), which means, in the work of all organs and systems .

The most characteristic symptoms in this period are violations related to the CNS and ANS (which supplies the blood vessels and internal organs). This flushing and upper body, "galloping" blood pressure, sweating, pain in the heart Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor  Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor
 Irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 Insomnia and so on. Violation of hormonal contributes to the emergence of significant long flowing menstrual bleeding, which often lead to the development of iron deficiency anemia. All in all it can be severe, leading to disruption of able-bodied women. In addition, uterine bleeding can be a sign of cancer of the uterus, so women in this period carefully examined, and then prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

 Ascorutin at premenopausal - help to cope with unpleasant symptoms

Ascorutin as part of an integrated treatment of premenopause

Ascorutinum - a comprehensive drug, which is composed of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and rutin (vitamin P). The main effect of the drug is to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, particularly the walls of capillaries (the smallest blood vessels).

Beneficial effects on the capillaries leads to an improvement in their blood circulation. Thus Ascorutinum not alter the blood coagulation system, if it is normal. But if coagulation is increased under the influence of Ascorutinum it is further enhanced, and a tendency to thrombosis.

With significant menstrual bleeding Ascorutinum reduces their duration and reduce blood loss.

In addition, akskorutin during prolonged (3-4 weeks in a row), and the application is able to improve the general condition of women, including to reduce the symptoms of CNS disorders, and in the activity of the ANS. This is due to the fact that Ascorutinum inhibits the action of free radicals produced during metabolism. When hormonal disturbances free radicals formed especially many that affect the operation of all organs and systems.

Antioxidant action Ascorutinum can significantly improve the condition of women in premenopause.

 Ascorutin at premenopausal - help to cope with unpleasant symptoms

In some cases, you can not take Ascorutinum women during the premenopause and its side effects

Ascorutin not take women, if she has a blood coagulation disorders, such as thrombosis. Ascorutinum may increase the tendency to thrombus formation and separation of thrombus from the vessel wall, i.e. the formation of emboli, which is moving through the blood vessels may lead to occlusion. Do not take Ascorutinum Ascorutin - strengthen capillary walls and warn toxic effects svob  Ascorutin - strengthen capillary walls and warn toxic effects svob
   also in case of hypersensitivity to its components the woman's body. Precautions Ascorutinum used in diabetes, gout, kidney stones and urinary tract.

Side effects Ascorutinum can manifest itself in the form of stomach pains, nausea, vomiting, headaches, hot flashes (a rush of blood) around the body, high blood pressure, insomnia, metabolic disorders in the form of increased stone formation in the kidneys and urinary tract. Perhaps the emergence of allergic reactions such as skin rash, itching, hives, angioedema.

Ascorutin often prescribed during premenopause. When used properly, taking into account the indications, contraindications and features of the condition of the woman he is able to improve her condition.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Ascorutinum

Menopause - weight: where are those extra kilos

January 11, 2012

 Menopause - overweight
 After menopause almost all women are gaining weight. This is due to the fact that under the influence of changes in hormonal and metabolic changes Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 He slows down. Women are less mobile, and energy obtained from food is deposited in reserve in the form of fat.

 Menopause - weight: where are those extra kilos

Why during menopause so easy to gain extra weight

The main symptom of menopause is to reduce the secretion of female sex hormones estrogen, which occurs under the influence of the maturation of the egg in the first half of the menstrual cycle Menstrual cycle and its characteristics  Menstrual cycle and its characteristics
 . But estrogens not only affect the reproductive function of women. They are involved in all types of metabolism by stimulating them. Correct body's metabolism requires women to conceive, carry and give birth to a child.

After reproductive period (the period of fertility) finishes, reduced estrogen levels, reduced, and metabolism. This is the signal that for proper metabolism body now requires less nutrients. But not all women are aware of this and continue to eat as usual. Since power consumption is significantly reduced because there was a feeling of constant tiredness, a large part of what goes into the food chain, has been postponed as a reserve in the form of fat. That's how our body - all the excess energy is deposited in reserve.

Overweight in the second half of life does not increase a woman's health - is an extra load on all organs and especially on the organs of the cardiovascular system. That is why after the menopause many women have increased the number of cardiovascular disease, and the number of heart attacks and strokes, they are gradually catching up with men. Furthermore, a positive effect on blood vessels provided with estrogens and decrease in their number increases problems with the cardiovascular system.

 Menopause - weight: where are those extra kilos

How to lose weight during menopause

Many women are only beginning to gain weight, sit down on a rigid diet, but it does not work, which is quite natural, because the metabolism slows down even more. Hard diet will only lead to a further reduction in capacity, that is, to lethargy and fatigue. The body is rigidly reduce their energy costs and tries as much as possible to make inventory "rainy day." This process takes place at an unconscious level, and can not be changed.

But it is possible to regulate metabolic processes with proper, balanced diet. You just need to remember that now the body needs fewer calories to support vital functions. In the context of a constant supply of the required amount of calories the body will cease to stock.

But what matters is not only the amount of ingested food, but also its quality. You can not, for example, to completely abandon meat products, but they can be fully or partially replace fish. Looking for milk and dairy products. All these proteins are vital especially the brain, and if a woman wants to preserve the clarity of mind for a long time, from the protein foods can not refuse. But many proteins as harmful as the lack of them - in the decomposition of the body, they produce a lot of toxic products of decay, as well as the liver and kidneys and reduce its function, it could adversely affect the condition of the body. Lighter proteins contained in dairy products, can be consumed every day, lean meats enough to get one - two times a week, the same time you can eat fish, preferably sea.

Useful cereals, vegetables and fruits. It is a source of carbohydrates - the main supplier of energy, which is so necessary in the elderly. These products also contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Vitamins and minerals are involved in metabolic processes, and fiber is not digested in the gut, but it's very important, as cleanses the intestines of deposits feces and toxins. Especially useful to eat raw vegetable salads (eg, cabbage) and apples - they have a lot of fiber.

Fats are also important for the metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 Without them it can not flow almost all biochemical reactions. Important as animal and vegetable fats. But the need for animal fats will be covered by lean meat, fish and dairy products - in which there is always fat. A vegetable oil can be used for cooking and salads.

One good nutrition Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food  Proper nutrition - the basic precepts of healthy food
   few. We must also keep moving - more walking, gymnastics, swimming pool, cycling and so on.

To partially restore the amount of estrogen is to take herbal medicines - substances of plant origin, which contain biologically active substances similar in structure to estrogen. In some cases, women and gynecologists prescribe hormone replacement therapy. However, any medication should appoint a physician - self-medication is dangerous, since estrogen can stimulate the development of malignant tumors.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • problems of menopause
