Operational menopause - Early old age?

March 28th, 2010

 operative menopause
 As inherent nature, most women menopause occurs around the age of 50. Nevertheless, there are women whose menopause occurs at 40, and even earlier, sometimes for 20 or 30 years. Operational menopause occurs in women more than one would assume. About 600,000 women in the US have experienced a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), which is the second most common case of surgery among women. Approximately 55% of women with hysterectomy also undergone bilateral oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries). This means that they were operative menopause.

 Operational menopause - Early old age?

What is the operative menopause?

Woman's ovaries produce estrogen, progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 And androgens, which are vital for the regulation of the menstrual cycle. When a hysterectomy, these hormones suddenly cease to function and the level decreases, which leads to the symptoms of menopause. This is the operative menopause, or menopause. Although the removal of the ovaries is unavoidable in most cases, with surgery if a hysterectomy, surgeons make every effort not to remove the ovaries and leave them intact to avoid the sudden cessation of hormone production. Operational menopause occurs in women who have not yet come of age a natural menopause.

The most common operative menopause occurs pretty quickly after surgery, after hysterectomy, bilateral oophorectomy, when both ovaries are removed. Hysterectomy with removal of the ovaries related to TAHBSO, which means a total abdominal hysterectomy / bilateral salpingoovariektomiya. Removal of the ovaries and fallopian tubes leads to operational conditions of menopause.

Subtotal hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus, when the cervix is ​​left intact. With a total hysterectomy removes the body of the uterus and cervix. When carrying out a radical hysterectomy Hysterectomy - the uterus is sometimes necessary to remove  Hysterectomy - the uterus is sometimes necessary to remove
   removed the bosom of the uterus, vagina, fallopian tubes, ovaries, peritoneum, lymph nodes and fatty tissues in the pelvis.

In the case of hysterectomy where the uterus is removed only, and the ovaries are left intact, the menstrual cycle stops, but, importantly, menopausal symptoms occur at the same time and had to tread a natural menopause. Surgical intervention is justified under such conditions as endometriosis, ovarian cysts Ovarian cysts - normal or dangerous?  Ovarian cysts - normal or dangerous?
 , Fibroids, ovarian cancer and pelvic organ prolapse.

 Operational menopause - Early old age?

Operational Planning menopause

Come to a decision on operational menopause is always difficult, especially in the younger years. The younger the woman, the more she then have problems.

Any woman who has dared and showing a hysterectomy should be fully tested for hormones. Thus, it has a lack of evidence of the original level of hormones and you can always try to reach a normal level with the necessary hormones.

You should carefully consider the post-operative care for a young woman undergoing a hysterectomy, and it is important to always be under the supervision of a specialist in hormone replacement therapy, which can cope with the side effects of menopause operational.

Still in the early stages of research are aimed at determining the long-term effects of menopause on the operational heart disease, osteoporosis and general health of the young woman.

 Operational menopause - Early old age?


It is noticed that the woman who carries the operative menopause, experiencing some symptoms of intense than a woman who is in a period of menopause on the biological time. Since the unexpected happens violation of hormones after hysterectomy, the menopause symptoms are more severe, more frequent and last longer than usual symptom of menopause in due time. The symptoms due to a sudden failure of the body to produce hormones due to lack of ovaries.

Hot flashes and night sweats - is the most common symptoms of menopause operational. It is estimated that these symptoms experienced about 75 - 90% of women with menopause operational.

According to the American Society for Research of menopause, there are a number of different methods for treating the symptoms of menopause operational. After the operation the woman immediately received estrogen to prevent hot flashes. Such a preparation for the replacement of estrogen as EstroGel alleviate the suffering of many women who have experienced menopause operational. This bio-identical estrogen drug substitution, approved by the Office of the Food and Drug Administration (USA), who will help lead a normal active life after surgery. However, the use of estrogen by itself is controversial, and it is usually not recommended for women with cardiovascular disease or women who are at risk of cardiovascular disease.

  • Prescribe estrogen gel, which is a relatively new drug. It is pretty easy to use and is applied to the upper leg or stomach on a daily basis. Action Gel is releasing successive doses of estrogen into the bloodstream, thus an alternative to hormone replacement therapy, TZG becomes effective.
  • The vaginal ring is designed for women with a hysterectomy. Vaginal creams that are applied to the applicator directly into the vagina, give local relief inside the vagina, and they are very suitable in terms of vaginal atrophy. TZG implants in the form of small pellets inserted under the skin on a regular basis every six months during the procedure supply hormones. Under local anesthesia, the tablets are introduced into the peritoneal fat layer. TZG drugs available in various dosage forms, they are small Plaster that transdermal release hormones into the bloodstream. Patch should be changed twice a week, and side effects may be skin irritation and allergies.
  • Tablets are the most common form of TZG, and they are intended for long use, that should also take note. It is important to take into consideration the diligence and regular use of drugs TZG to provide maximum benefit at the lowest dosage and effectively relieve symptoms and provide protection to the body.
  • Exercise is also an important moment for the aid itself, that is a positive therapy. Begin training with small but regular walks, and then gradually move on to strength exercises that will help identify the endorphins from the brain, which in turn send messages of happiness throughout the body.

 Operational menopause - Early old age?

Risk operative menopause

Women with menopause operational seven times more prone to cardiovascular diseases.

  • They are at risk of osteoporosis, since estrogen plays a vital role in the formation of bone and skeleton without estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
   calcium leached from the bones that break easily, if it does not recover.
  • It has been observed that particularly after menopause, bone wasting RAM, on a rough calculation, three percent of their mass per year during the first five years and then 1-2% per year thereafter. Increased bone loss associated with the removal of the ovaries, which also leads to the risk of getting fractures.
  • According to some studies, decreased testosterone levels in women leads to the fact that they become smaller in height due to a decrease in bone density.
  • Also it affects the gums, and therefore it is recommended to have regular examinations to prevent problems.

Women younger than 45 years who have ovaries removed are more susceptible to mortality than women who kept their ovaries after ovariectomy. Hormone therapy is widely recommended, because, according to the doctors, it reduces the risk of mortality.

There is a clear-cut decrease in sexual desire in women who have undergone menopause operational. This reduction is much greater than in women who have normal menopause.

Operational menopause definitely causes embarrassment and is much different from natural menopause. Yet, in any case, you should be optimistic. You can also join a local or online support group for menopause and rest during the day, enjoy the mental rest and stay physically healthy, doing physical exercise and adhering to a healthy diet.

Article Tags:
  • menopause
