Late-term abortions - only for medical reasons

November 1, 2009

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 Late-term abortions
   Late-term abortions is associated with a greater risk to the health and even the life of a woman, because at this time the fetus is sufficiently developed and often viable. Under the late-term abortions usually understand forced (artificial) abortions after 20 weeks. Late-term abortions officially performed only for medical reasons. Late-term abortions - an outpatient procedure that does not require hospitalization. Abortion at a later time limit may be recommended by your doctor with severe physical or mental pathologies observed on the part of the mother or fetus.

According to opponents of abortion, abortion on late term should be equated to the murder, after 20 weeks of pregnancy the fetus is fully viable. Supporters of abortion, on the contrary, defend a woman's right to abortion at any stage, if there is a threat to the life or health of the mother.


The procedure for late-term abortions

There are various methods of performing late-term abortions. The choice of method is determined by the period of fetal development Fetal development - week after week  Fetal development - week after week
   (i.e., gestation), which is calculated by counting the week on the first day of the last menstrual cycle Menstrual cycle and its characteristics  Menstrual cycle and its characteristics
   mother. With late-term abortions due performance of the three main procedures.

  • Expansion and removing the fruit: the cervix and expanded using a pair of the suction tube and the embryo removed. After removal of fetal embryonic tissue residues are removed by using vacuum aspiration Vacuum aspiration - widely used method  Vacuum aspiration - widely used method
 . In the absence of complications of treatment time by an average of 10 minutes to an hour. After the procedure, possible bleeding. Expansion and removal of the fetus during an abortion is performed in the second trimester.
  • Abortion by partial birth (also known as IDX (Intact dilation and extraction) or DX) is carried out in several stages, which take 2-3 days. Perform the procedure as follows: the cervix is ​​expanded, the fruit using forceps pulled out of the leg, but so that the head (from which the fruit of the ground and is) left in the cervix. Then an incision with scissors at the junction of the neck with a head and a tube is inserted into the slot that runs inside the skull. After the tube is sucked brain. After that, the head is compressed and easily sucked through the vagina. This procedure is performed in the third trimester and in very rare cases
  • Early artificial birth Artificial birth or abortion in the later stages  Artificial birth or abortion in the later stages
 This is a very painful procedure that is performed is extremely rare. This method of abortion is based on the initiation of uterine activity with the help of medication. In preparation for abortion in this way in a bag of amniotic fluid is introduced a special saline solution that leads to the death of the fetus.

Late-term abortions, the necessary indications for fetal abnormality is carried out by stimulating early labor or expansion and removing the fetus.


Indications for late-term abortions

  • The woman knows about her pregnancy (not to recognize the signs of pregnancy)
  • Violations of the menstrual cycle
  • An error in the calculation of the last menstrual period
  • The woman was afraid to tell their parents about pregnancy / partner, resulting in a decision about abortion is received too late
  • The woman took too long to decide on abortion (after the first trimester)
  • The woman could not receive adequate medical care and to have an abortion in early pregnancy
  • The woman experienced emotional trauma after a breakup with a partner (the gap was due to pregnancy)
  • The woman did not know that it is possible to have an abortion
  • Late detection of fetal abnormalities
  • Serious health problems in women

Pregnancy after medical abortion: what can be complications

August 11, 2012

 pregnancy after medical abortion
 Any interruption of pregnancy for a woman does not pass without a trace, especially if abortions have taken place repeatedly. Although to date, medical abortion is considered to be the safest method of abortion, after him, as well as after other abortions are consequences. Pregnancy after medical abortion must be carefully planned, and if present carefully follow all recommendations of your doctor. Particular attention should be paid to the health of women, who after pharmacological abortion developed complications requiring curettage of the uterus Curettage - how dangerous it is?  Curettage - how dangerous it is?
   and the appointment of an anti-inflammatory treatment.

 Pregnancy after medical abortion: what can be complications

Medical abortion

Medication abortion is based on a massive reception of hormonal abortnyh funds, resulting in a miscarriage. The consequences of medical abortion are hormonal disorders, which in future will cause problems with conception and pregnancy numerous pathologies. That is why after suffering an abortion drug plan pregnancy must be no earlier than six months, so that the body time to recover.

 Pregnancy after medical abortion: what can be complications

Possible complications of pregnancy after medical abortion

  • Threat of abortion

Any abortion - a forcible introduction of a normal physiological process of pregnancy. When receiving special medical abortion drugs cause uterine contractions and cervical dilatation Cervical canal - the path traversed by every person  Cervical canal - the path traversed by every person
 That subsequently, in the case of a wanted pregnancy can lead to the formation of cervical incompetence cervix. Especially characteristic is the formation of complications for women whose first pregnancy ended in abortion.

In addition, the threat of termination of pregnancy after the abortion drug can be linked to various hormonal disorders. Medical abortion is a violation of the functioning of the endocrine organs (pituitary, ovary, adrenal gland), respectively, with the ensuing pregnancy, the fetus will experience a lack of necessary hormones, particularly progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology

The threat of termination of pregnancy is manifested in the event of pulling pain in the abdomen Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?  Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?
   and in the back, the appearance of bleeding and spotting the fall of basal body temperature below 37 degrees.

  • Improper attachment of the ovum

One of the complications of medical abortion is the presence of residues of the ovum in the uterus, which are often infected. Remains of the gestational sac was removed by scraping the uterus, and then prescribe anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy. As a consequence, the endometrium of the uterus becomes defective and exhausted. As a result, the embryo is trying to gain a foothold in the intact part of the lining of the uterus. Usually it is a low attachment of the ovum with the subsequent formation of placenta previa or cervical pregnancy. Placenta previa danger of bleeding and often premature birth. Cervical pregnancy requires surgery, during which removes the entire uterus along with the cervix.

  • Intrauterine growth retardation

Intrauterine growth retardation, again linked to the failure of endometrial pathology and the development of the placenta (placenta previa). As a result, the fruit does not receive oxygen and essential nutrients, which leads to growth retardation (placental insufficiency). Ultimately the child is born in the management of small and further behind in the physical development of their peers. Prevention of intrauterine growth retardation is the appointment during pregnancy special treatment (vitamins, drugs that improve the utero-placental blood flow, antispasmodics, etc.).

  • Complications during childbirth

Pregnancy after medical abortion often results in complicated births, which is associated with hormonal disorders and disorders of pregnancy. Often births occur with the weakness of tribal forces, and postpartum hemorrhage. In the postpartum period likely to develop infectious and septic complications.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • medical abortion
