- Medication abortion: take a pill and get the problem
- Why abortion is harmful
Why abortion is harmful
When abortion occurs two kinds of effects on a woman's body: mechanical and hormonal. Mechanical effects of abortion (dilatation and curettage) can always cause damage, which then are very difficult to correct (and sometimes even she can not be). But the hormonal effects not pass unnoticed for the body - such violations as heavy for women, despite the fact that now developed enough drugs to restore normal hormonal levels.
The story of drugs for medical abortion
In 1982 in France, it was invented by the drug mifepristone, which effectively blocked one of the female sex hormone progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
That can be used for medical termination of pregnancy. Apply mifepristone began only in 1988, after successful clinical trials.
At present, Russia uses the analogy of mifepristone: mifegin (France), and mifepreks penkrofton (Russia).
What happens in a woman's body with mifepristone
As a result of blocking progesterone is the destruction of the capillaries in the lining of the uterus and it is rejected. In addition, as a result of exposure to mifepristone is increased concentration of particular substances - prostaglandins, which cause uterine contractions contribute to pregnancy termination and separation of the ovum, as well as softening and dilatation of the cervix and expulsion of the ovum. To enhance the action of mifepristone (enhance the contractility of the uterus) prostaglandins introduce additional 36-48 hours after mifepristone.
Indications for medical abortion
Such indications are:
- medical termination of pregnancy up to 6 weeks;
- emergency contraception as the prevention of unwanted pregnancy after "unprotected" sexual intercourse.
Contraindications to medical abortion
- inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
- irregular menstrual cycles;
- uterine fibroids, endometriosis;
- Suspected ectopic pregnancy;
- the scars on the uterus;
- anemia (anemia);
- severe diseases of internal organs (kidney, liver and adrenal insufficiency, severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Symptoms and Treatment
and etc.);
- age 18 and after 35 years, and smoking;
- prolonged treatment with corticosteroids and drugs that lower blood clotting (anticoagulants).
Preparations for medical abortion
First conducted a full examination of the patient in order to avoid possible contraindications, which includes:
- gynecological examination;
- sampling on the degree of frequency of the vagina;
- blood tests for syphilis
Syphilis - punishment of Venus
(RW) and HIV;
- ultrasonography.
After the examination and exclusion of contraindications woman explains the essence of the method, it will be carried out and possible complications.
How is medication abortion
The reception was at the gynecologist woman taking pills mifepristone and is under observation for one to two hours, and then goes home, and a few hours later she appeared spotting
Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
After two days, the woman comes back to the reception, it is ultrasound in order to determine whether to remove the fertilized egg. If not removed, it takes prostaglandin tablets. At this time, it is under supervision for about 4 hours, and then goes home. After receiving prostaglandin spotting become more abundant, resemble normal menstruation. They can continue for about 10-12 days.
After 12-14 days, an ultrasound study to check whether it was removed completely fertilized egg.
Complications of Medical Abortion
After mifepristone may experience discomfort, weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, fever. All it usually resolves on its own.
In the process of separating the egg may appear severe pain and bleeding. If bleeding is severe, and started home, then you need to call an ambulance.
Sometimes there is an incomplete abortion, in this case, the removal of residues produced instrumental ovum (vacuum aspiration or curettage).
Medication abortion eliminates mechanical damage to the uterus, but does not exclude the likelihood of development of functional disorders caused by changes in hormonal levels.
In the early stages of pregnancy medical abortion - this is a good tool, but it must always be remembered that it is absolutely safe abortion does not happen.