Emergency contraception while breastfeeding - it may be necessary

December 5, 2012

 Emergency contraception while breastfeeding
 When breast-feeding woman is almost always runs the risk of becoming pregnant. And since the birth of another child in this case it is almost always undesirable, is the only way out - an abortion, which in this period of a woman's life can be an extremely negative impact on her health. So today, a lot of attention paid to the nursing mothers of contraception, including emergency.

 Emergency contraception while breastfeeding - it may be necessary

In some cases, you may need emergency contraception

Today, many women already know that there is even the possibility of getting pregnant while breastfeeding, when there is no menstruation. Menstruation at this time absent, since ovulation is suppressed pituitary hormone prolactin - that he "reigns" in women during breastfeeding. But other pituitary hormones are on the alert as soon as a break between breastfeeding becomes large (over four hours), they immediately begin to stand out in the blood and stimulate oocyte maturation and ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?

Therefore, if during breastfeeding had unprotected sexual contact, it is better to err and to conduct emergency contraception. Today, there are drugs that allow you to do this for a long time without interrupting breastfeeding. These drugs are eskapel and postinor, they contain only progestogen - synthetic versions of the female hormone progesterone. This hormone does not inhibit lactation and has expressed no negative impact on the child. But he stands out from human milk, so when taking hormone pills for emergency contraception baby is not recommended to breast-feed during the day.

 Emergency contraception while breastfeeding - it may be necessary

Emergency contraception during breastfeeding using eskapel and Postinor

In preparations for the emergency contraceptive Postinor and eskapel active substance is levonorgestrel - a synthetic analogue of progesterone. One tablet eskapel it contains 1, 5 mg, and Postinor - 750 mg, that is half the size. Both drugs are known to produce pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter (Hungary).

The mechanism of action of these drugs is based on the fact that a large amount of progestogen suppresses the secretion of female hormones estrogen and does not allow the egg to mature. Immature egg can not get out of the ovary (ovulation is suppressed), and, therefore, participate in the process of fertilization after unprotected intercourse.

In addition, eskapel and postinor Postinor - used very carefully!  Postinor - used very carefully!
   cause changes in the lining of the uterus, which prevent its introduction into a fertilized egg.

 Emergency contraception while breastfeeding - it may be necessary

How to carry out emergency contraception using eskapel and Postinor

Prevention should be done as soon as possible after unprotected sex, not later than 72 hours - in taking tablets at a later date contraceptive efficacy is reduced. The formulations may be applied on any day of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases

Postinor: receiving a first one tablet, and after 12 hours (the gap allowed between receipt of tablets to 16 hours) second. If within three hours after the first or the second tablet vomited, it is necessary to take another tablet.

Eskapel: take one tablet, and if within three hours there was vomiting, receiving repeated.

After the emergency contraceptive Postinor or using eskapel until the next menstrual period, or within a month if the menstruation has not yet begun for the prevention of unwanted pregnancies need to use barrier methods (condom, diaphragm). Repeated reception eskapel or Postinor during one menstrual cycle is not desirable, as it increases the risk of bleeding.

If a woman is breastfeeding, after taking Postinor eskapel or breastfeeding should be interrupted for a day.

 Emergency contraception while breastfeeding - it may be necessary

Side effects eskapel and Postinor and contraindications for their use

Both drugs have the same side effects and contraindications for use.

Side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, bleeding and vaginal bleeding unrelated to the menstrual cycle, the delay of the next menstrual period, but no more than a week (if more - you want to exclude pregnancy). All of these side effects do not require discontinuation of therapy.

But if there were allergic reactions such as urticaria, angioedema, rash, itching, medicines should not be used longer.

Admission eskapel and Postinor is contraindicated in:

  • in severe liver diseases in violation of its functions;
  • adolescents up to 16 years;
  • if you become pregnant (but harm to the fetus when it has not been revealed);
  • intolerance simple carbohydrates (lactose, glucose, galactose) - tablets eskapel postinor and they are present as auxiliaries;
  • if you are hypersensitive components eskapel and Postinor.

Precautions eskpel postinor and must be applied at any diseases of the liver or biliary tract, ulcerative lesions bowel and while feeding the baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Emergency Contraception

Pharmatex: Dosage and direction of action

December 2, 2011

  • Pharmatex: Dosage and direction of action
  • Cautions

 Pharmatex: how to use
 Pharmatex - contraceptive for topical application at the same time having the properties of an antiseptic and spermicide. Spermicidal effect is due to the ability of the drug to damage the membrane of sperm: the beginning of the flagella, and then the head. This mechanism of action makes it impossible to fertilization damaged sperm.

The drug has antimicrobial activity against Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia spp., Trichomonas vaginalis, herpes simplex virus type 2, Staphylococcus aureus, which are sexually transmitted. The drug has no effect on Mycoplasma spp. and weakly acts on Gardnerelia vaginalis, Candida albicans, Haernophilus ducreyl and Treponema pallidum. The components of the drug exhibit some activity in the prevention of certain diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, but it has not been proved. Farmateks not affect the normal vaginal microflora The microflora of the vagina: purity  The microflora of the vagina: purity
   (including Doderlyayna wand) and a hormonal cycle.

 Pharmatex: Dosage and direction of action


Benzalkonium chloride not absorbed by the vaginal mucosa. He absorbed only vaginal walls and simple cleaning the water is eliminated and normal physiological secretions.

 Pharmatex: Dosage and direction of action

The reliability and the effectiveness of

Contraceptive efficacy was evaluated on the basis of the registration number of pregnancies at Pearl Index (number of pregnancies per 100 women in one year), which was very low - 0, 68 - 2, 8 (for comparison: the Pearl Index for condoms of 4-14) .  Consequently, contraceptive farmateks activity sufficiently high and comparable with barrier methods (Pearl Index 4-19), somewhat lower than the IUD (Pearl Index 0, 5-1, 5) .  Moreover, farmateks has advantages compared to many common methods of contraception have been used locally and not absorbed into the blood .  In addition, the drug has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties protect against diseases, sexually transmitted diseases and viral hepatitis .  As a short-term safety has farmateks action to terminate the pregnancy is enough to use it .  To improve the efficiency and reliability Farmateksa, you must adhere strictly to the instructions on the packaging of the drug, and ask your partner to use a condom .  It is advisable to use the normal condoms lubricated with silicone, unscented .  In this case, the condom is the main method of contraception, and farmateks acts as "insurance" .  Do not rely on farmateks during ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   - In this case one single error in the use of the drug can result in pregnancy.

 Pharmatex: Dosage and direction of action


Pharmatex - means of local contraception, which is suitable for all women of reproductive age with no contraindication to this, especially in the following cases:

  • after childbirth and during lactation Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
  • after abortion;
  • in premenopausal;
  • if necessary, episodic prevent pregnancy;
  • with constant use of oral contraceptives in the case of missing or being late in taking the pill;
  • the presence of temporary or absolute contraindications to the use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • when varicose veins;
  • at high risk of contracting diseases, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • After thromboembolism;
  • elevated liver function.

As indicated above, farmateks convenient that comes in the form of vaginal tablets, suppositories, creams, vaginal capsules, vaginal sponges. If a woman suffers from vaginal dryness Vaginal dryness: Causes and Symptoms  Vaginal dryness: Causes and Symptoms
 , It will be more pleasant to use farmateks in the form of a cream or suppositories. If there is no problem, you can choose any form of medication. You can choose for themselves a convenient form for the duration of the action. Thus, the tablet should be administered ten minutes before sexual intercourse, and the activity it lasted three hours, the candle must be entered within five minutes, the activity lasts four hours. Cream farmateks begins to protect a woman immediately after the introduction, its effect lasts for up to ten hours. But sponge can be in the woman's body the whole day, and during all this time the woman is protected from fertilization.

 Pharmatex: Dosage and direction of action


The only contraindication to the use of Farmateksa a hypersensitivity or allergy to benzalkonium chloride. If you experience a rash or itching in the genital area of ​​a woman or her partner Farmateksa use should be discontinued immediately. Also farmateks should be used with caution in contact dermatitis, malignant neoplasm skin vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa).

 Pharmatex: Dosage and direction of action

Mode of application

Vaginal capsules: lying on his back, the capsule is introduced deep into the vagina at least 10 minutes prior to sexual intercourse. The duration of drug action - 4 hours. Be sure to enter a new capsule before each repeated intercourse as 1 capsule is designed for a sexual act.

Vaginal tablets: lying on his back, the tablet is introduced deep into the vagina at least 10 minutes prior to sexual intercourse. The duration of drug action - 3 hours. Be sure to introduce a new tablet before each repeated intercourse as 1 tablet designed for a sexual act.

Vaginal suppositories: lying on his back, a candle is introduced deep into the vagina no later than 5 minutes prior to sexual intercourse. The duration of drug action - 4 hours. Be sure to enter a new suppository before each repeated intercourse, as one candle is designed for a sexual act.

Before using a vaginal cream dispensing device should be installed at the end of the tube. Fill it completely (to the mark or until the annular piston stop) so that air bubbles do not form. Disconnect the device from the metering tube. Before intercourse cream enter deeply into the vagina using a metering device slowly pushing the plunger. Remove the dispensing device. Introduction to make lying easier. The protective effect begins immediately and continues for at least 10 hours. Be sure to enter a new batch of cream for each repeated intercourse, as one piece of a cream intended for a sexual act.
