Medical abortion: complications and serious consequences

August 11, 2012

 medical abortion complications
 Medical termination of pregnancy, like any medical procedure carries a risk of complications. Undoubtedly, medical abortion is today considered one of the most benign methods of abortion, but it is not without possible trouble. Undoubtedly, medical abortion can result in perforation of the uterus and subsequent surgery, but sometimes complications related to his conduct, much harder and more dangerous. Moreover, we should not forget that not all end pharmacological abortion conservative, often have to resort to scraping the uterine cavity Curettage - how dangerous it is?  Curettage - how dangerous it is?

 Medical abortion: complications and serious consequences

A little bit about medical abortion

Medication abortion is carried out using preparations of anti-progestins, which include Mifepristone. By antiprogestin are Mifegin, Penkrafton and RU486. Their action is to block the receptors sensitive to progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 So that the uterus begins to contract strongly and pushes the embryo.

 Medical abortion: complications and serious consequences


Firstly, the development of complications after medical termination of pregnancy due to hormonal changes that occur after medication of abortive drugs. Secondly, pharmacological abortion is performed on an outpatient basis, and almost half of all women abortion takes place at home, in the absence of a doctor, and the patient herself often can not adequately assess the situation and in time to seek medical help. Third, the occurrence of complications depends on the woman's age, the presence of harmful habits and associated diseases, and more. Complications of abortion drug are:

 Medical abortion: complications and serious consequences

Progressive Pregnancy

Around two per cent of cases after mifepristone expulsion of the embryo from the uterus does not occur. In this case, the woman there is a lack of expected menstruation and preserved signs of toxicity (nausea, vomiting). After a pregnancy test, gynecological examination and pelvic ultrasound confirmed the pregnancy develops. Removal of the fetus in this situation can only be surgically (curettage).

 Medical abortion: complications and serious consequences


After receiving abortive medications occur profuse uterine bleeding associated with the rejection of the decidua and the ovum (spontaneous abortion) .  Usually this bleeding lasts no more than two days, gradually turning into a scant spotting that can last for three weeks, which gives the patient some discomfort .  But apart from minor bleeding (approximately 0, 1-0, 2%) may cause massive bleeding, which represents a threat to the woman's life .  Profuse bleeding can be caused by disorders of blood coagulation, the influence of large doses of hormones (hormone imbalance), the presence of residues of the ovum, and is not enough, the lack of a prevention of bleeding, which is used in hospital after surgical abortion (cold in the lower abdomen) .  Excessive uterine bleeding and requires immediate curettage of the uterus .

 Medical abortion: complications and serious consequences

Side effects of mifepristone

Complications of medical abortion can be attributed to the side effects of medications (such as nausea, vomiting, headache, weakness, dizziness, severe pain in the abdomen). Often they are so pronounced that requires not only the re-admission of abortifacients, but also significantly disturb the overall condition of the patient.

  • Hormonal Imbalance

Medical abortion can cause the development of various hormonal disorders (menstrual disorders, amenorrhea The absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) - ambiguous symptom  The absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) - ambiguous symptom
 , The formation of ovarian cysts).

  • Nervous system disorders

Pharmacological abortion, as well as all other types of abortion is a severe shock and stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   for woman. Sometimes the patient experiences so heavy that it leads to development of neurosis, depression and even mental disorders.

 Medical abortion: complications and serious consequences

Prevention of complications

To prevent complications should observe several conditions:

  • sexual rest before the onset of menstruation (at least four weeks);
  • refusal to take baths, swimming pool, sauna and baths;
  • prevention of colds;
  • the timely evacuation of the rectum and the bladder;
  • personal hygiene;
  • Obligatory visits to the doctor after medical abortion and holding ultrasound.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • medical abortion

How do late-term abortions?

June 12, 2012

 like abortion
 How are abortions late in pregnancy? The most common reason for surgery is the reluctance of women to have a child, much less - a medical condition.

 How do late-term abortions?

Abortions in the first trimester

About 90% of all abortions are done at an early period, that is, in the first trimester of pregnancy. Until the thirteenth week of pregnancy, make medical, vacuum and surgical abortion.

 How do late-term abortions?

Abortion in the second trimester

About 9% of abortions in the second trimester are doing, in some cases - at the choice of the woman. This is possible if a woman suddenly changes the level of wealth, and it can not ensure the future of the child: for example, if her husband dies, and she does not have its own source of income. The question of the admissibility of the abortion solves a special commission. However, most do late abortions for medical reasons - if, for example, ultrasound to identify such genetic abnormalities in the fetus, as Down syndrome or spina bifida. Most women learn about these diseases of the fetus, agree to an abortion.

An abortion in the later stages produced in several ways:

  • Artificial birth

Doctors induce labor with treatments and a woman gives birth partially developed and are often a viable fetus.

  • Expansion and removal

Cervix expanding tools and medicines. Then the doctor with the help of special tools penetrate into the uterus, "blind" cuts and pulls out of the body of the fetus; skull crushed in order to make it easier to pull out. Finally, the placenta from the uterus was removed and the remaining part of the body of the fetus.

  • Expansion and extraction

First extend the cervix. If you want to turn over the fruit, so he was kicked down. The doctor pulls out the fetal body except the head. Then pumped out of the skull of the fetus brain, which is why the skull collapses and can be removed from the uterus.

 How do late-term abortions?

Expert Opinions

According to supporters of "a woman's right to freely dispose of his body," artificial birth Artificial birth or abortion in the later stages  Artificial birth or abortion in the later stages
   You can call already at the sixteenth week of pregnancy. But usually this procedure is not done before 19 or 20 weeks - is a serious stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   for woman. On the whole procedure takes two to three days. Many studies show that the methods of expansion and the removal and expansion of extraction and artificial childbirth preferable.

Opponents of abortion claim that the artificially induced labor, the light appears dead or barely alive fruit, which often dies in front of his mother. This is unacceptable cruelty to human beings, and it can have serious psychological consequences for the mother.

 How do late-term abortions?

Abortions in the third trimester

In these later stages do less than one percent of all abortions. This is permitted only in the case of fetal death or serious threat to life and health of the mother.

Late abortion is done in two ways:

  • Uterotomy

Operation similar to a cesarean section. It is done using local anesthesia.

  • Expansion and recovering - as described above.

Such a late abortion Late abortion: indications, consequences, risk  Late abortion: indications, consequences, risk
   It could have serious consequences for women's health, both physical and psychological. However, in most cases, it is absolutely necessary and for a woman has no choice.

Article Tags:
  • Late abortion
