The method of permanent contraception is better to choose a woman with the obstetrician-gynecologist. This can be considered as the preferences of the woman and her regular partner, and all possible contraindications for this or that method. The modern woman has to navigate the contraceptive methods, and at the same time to understand that without consulting a doctor herself in this issue is difficult to understand.
Types of non-hormonal contraception
Today, most women prefer a means of hormonal contraception. But they are not shown for all women. Contraindication to hormonal contraception are individual intolerance hormones, pregnancy and lactation
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, Severe diseases of internal organs in violation of their function, endocrine diseases, tumors, uterine bleeding, genital herpes.
In this case, to the aid of non-hormonal contraception. This physiological methods of contraception (natural contraception), male and female sterilization, mechanical and chemical methods of contraception.
Physiological methods of contraception
The most effective kind of physiological contraception is a calendar method based on a thorough analysis of the woman's menstrual cycle, the individual phases which are formed under the influence of various hormones.
Menstrual cycle - this time from the first day of this menstruation to the first day of the next menstrual period, which is divided into three phases:
- the phase of the first half of the cycle (1st day until the middle of the cycle) - in a woman's ovaries mature egg;
- ovulation (mid-cycle) - ripened egg is released from the ovary;
- phase of the second half of the cycle (since the ovulation cycle to end) - egg during this period no.
During ovulation (most women it occurs at 14-16 days of the menstrual cycle), some women feel short abdominal pain, increased libido and mucus
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. Ovulation is the most favorable time for conception, this point can be accurately determined using a variety of techniques.
To use the physiological method of conception, the woman for six months - a year must record the date of the beginning and end of their menstrual cycles. Once this work is done, and allocate the shortest longest menstrual cycle, from which correspondingly consuming numbers 18 and 11. For example, the shortest cycle lasted 24 days, the longest - 32: 24-18 = 6; 32-11 = 21; This means that the risk of becoming pregnant woman will be with the 6 th to the 21 th day of the menstrual cycle
The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
The woman's menstrual cycle is the time of absolute and relative sterility. The absolute sterility of the time in two days of ovulation
Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
until the end of the cycle - in the body there is no egg, so it is impossible to conceive. Relative sterility - this is the first half of the cycle when the egg yet. It is called relative because the sperm caught in this time in the body, it can wait until the egg (it preserves the viability of up to 6 days, with the egg while living day).
Female and male sterilization
This method of contraception is performed surgically. Today it is quite common in civilized countries, because it is completely reliable way to prevent pregnancy and do not cause complications. Sterilization may be subject to people over 35 who already have two children. It is carried out only at the request of the patient. This type of contraception is often used when a woman is contraindicated in pregnancy for health reasons.
During the surgery takes constriction of the fallopian tubes or the seed channel, then their ability to bear children is usually not recovered.
Physical and chemical methods of contraception
Physical methods of contraception are divided into barrier and intrauterine devices. By barrier methods of contraception include means producing a mechanical barrier to sperm, such as condoms and vaginal capsules. This popular means of contraception that are easy to use, does not have contraindications and do not only protect against pregnancy, but also from the many kinds of infections, sexually transmitted.
Intrauterine devices (IUDs) - a flexible plates of different shapes, which are introduced obstetrician-gynecologist in the woman's uterus for a long time to prevent pregnancy. The mechanism of action of the IUD is that after the introduction of the tool speed slows egg through the tubes and its introduction into the uterine lining. Also slows down the speed of advance of sperm into the uterus. IUD insertion is contraindicated nulliparous women with suspected tumors or inflammatory disease, uterine bleeding and other violations on the part of the female genital organs.
The methods include a variety of chemical contraception non-hormonal contraceptives for topical use, such as spermicides. Spermicides destroy shell sperm that leads to their death. For drugs in this series are farmateks, kontseptrol, Delphine, ortho, koromeks and others. They are produced in many forms, such as creams, vaginal suppositories, foams, films, tablets for topical use.
Methods of non-hormonal contraception is better to choose, along with the doctor, in this case, increases their reliability and safety.
Galina Romanenko