Nasolabial folds - a deep skin folds that start at the nose and down to the corners of the lips. They are one of the earliest and most noticeable signs of aging. Most people begin to go deep nasolabial folds after 30 or 40 years, but some, genetic or other reasons, this is happening at a younger or older age.
As is the case with other signs of aging, nasolabial folds are predominantly the result of exposure to sunlight, aging, and genetic factors. With age, the skin loses collagen (the process can be accelerated by exposure to ultraviolet light), and becomes less elastic. As a result, and also due to the constant effects of gravity, form nasolabial folds. Because of them, people can not only look older than their age, but seemed exhausted and depressed.
People with overweight and obesity nasolabial folds may not appear for a long time, if a person does not lose weight many kilos. In the latter case, the nasolabial folds can appear as a result of the fact that a person loses weight as well as the rest of the body (and skin folds as a result of this there is not only the face, but also, for example, in the stomach).
The most common method of correction of nasolabial folds - injection under the skin of special fillers. In accordance with its name, these substances fill the space under the skin, making wrinkles less visible. Today the most common filler based on hyaluronic acid. The injections give good, but only a temporary result.
Nasolabial folds also can be made less visible by means of a face-lift, but only for this purpose to do this procedure is not necessary. Facelift recommended in cases where, besides the nasolabial folds, the patient has other signs of aging, which he wants to fix.
For correction of the upper part of nasolabial folds can be used small implants. Of course, such an operation is associated with a significant risk, and require a longer recovery period than administration procedure under the skin fillers.
At a very deep nasolabial folds can be the best choice excision of wrinkles. The main drawback of the operation is that after it remain visible scars. Sometimes excision leads to facial asymmetry and other undesirable results.
Gymnastics for the person
Before even at low severity of wrinkles to prepare for the selection of the gel-filler that smoothes the face, it is worth remembering the sacred and unchanged until now the law "Help yourself," and try collected in a fist will and try to imagine the properties gymnastics persons that will help prevent the appearance of deep wrinkles.
We get up in front of the mirror, after washing your hands, and proceed:
- greatly lighten up and slowly release the air through the mouth;
- stress facial muscles severely stretch the upper lip down - once, twice - back to its original position by gently pressing down on the crease, slightly stretching the skin to the sides;
- As a final step strongly press on the folds, without the tension of the skin, but vigorously vkolachivaya their fingertips.
Exercises sometimes allow to delay the appearance of deep wrinkles, maintaining a constant thickness of the skin in this area at the same level, not allowing the subcutaneous fat layer thinner.
The gels-fillers
If the issue is already on the face, or rather, on the face, then you should seek help from gels-fillers of which, following its name and purpose, fill wrinkles, erasing them from the face for a few months.
All this - the products based on hyaluronic acid, a useful, effective, compensate for the lack of moisture in the epidermis. Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm, Surzhiderm, Tiosial from 6 to 12 months, depending on the severity of the problem and the chosen density will fill wrinkles, making the face younger.
Correction is carried out on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia and lasts about 30 minutes. After the injection there is a slight swelling, which will soon disappear, and it will show up on the site of a smooth relief, delight the eye and the patient and his entourage a few months, after which the procedure can be repeated.
To eliminate the nasolabial folds, you can resort to the help of hardware cosmetology. Thermafine - a device which has shown himself quite well in dealing with deep folds. Thermafine generates active impulses wave penetrates the epidermis and accelerates the metabolic processes. The course of 5-6 procedures for such treatment - and the result will remain for at least a year. This therapy is especially effective if, in addition do not forget to help the skin recover its strength, its nourishing cosmetics with hyaluronic acid.
Of the less radical methods of correction of nasolabial folds stands lipofilling. This is not a complete plastic surgery, but the effect of it can last a lifetime.
Lipofilling - is filling the area of concern own fat from the waist or hips. For lipofilinga need a syringe, a bit of "native" fat, layered pleated on the face, one hour procedure and a night spent under the supervision of doctors. For specific recommendations are to reduce mimic activity in the first week after surgery. It may have hard times, but then you can enjoy to the fullest, because the nasolabial folds will not return. At least, this is very clearly say beauticians.
Eugene Zhirkina