- Removal of moles - a deadly process?
- Methods
Despite all the prejudices that mole removed in any case can not, the doctors say that in many cases even necessary to remove them. Fortunately, gone are the days when they were considered special labels that are given to man before birth may influence the fate and so on. Now, taking care of your health comes first. In most cases, removal of birthmarks - it is rather an aesthetic moment. Moles, especially if they are large, ugly look in the open areas of the body, so there are many safe ways to get rid of them with no adverse events.
The majority of moles and birthmarks - are benign, but work on them independently is strictly prohibited and extremely dangerous. Often people will cause inflammation and other changes in the characteristics of moles, casually referring to them, for example, when shaving, and plucking the hair at too intense facial cleansing
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For example, using scrubs.
Indications for removal of moles (nevi)
- change the size, scope
- the appearance of moles on the edge of the rim of an inflammatory nature, swelling
- darkening or lightening of spots
- bending contour
- irritation, flaking
Before you remove the birthmark should consult a dermatologist and best onkodermatologa because only an expert will tell you what method of removal is shown individual patient based on the characteristics of the birthmark and health.
Methods of removing moles
- laser
- radionozh
- elektroagulyatsiya (impact high-frequency current)
- cryotherapy (the impact of liquid nitrogen)
- surgical method
Doctors say that the most preferred method for removing moles is elektroagulyatsiya. After the procedure, you can go directly to the tumor analyzes, whereas the laser and liquid nitrogen does not provide for this. When there is thermal damage elektroagulyatsii area around birthmark
Birthmarks: what do they say?
It leaves small, barely noticeable traces of the other techniques can stay deeper and long-unhealed scars.
The laser is the most effective way to remove moles. When using the laser occurs clotting of small blood vessels, so blood will not, moreover, it reduces the risk of metastases, restoration of the damaged area is much faster than in other cases. Laser exposure is almost not felt by the patient. The important point, especially when talking about moles on the face - this is a very good cosmetic effect.
Surgery involves the impact of cross-section of the skin at the site of 3-5 cm. It is the most common method today, it is recommended for cancer hazard.
Cryosurgery - the impact of liquid nitrogen. Experts do not call it the preferred method. The fact that the cold, as heat still adversely affects the skin, and how it will affect the body, hard to predict. With cryoablation may be affected and healthy areas of the body, which, of course, undesirable.
Radionozh - a new word in the field of removal of birthmarks. It is often recommended, as it is the safest way. Radionozha advantage is the absence of thermal effects on the skin. Specialists use radionozh for nevi with a distinct contour.
What a way to choose a specialist, depending on the initial data of the patient:
- Warts, volumetric moles, papillomas, warts often withdrawn via elektroagulyatsii.
- If a birthmark is greater than 3 cm in diameter, the laser irradiation is shown.
- Flat education are removed surgically.
It is important to properly care for the skin after these procedures in order to avoid side effects. The place has been removed from the mole, should be carefully protected from the sun, use means of protection from ultraviolet radiation, but do not abuse cosmetics. Caring for the skin is necessary to very carefully until the defeat of the place will not be the same color as the surrounding skin. Other recommendations will provide specialist care on the basis of how the method of education has been removed.
Misconceptions about the wound healing
Some believe that the wound should be open, as it contributes to its rapid healing. Several studies have shown that it is fundamentally wrong, and the wound heals much faster in the case of bandages and antibiotic ointment.
Studies have also shown that the application of vitamin E on the wound slows rather than speeds up its healing and induces scarring.
It is indisputable is often used to heal wounds, but it often causes allergic reactions, so often recommended Polysporin. If patients allergic to Polysporin, in most cases possible to use conventional petrolatum
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Next steps
Depending on the size of moles removal method and other conditions, you may need or do not need to visit the doctor after surgery. You may need:
- To be tested: the pathologist will analyze tissue removal, after which you will be informed of the results of the study. You will also need to come to the doctor for an examination.
- Remove stitches. Depending on the site and type of suturing thread, stitches on the face are typically removed in the fourth to seventh day. In other parts of the seams are removed at the eighth to twenty-first day, depending on the type of yarn and the surgeon's recommendations.
- Take further measures to prevent infection. You should ensure that the wound area to keep out dirt. In addition, try not to damage the land and avoid pressure and heavy loads on it.
In some cases, you must see a doctor
You should call a doctor if you notice any of the following signs of infection:
- excessive discharge from the wound, including liquid with an unpleasant odor, or bleeding
- increase in body temperature above 37, 7 and 38 in adults, children 3
- severe pain that does not stop after taking acetaminophen. (Do not take after the surgery aspirin or ibuprofen, or their analogs, as they contribute to the dilution of the blood and increase the likelihood of bleeding. If taking these medications for you is required, consult with your doctor first.)
In advance, discuss with your doctor the possibility of taking any anticoagulants, as they can slow healing.
- If you have heavy bleeding, severe infection, or you notice other dangerous changes, you may need to visit the hospital and possibly hospitalization. However, the likelihood of these complications is very low and generally stay in the hospital after the removal of moles is required.
- If you notice at any of the symptoms listed above, call the surgeon who did the operation. This can save you from having to visit the hospital.
- If you have heavy bleeding, apply a pressure bandage for at least five minutes.
- There is a popular myth that the ice stops the bleeding that is actually true, but it may help reduce the pain.
Every day a lot dermatologists remove moles, but there is one thing they never tire of repeating: watch out for your health and pay attention to any changes in color, texture and size of moles and skin. This is particularly important in the case of dark and flat moles. Invariably, people are extremely concerned about the light protruding moles and overlooked that the flat dark spot, which is often located near the protruding moles, can carry much more dangerous, and be a sign of skin cancer. Do not forget about it.
In addition, remember that after you remove moles should avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen, as well as to protect the site, which was a mole, away from direct sunlight.
It is important that during a visit to a dermatologist was conducted tour of the entire body, not just the individual moles, because often you can not even know about the existence of some moles and other skin problems
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