Acne - self-healing is not possible

October 9, 2008

   Acne - a disease caused by tiny mites and living in hair follicles. In humans the symptoms of demodectic mange usually appear on the forehead, cheeks, sides of the nose, eyelashes and external ear canals. It can occur in patients of any age, but is very rare in children younger than five years. Ticks that cause the disease, particularly active breed in humans with weakened immune systems.

As a rule, demodekoz cause two types of ticks - Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis. The first of these lodges in small hair follicles, especially - in the follicles of the eyelashes. At any age, it feeds the skin cells. Demodex brevis normally lives in the sebaceous glands connected to hair bulbs, and is powered by glandular cells.

Body length Demodex folliculorum is 0.3-0.4 mm, Demodex brevis - 0.15-0.2 mm. At its eight legs, they can move at a speed of 8-16 mm per hour and make it mostly at night. In bright light, they tend to climb back into the follicles in which they live.

 Acne - self-healing is not possible

The symptoms of demodectic mange

The most common symptoms are swelling demodekoza century, the appearance of dry flakes of the eyelids near the eyelashes; inflammation of the eyelids; dry, rough, scaly skin.

In most cases, however, despite the fact that these mites live in the skin of many people, they do not cause any symptoms. Trigger propagation of demodectic mites and usually becomes immune suppression due to certain diseases (e.g., HIV) as a result of chemotherapy or Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?  Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?
   and other treatments.

 Acne - self-healing is not possible

Prevention and treatment of demodectic mange

Healthy person to prevent the development of demodicosis fairly simple measures:

  • Wash your face twice a day using a means that does not contain soap
  • Avoid cleansing lotions containing oils and oily cosmetics.
  • Make regular exfoliation to remove dead skin cells

However, if you have any symptoms that may be signs of demodectic mange, consult a doctor. If the diagnosis is confirmed, he may assign you a reception point of insecticides such as permethrin or Crotamiton. Metronidazole gel or in the form of tablets and effectively helps to get rid of pathogens demodicosis.

In addition, patients dekomdekozom recommended twice a day to wash the affected areas of children's shampoo and bedtime Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
   apply antibiotic ointment to the eyelids.

Ointment with mercuric oxide and one percent pilocarpine gel is also effective in killing mites causing demodekoz and reduce symptoms of the disease.

The mixture of tea tree oil and macadamia oil when applied to the affected areas themselves kills mites and their eggs. However, if the symptoms of demodectic appeared on the centuries (as happens in most cases), such treatment may not be completely safe. After eye tea tree oil Tea tree oil  Tea tree oil
   It is likely to cause severe irritation.

In severe cases, such as if the demodicosis was diagnosed in HIV-positive, it can be recommended intake of ivermectin.

 Acne - self-healing is not possible

Additional measures

  • Use shampoo and soap with tea tree oil until symptoms disappear.
  • Throw out old cosmetics. You can leave a foundation Tone Cream: a pledge perfect makeup  Tone Cream: a pledge perfect makeup
 But be sure to throw powder, mascara and other cosmetics, which can be agents of demodectic mange.
  • Wash linens and buy new pillows.
  • Convince others living in the same house with you, and checking demodicosis.
  • Check for demodekoz pets (a disease common in dogs).

Article Tags:
  • demodekoz

How to cure acne: treatment of severe acne

October 9, 2013

 how to cure acne
 Acne - a common skin disease that affects mostly adolescents, but also occurs in people older than 20-30 years. It has a significant impact on the psychological state of a person, causing anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 , Depression and other emotional problems in the field. Acne and acne and reduce the possibility of human morning at work - especially in areas where communication is of great importance to people. Therefore it is necessary to have as much information on how to cure acne, to avoid unpleasant problems.

Severe forms of acne have a particularly serious impact on quality of life. The main features of these forms of acne are large and painful cysts, a large number of acne, often - containing pus, skin inflammation and scarring after the pimples and cysts disappear. Patients with such problems need to know that in most cases it is possible to cure even the most severe forms of acne, but it takes a lot of time and patience on the patient. It is necessary to consult a dermatologist so that he appreciated the condition of the skin of the patient and prescribe the most suitable medicine.

 How to cure acne: treatment of severe acne


For the treatment of severe acne is commonly used potent drug - isotretinoin. Sometimes it is prescribed and patients with mild forms of acne, which do not help other medicines, such as antibiotics and topical retinoids.

Isotretinoin - a derivative of vitamin A - restricts the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands and stop the inflammatory processes that are often the cause of scarring. He has the ability to suppress the symptoms of acne for a long period of time (usually several years), but to achieve this it is necessary to take three to six months. For people who long to cure acne, trying a variety of prescription drugs, isotretinoin, as a rule, is almost miraculous means relieves them of the problem, which, without exaggeration, can ruin lives.

However, isotretinoin can also cause serious side effects to be aware of before you start taking this medicine. For example, it can lead to serious violations of the child's birth, if in utero it worked isotretinoin. For this reason, women who take this medication, you should take contraceptives prior to the treatment, while taking isotretinoin and for one month after the end of therapy. In addition, this drug may cause depression, psychosis and, in rare cases, suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts Suicide in terms of the psychiatrist - can it be prevented?  Suicide in terms of the psychiatrist - can it be prevented?

During the course of treatment the patient should receive the survey at least once a month, so that the doctor can monitor the occurrence of side effects and, if necessary, take measures for their relief.

Isotretinoin successfully cures the symptoms of severe acne in about 80 out of 100 patients. One-third of patients after successful treatment of a relapse occurs. This usually occurs during the first year after therapy. In such cases, the doctor may recommend just one course of treatment with isotretinoin, or designate any other medicines.

 How to cure acne: treatment of severe acne

Other treatments

Large cysts that do not respond to medical treatment, can be removed by draining - it is sometimes called "the surgical treatment of acne." This procedure significantly reduces the likelihood of scarring. Carry it can only dermatologist.

To treat inflamed cysts can be assigned to corticosteroid injections. They help relieve the pain and reduce the risk of scarring. The drug is injected directly into the inflamed cyst, and after 2-5 days of its size is significantly reduced, and the inflammatory process is stopped.

Photodynamic therapy - a relatively new method for the treatment of severe acne. This non-invasive technique that uses the effect of light to kill bacteria which are the causative agents of acne. Recent studies have confirmed the effectiveness of phototherapy Phototherapy - restores vitality  Phototherapy - restores vitality
   using a cream containing methyl aminolevulinate for the treatment of severe inflammatory acne.

Many patients even after treatment of acne from time to time appear again for many years. To avoid this, apply the treatments or the need to regularly - it is of great importance for the successful treatment of acne.

 How to cure acne: treatment of severe acne


  • Do not pull on a visit to the doctor

If you regularly pimples, with whom it is impossible to cope with the help of OTC, consult a dermatologist. The sooner you start treatment, the sooner you will see the result. Do not expect that acne will disappear by themselves. Maybe after many years it's really going to happen, but during this time the problem skin will have time to give you much trouble.

  • Do not ignore side effects

If a drug causes have certain side effects as soon as possible, talk about this with your doctor. Different people respond to the same drugs in different ways - this is normal, and sometimes it takes time to see the doctor was able to pick you up for a method of treatment that causes the least discomfort.

  • Monitor your mood

As the symptoms of acne, and some means for its treatment, can lead to depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
   and other psychological problems. If you have a period of two weeks or more are constantly experiencing depression, anxiety, and other atypical for your state, contact your doctor.

Article Tags:
  • pimples
