What to do in case of a nuclear accident: it is necessary to know - After the attack

November 5, 2011

  • What to do in case of a nuclear accident: it is necessary to know
  • Hideout
  • What to do?
  • Rules of conduct in the refuge
  • Checklist
  • After the attack,

 nuclear disaster after the attack

After the attack,

If you are lucky enough to read it long before the nuclear disaster will be a real threat, you can do much more than listed in this walkthrough. Prepare properly, survive the first days after the explosion is not very difficult, as you could see. However, when the original danger passes, the survivors expect another test. It will take time before life will go back to normal and necessary goods and services will be available as usual and sufficient quantities.

For several months, you may not have enough food, may be water shortages, problems with the sewage system. Electricity, gas, telephone, fuel is also likely to be available in very limited quantities. Probably, you will not be able to routinely receive medical and legal assistance and help of rescuers. Mode of operation of banking institutions will also be broken.

Therefore, if you have the opportunity, in advance pobespokoytes about alternative energy sources, radiation indicators Radiation and its biological effect: gently infected!  Radiation and its biological effect: gently infected!
 , Means for water purification. We also recommend that you have at home a large supply of food - even cereals and beans, which can be stored for a long time - and the iodine-containing drugs.


The behavior of people in times of crisis

When tough times come, you will likely find that people today are not very resistant. In past generations were much more rural residents who rely only on themselves, were able to manage small and grow their own food or produce. Today, many of these skills are completely lacking; some even managed to emerge a strong belief that they should take care of the government. Therefore, faced with the threat of deprivation and hunger, people will decide to theft, robbery, looting and riots.

Crime - is a serious problem now, and it thrives not only among those suffering from hunger. And with the threat of famine and the weakening of control by the police patrols increase in crime can become explosive. Therefore, it is reasonable to think in advance about how you can protect yourself not only from the effects of a nuclear catastrophe, but, no matter how sad it sounds from other people.

What to do in case of a nuclear accident: it is necessary to know - What to do?

November 5, 2011

  • What to do in case of a nuclear accident: it is necessary to know
  • Hideout
  • What to do?
  • Rules of conduct in the refuge
  • Checklist
  • After the attack,

 nuclear disaster outbreak


If you are close to the "zero point", the first sign of an explosion, which you'll notice is the characteristic blinding bright flash. Do not look directly at it - this can result in partial or complete loss of vision. The first effects of the explosion, you will feel the will blast and release heat.


What to do?

As soon as you notice the flash, lie down on the floor - under a table or in any other shelter, or at least to the wall, take a fetal position and cover your head with your hands. This is to some extent protect you from shrapnel wounds and thermal burns. Those who are very close to the site of the explosion, soon will feel the gust of wind of hurricane force - they need as soon as possible to hide behind / under any hard objects, as far as possible from windows or even below their level. Even if you are on the street, lying flat on the ground, you are 8 times less risk of injury from shrapnel.

If you are 3.5 km away from where the explosion occurred a capacity of 500 kilotons, 8 seconds after you see flash, you have to reach a very strong gust of wind - it sweeps in three seconds, but has devastating consequences. The farther away from the blast site, so, consequently, longer will you be up to the blast, and the more time you have to spare. Lying motionless, not less than two minutes. If you are far from the "zero", "you only have to fear fallout.

The information and instructions of the authorities - an important source of defining the actions of people in the event of a nuclear disaster, but for many reasons they may be too late, incomplete, misleading and simply wrong. Despite the fact that the evacuation can in many cases be a reasonable way, often the authorities are in no hurry to announce the evacuation of the population, fearing panic and cause traffic congestion. To be in the event of a disaster all you need, you need to start acting before the start of panic, without waiting for the instructions of the authorities, which may or may not appear at all or will appear as an afterthought.

You are solely responsible for themselves and their loved ones

Do I need to filter the air?

Filtering the air coming into the basement shelter, is not required. The air does not become radioactive and if the cellar and shelter sufficiently tightly closed, there is no danger that the radioactive dust will get inside. Just close your windows and other openings are available, possibly plug the gap - it will protect you from a significant amount of rainfall. If possible, drive in the window boards, then sprinkle them outside the ground, surrounded by sandbags, building blocks. If later in the basement would be difficult to breathe, you can open the door leading from the basement to the top.


Radioactive fallout

With regard to radioactive fallout, food and water, kept in closed containers that can be cleaned of dust and safe to consume. If rainfall does not penetrate inside the container, radiation Radiation and its biological effect: gently infected!  Radiation and its biological effect: gently infected!
   It does not harm its contents. If you have concerns that your clothes have appeared fallout, remove outer clothing and leave it outside. Coming out of the shelter, put a plastic raincoat - if necessary, it is easy to wash, or, again, it can simply be left outside. Also leave near the entrance to the shelter, and water, baby shampoo, to, if necessary, wash the skin and hair from the rain fallen on them.

If you hit the fallout, it does not mean that you have become a source of radiation, but make sure that you do not teach the codes that the dust in the shelter. Before the start fallout, if possible, cover the things that you go to protect - will be easier to clean up after them when it is safe to go outside.


Means of communication

If you do not have time to buy a radiometer, a Geiger counter or monitor, make sure that your handheld radio is operational and that you have enough new batteries. If there is no indicator of radioactivity, official reports on the radio - your only opportunity to learn about changes in background radiation. It is also the only way to know when to take initial steps to protect the maximum - that is, when the radiation background will be particularly high.

When the radio is not used, it should not be connected to external antennas and, if he has a retractable antenna, it should be retracted. In addition, the receivers should be wrapped with any insulating material, for example, wrapped in several layers of paper, polyethylene bubbles, and placed in a metal container or aluminum foil, or the electromagnetic pulse can disrupt electronics. It is reasonable to have a backup receiver or even a few. One of the spare receivers can be permanently tuned to a station nearest town, where the possible targets of a nuclear attack, and if the signal is unexpectedly lost, it will be the first sign that the attack began.

As soon as it becomes known about the expected fallout (and before they really start to fall), anyone who has not yet reached the shelter must wear a dust mask and a plastic raincoat with a hood. In addition, each should be possible to take the tablets in the iodine-containing preparations to protect thyroid The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
   Cancer, which can cause radioactive iodine - based products of the explosion of nuclear weapons. If you do not have tablets, such protective effect can be achieved, anointing the skin with a solution of iodine, such as Betadine Betadine - use correctly  Betadine - use correctly
 . (WARNING: Iodine solution can not be taken orally).

Adults: smear 8 ml two-percent solution of iodine in the stomach or upper arm each day; Ideally the first time to do this, at least two hours before you will be exposed to irradiation.

For children from 3 to 18 years old, weighing less than 68 kg: apply half of the daily dose - 4 mL. For children from 1 month to 3 years: over half - 2 ml.

For newborns to 1 month - also half or 1 ml (in case you do not pipette with graduations: one teaspoon is placed approximately 5 ml of liquid). If you have more than two-percent solution, reduce the dose, respectively. Absorption through the skin is not a reliable method as the use of the tablets, but tests have shown that for the majority is nevertheless effective.

If you are allergic to iodine, do not use it.

If possible, ask your doctor whether there is someone in your family a contraindication to receiving iodine-containing drugs.



As soon as you learn of the impending disaster, disconnect all available equipment in the house, close all doors and windows and go into hiding. Check if there is not far from the shelter tools such as a shovel and crowbar to, if necessary, you can dig your way upstairs; You may also need to spray. Well, if you are building materials and tools, sheet plastic, Staplers, in the event of damage you can cover the hole. Your shelter is already well-protected against the ingress of rain outside. Now you need to seal the entrance with tape, especially if the entrance is located opposite the door leading outside.
