- Hypoplasia of the thyroid gland - when the thyroid gland is not developed enough
- Cretinism
The thyroid gland - an organ that is located on the front of the neck, and released into the blood and lymph hormones that regulate processes of growth, development, differentiation (acquisition of features, typical for this type of tissue) tissues and metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
in the body. Therefore, any change in the thyroid gland
The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
inevitably leads to numerous violations throughout the body.
What is hypoplasia of the thyroid gland and why it occurs
Hypoplasia of the thyroid gland - is a congenital malformation, comprising the underdevelopment of its fabric. It does not apply hypoplasia acquired a decrease in the volume of the prostate - a condition called atrophy of the thyroid gland. Deficiency of thyroid hormones
Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
(thyroid hormones) inhibits the development of the brain tissue and inhibits the higher nervous activity, which is especially noticeable at an early age.
The cause hypoplasia
Hypoplasia - a congenital malformation of the fetus
Thyroid is most often the lack of iodine in the body of a pregnant woman. In addition, hypoplasia of the thyroid gland may occur against the backdrop of various defects fetal development, in untreated hypothyroidism (insufficient thyroid function) mother.
Hypoplasia of the thyroid gland is found in the early childhood and is manifested by a sharp decrease in thyroid function (hypothyroidism) and cretinism.
What are the symptoms of thyroid hypoplasia in the first months of life
If thyroid hypoplasia expressed significantly already at 2-3 months of age, there are signs of hypothyroidism: an unusual baby lethargy, drowsiness, lack of normal reactions to light and sound. These children long the physiological jaundice, there is a hoarse voice, constipation, they often refuse to eat.
In the future, there are no typical children's feelings of liveliness and movements disturbed pronunciation of sounds and words. After a few months of lag in the development of the child becomes apparent, and there are signs of cretinism - gaps in physical and mental development with signs of deep lesions of the central nervous system.
The manifestations of cretinism
Defining features of cretinism is a dramatic delay physical and mental development and the various disorders of the nervous system. The first signs of cretinism can be detected in the first months of life. As a rule, they are combined with signs of hypothyroidism. But most cretinism becomes apparent only 4-6 years of life.
There are two forms of cretinism: nervous and myxedema. Nervous form is characterized by impaired hearing and speech up to the deaf-mutism, a pronounced decrease in intelligence, neuromuscular disorders and various movement disorders. Symptoms of hypothyroidism in this form are mild.
When the form of signs of myxedema cretinism detected amid signs of hypothyroidism: lethargy, drowsiness, edema.
The appearance of these children is very characteristic and largely depends on the age at which the child began receiving replacement therapy in the form of thyroid hormone. If the child is not treated, it features a small increase, up to dwarfism, a violation of proportionality body (large head, short limbs), blunt expression of a broad round face with a flat broad nose and wide-set eyes, mouth, often half-open, tongue extended, a short neck, jutting belly. Musculature is poorly developed, clunky and slow motion, waddle gait. The skin is dry, the hair is thin and sparse, there is a delay of sexual development, underdevelopment of sexual organs, changes in the skeletal system (it does not correspond to the development of the child's age). Mental disorders can be of varying degrees - from mild to severe retardation mental retardation in the form of idiocy.
Diagnosis of this disease is vital: the earlier the disease is detected, the sooner treatment begins proper. Held ultrasound of the thyroid gland, to determine the level of thyroid hormones in the blood and bone X-ray determination of the child's age (bone age is usually lags behind the actual age).
The main method of treatment of these children is the use of thyroid hormones (the sooner the better). Required appointed massage and physiotherapy, as a child is necessarily present a violation of movements and muscle tone.
Prognosis depends on the age at which treatment is started. Defects in brain development can be largely overcome if the treatment will be initiated in the first months after birth. The therapy started at a later age, can only eliminate the symptoms of hypothyroidism, but irreversible damage neuropsychological development can not be correct.
Galina Romanenko
Article Tags:
- hypoplasia of the thyroid gland