Diabetes insipidus - a rare and dangerous disease - hypothalamic-pituitary system and its role in the human body

April 2, 2009

  • Diabetes insipidus - a rare and dangerous disease
  • Hypothalamic-pituitary system and its role in the human body

Hypothalamic-pituitary system and its role in the human body

Hypothalamus - an area of ​​the brain which is the center of a complex system of endocrine control. It hypothalamus controls the activity of the entire endocrine system in the human body.

The hypothalamus produces a number of hormones, including the antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which is followed by the long arm of the cells of the hypothalamus reach the posterior pituitary (a gland of internal secretion, located in the brain, near the hypothalamus), standing out there and accumulate in the blood. ADH from the blood enters the kidneys and cause an active re-absorption (reabsorption) already filtered liquid.

  How does the antidiuretic hormone

ADH - a hormone that regulates the water balance and the osmotic composition of body fluids. ADH ratio depends on the osmotic pressure inside the tissue (i.e., interstitial fluid) and in blood vessels. Imbalance between them is fraught with grave consequences - the body will stop functioning. An increase in the osmotic pressure of blood plasma body tries to dilute it with liquid, so there is thirst and increased production of ADH, which takes place under the influence of reabsorption of water in the renal tubules and urine output decreases.

 Hypothalamic-pituitary system and its role in the human body | Diabetes insipidus - a rare and dangerous disease

Causes of diabetes insipidus

Diabetes insipidus - a disease caused by insufficient production of antidiuretic hormone, or its lack of assimilation by the body. Since ADH is not enough liquid in the kidney again almost absorbed and excreted in the urine, which is manifested thirst and more urine.

Diabetes insipidus can be idiopathic, symptomatic, and kidney.

Idiopathic diabetes insipidus is a hereditary disease, which interferes with the synthesis of ADH. Symptomatic diabetes insipidus occurs against a background of any other disease. Most often, it is a brain tumor Brain tumor - surgery inevitable  Brain tumor - surgery inevitable
 , The traumas of tuberculous meningoencephalitis, or traumatic brain injury - all of this is also a violation of the synthesis of ADH.

Renal diabetes insipidus is a relatively rare congenital family disease where kidney impaired sensitivity to ADH, with its normal amount of blood.

 Hypothalamic-pituitary system and its role in the human body | Diabetes insipidus - a rare and dangerous disease

The symptoms of diabetes insipidus

When diabetes insipidus kidneys excrete large amounts of urine with a low basis weight (low urinary salts and other substances). Therefore craving and increased urine output - is the first signs of diabetes insipidus (day allocated from 2 to 20 liters of urine). Frequent urination at night disrupts sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 Causing neurosis and fatigue.

The feeling of thirst is so great that it causes the patient to use all available liquid, preferring cold drink that contributes to colds. The skin of this patient is dry, the appetite, the secretion of saliva and sweat dropped. In the later stages joined by a dramatic weight loss, general dehydration, headache Headache: Causes and Complications  Headache: Causes and Complications

The next step - complications of the internal organs: heart palpitations, cardiac arrhythmias, lowering blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
 , Neurological disorders.

 Hypothalamic-pituitary system and its role in the human body | Diabetes insipidus - a rare and dangerous disease

Diagnosis of diabetes insipidus

Diagnosis of diabetes insipidus based on characteristic disease symptoms (thirst, large amounts of urine), as well as data on laboratory and radiological investigation.

With the lack of development of ADH marked decrease in its content in the blood. To find out the cause insufficient production of ADH conducted magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, which can identify the causes of such diseases, such as brain tumor.

 Hypothalamic-pituitary system and its role in the human body | Diabetes insipidus - a rare and dangerous disease

Treatment of diabetes insipidus

Symptomatic diabetes insipidus, it is first necessary to remove the cause of the disease (e.g. tumor). Also performed restorative treatment (as the patient is exhausted) and substitution treatment (eg adiuretinom or desmopressin). Also used drugs that stimulate the production of ADH (eg, chlorpropamide).

Diet for diabetes insipidus includes limiting protein (since the kidneys, and so is the increased load). Carbohydrates and fats, there may be sufficient in the diet must be present a large number of fruit and vegetables. To quench your thirst useful juices, fruit drinks, fruit drinks.

Diabetes insipidus is often a symptom of some other disease, what it is - it is necessary to find out.

Article Tags:
  • types of diabetes

Nodular thyroid disease: medical examination revealed - Treatment

April 18, 2012

  • Nodular thyroid disease: medical examination revealed
  • Complications
  • Treatment

 nodal treatment of thyroid diseases


Treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland node depends on the form of nodules in the thyroid gland.


Treatment of thyroid nodes harmless

If the nodules in the thyroid gland are benign, there are some basic treatments:

  • Hormone replacement therapy. This treatment involves the treatment of nodular thyroid disease using levothyroxine - a synthetic hormone normally produced in the form of tablets. Receipt of the hormone thyroxine additional Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone  Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone
   It gives a signal to the pituitary gland to reduce the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone that causes growth of thyroid tissue.
  • Removing nodes surgically. In some cases even benign nodules in the thyroid gland require surgery - especially if growing in size knot evokes a feeling of discomfort and makes it difficult to breath. Surgery - the best option in the case of multinodular goiter.


Treatment of thyroid adenomas, provoking hyperthyroidism

If autonomously functioning thyroid nodes produce thyroid hormone, causing hyperthyroidism, may require the following treatments:

  • Therapy with radioactive iodine. Radioactive iodine is often used to treat hyperfunctioning adenomas or multisite goiters. The thyroid gland absorbs radioactive iodine, which leads to the destruction of the nodules and the gradual reduction of thyroid hormone levels Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects  Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
 . Typically, to treat hyperthyroidism, this requires about two or three months.
  • Medications. In some cases, for the treatment of nodular thyroid disease may require medications that suppress thyroid function - such as methimazole. This treatment suppresses the symptoms of hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism: increased secretion of thyroid hormone  Hyperthyroidism: increased secretion of thyroid hormone
 , However, can cause a number of serious side effects associated with the load on the liver. Before treatment the potential risks and benefits of such treatment should be discussed with your doctor.


Treatment of malignant tumors

The only treatment for malignancy in the tissues of the thyroid gland - removing it surgically, often with thyroid tissue. This procedure is also known as thyroidectomy and resection of the thyroid gland. Removal surgically formation involves a number of risks - particularly with the risk of damage to the nerves that control the vocal cords, and damage to parathyroid glands, which help to control the level of calcium in the blood. After thyroidectomy requires continuous hormone replacement therapy with levothyroxine, compensating deficiency of thyroid hormones Deficiency of thyroid hormone - revealed a previously unknown reason  Deficiency of thyroid hormone - revealed a previously unknown reason

Article Tags:
  • thyroid nodules
