- Blood sugar - a very important indicator
- Increased
- Diabetes
- Methods for determination
- Test strips
Sugar in the blood - is a very important biochemical parameters. Raising his case with diabetes, high thyroid or adrenal cortex, certain liver diseases. Lowering blood sugar is observed with an excess of insulin in the blood, failure of the adrenal cortex, sometimes with impaired renal function. But most of the decline in blood sugar
Lowering blood sugar - not as good as it seems
there is an overdose of insulin.
Normal blood sugar - why?
In the blood of every man contains a certain amount of sugar (glucose). The presence of sugar in the blood cells needed to extract the energy. Without energy, it is impossible to exercise any of the biochemical processes in the cell, so if the cell receives little glucose, violated all kinds of metabolism.
Violation of protein metabolism leads to disruption of growth in children, decreased immunity, lethargy, weakness, disorders of fat metabolism - obesity and it is a large amount of cholesterol in the blood, which is deposited on the walls of blood vessels as atherosclerotic plaques. As a result of atherosclerosis formed such serious diseases such as stroke, coronary heart disease, atherosclerotic peripheral vascular occlusive disease.
Persistent violation of carbohydrate metabolism leading to diabetes.
To avoid all these disorders, blood sugar is maintained at a constant level. Sugar (glucose) is a simple carbohydrate which enters the body with food. Carbohydrate food can be simple or monosaccharides (glucose, fructose), disaccharides or more complex (sucrose and lactose) and complex (starch and cellulose).
Complex carbohydrates are more useful than simple. Simple rapidly enters the intestine, and then into the blood. If people ate a lot of simple carbohydrates (sweets), the blood sugar rises rapidly to a high level, which encourages "violent activities" of pancreatic cells that secrete the hormone insulin - without it, the cells can not absorb sugar from the blood. This persistent overvoltage pancreas could lead to a reduced function of the body. "Sweet tooth" threaten the stability of insulin deficiency and diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
Complex carbohydrates are slowly digested in the gastrointestinal tract and provide long-lasting source of energy. Glucose thus enters the blood slowly, in small portions, and maintains a stable blood sugar level. If the blood received more sugar than they need the body cells, "superfluous" glucose enters the liver and deposited it in the form of strategic reserves - glycogen. This is facilitated by another pancreatic hormone - glucagon, which is an insulin antagonist.
Units of blood sugar
Units of blood sugar in different countries may be different. In Russia today sugar measured in millimoles per liter (mmol / l). Previously sugar in our country measured in milligrams - Percentage (mg% or mg / dl), that is, in mg per deciliter. In some countries, these units of blood sugar remained until now. So sometimes you want to transfer one unit to another.
To convert mmol / l mg /% or mg / dl, should be multiplied on the indicator 18. For example, 3, 5 mmol / l x 18 mg = 63%. If necessary mg /% or mg / dl counted in mmol / L, the division operation to produce the same number of 63 mg% 18 = 3, 5 mmol / l. Calculate the rate of other system of measurement is sometimes required when moving to another country, as well as when using the meter
The unit of measurement of sugar in the blood - blood glucose meter
Brought from abroad.
Standards of blood sugar for all ages
Indicators of sugar in the blood capillary blood (taken from the finger) is normal fasting may fluctuate within 3, 5-5, 5 mmol / l. Unless fasting blood sugar is higher, but it should not exceed the value of 7, 8 mmol / L. After two hours postprandial blood sugar drops to normal. Standards of blood sugar for venous and capillary plasma (blood taken from the finger and centrifuged - because it removes all cells) - a 12% (fasting rate to 6.1 mmol / L).
For some reason, many believe that sugar in the blood of women and sugar in the blood of men have different figures. It's not the norm in blood sugar are the same for men and women.
In different age blood sugar levels
Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
It may be different. Thus, the blood sugar in infants and especially premature reduced - performance standards of this age are 2, 8-4, 4 mmol / l. But after the month indexes are compared with adults - blood sugar in infants is 3, 3-5, 5 mmol / l. Sugar levels in children after the neonatal period, and blood sugar in adolescents contained in the same amount as adults. But due to the strong growth it may never enough, which leads to the state of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), which are accompanied by dizziness and fainting.
Stable blood sugar can change only in the elderly, as reduced pancreatic function and insulin secretion reduction occurs. Some insulin deficiency leads to the fact that the blood sugar in elderly people increases, the rate after the age of 60 years is 4, 6-6, 4 mmol / l.
Can raise blood sugar in healthy people
Sometimes the amount of sugar in the blood of healthy people is increased - a condition called hyperglycemia. This can happen, for example, by eating large amounts of sweets, when the pancreas does not manage to secrete enough insulin to assimilate it. But a high level of blood sugar in healthy people is kept short, often it is not just reduced to normal and falls below it - a sign of entering the blood of excess insulin.
Physiological hyperglycemia may be at moderate physical activity, smoking, adrenaline in trauma or stress.
Increased blood sugar levels in a healthy person under stress due to the fact that the stress under the influence of hormones of the adrenal medulla (epinephrine and norepinephrine), the body activates all its force: the heartbeat and breathing become more frequent, accelerated all types of metabolism, and this requires an increased amount power, i.e. glucose. If at this moment it is not enough in the body, pancreatic hormone helps get it from liver glycogen. Therefore, the blood sugar under stress always increases.