Exercise in lupus: useful and necessary - Tips and Tricks

March 6, 2012

  • Exercise in lupus: useful and necessary
  • Useful tips

5 tips on how to start practicing

People with lupus should carefully plan the exercise training program, given the medical recommendations. Exercise is good for you, but unsupervised exercise, or too much of their volume, or too fast may harm your health. Follow these five tips to deal with safe for your health.

 Useful Tips | Exercise in lupus: useful and necessary

Talk to your doctor

Each patient with lupus suffers physical activity in different ways. Talk to your doctor before you start to deal with. Your doctor may advise you to determine the most appropriate for you to exercise the degree of their intensity and to identify realistic goals, based on your condition.

 Useful Tips | Exercise in lupus: useful and necessary

Go in slowly and carefully

Do not start training with extreme exercise to quickly fizzle. Since exercise can help you overcome the symptoms of lupus Symptoms of lupus - visible and hidden manifestations  Symptoms of lupus - visible and hidden manifestations
 , Start slowly and increase the intensity level when you feel the need. You will feel the benefit more from regular classes with a small intensity than by lessons from case to case, but in a more intensive level. Be one rhythm and do not forget to rest between exercises. If you breathe out or give up exercise completely, you can feel even greater muscle stiffness or weakness.

 Useful Tips | Exercise in lupus: useful and necessary

Go in with a small load

Take part in intense physical activity such as jogging, lifting weights or aerobics too intense, only with the permission of your doctor. In general, people with lupus, benefit more from the low load exercises such as swimming, walking, yoga or stretching exercises Stretching exercises - Be careful  Stretching exercises - Be careful

 Useful Tips | Exercise in lupus: useful and necessary

Keep a journal of exercise

Journal of exercise has many benefits. Use it to write down their goals and celebrate progress. Seeing as increasing your abilities through time, you will be inspired by their achievements. Write down how you feel, physically and emotionally, after school. Make notes in the journal, even in those days when you do not want to do or feel unwell. It helps you and your doctor see particular symptoms and your physical capabilities.

 Useful Tips | Exercise in lupus: useful and necessary

Engage in exercise with a friend

Classes are paired with someone can make the exercise more interesting, even if it seemed to you boring or difficult. Just try to engage with those who are sympathetic to your limitations and goals and who cheer you in the difficult days. Partners occupations may also inspire you to class, as you do not want. You can also join water sports, tai chi or yoga to keep the commitment. Visiting such a class, you will find yourself surrounded by people, where you can find new friends, and make progress with the help of support from other members.

Article Tags:
  • lupus

Thyroid nodules - abnormal growths - Treatment

February 2, 2013

  • Thyroid nodules - abnormal growths
  • Goiter
  • Treatment

 treatment of thyroid nodules

Treatment of thyroid nodules

The choice of treatment depends on thyroid nodules on how the nodes affected - or can affect - on the condition of the patient. If they are benign and cause no problems, the doctor will most likely decide to simply observe changes nodes. If they cause any problems, appointed by the medical treatment or surgery.

Antithyroid drugs and radioactive iodine can be used for the treatment of benign thyroid nodules that cause the production of excessive amounts of thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism).

Surgery is usually needed only in cases where the thyroid nodules are so great that interfere with a person breathe and swallow food, and if they are malignant. Once the cancerous node removed, the patient may need treatment with radioactive iodine, in the course of which will be destroyed thyroid tissue along with the remnants of cancer cells - otherwise they can cause serious problems a few years later.

If the patient had to completely remove the thyroid gland, it must be for the whole future life to take drugs containing thyroid hormones.

 Treatments | Thyroid nodules - abnormal growths

Home treatment

For patients with thyroid nodules found, there are three basic types of treatment.

Observation. If non-cancerous thyroid nodules and small, your doctor may prescribe a patient examination times of 6-12 months to monitor possible changes knots.

Surgery (thyroidectomy) may be required in the following cases:

  • Node is a thyroid malignancy, or the doctor suspects that it might be cancer;
  • Node increased so much that interferes with breathing and swallowing.

Sometimes also remove nodes that cause excessive production of thyroid hormones.

Radioactive iodine can be used if:

  • Node and malignant thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone, causing hyperthyroidism. However, pregnant women are treated with radioactive iodine is not recommended - it was too dangerous for the fetus;
  • The patient has multiple thyroid nodules (multinodular goiter), and surgery is contraindicated because of other health problems. In such cases, the radioactive iodine may reduce the nodes, but after some time they tend to return to its previous size.

 Treatments | Thyroid nodules - abnormal growths

Further treatment

If, after removal of the thyroid gland Removal of thyroid nodules - special readings  Removal of thyroid nodules - special readings
   by surgery or treatment with radioactive iodine, after the doctor has appointed taking any medications, take as recommended by, and do not stop taking even if you feel well. Regularly donate blood for analysis to the level of thyroid hormones Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects  Thyroid hormones: mechanism of action and physiological effects
   and go to the survey. Be sure to call your doctor if you have any symptoms of hyperthyroidism, such as jitters, increased heart rate, increased sweating, weight loss for no apparent reason. Sometimes these symptoms are due to hormone replacement therapy, or due to the fact that the benign nodes begin to produce too much hormone. You also need to consult a doctor if you develop symptoms of hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism - Symptoms: What should pay particular attention  Hypothyroidism - Symptoms: What should pay particular attention
 For example, fatigue, feeling cold at a sufficiently high temperature environment, and / or sudden increase in weight. Hypothyroidism can develop after treatment with radioactive iodine or after surgical removal of the thyroid gland.

If the node is a benign thyroid The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
   will begin to grow rapidly, the doctor may prescribe fine-needle aspiration biopsy - This procedure allows you to determine whether the node does not become cancerous. In practice this rarely happens. Most patients thyroid nodules on for many years did not increase, and do not cause any symptoms.

Article Tags:
  • thyroid nodules
