Yellow tongue can be a symptom of many diseases and if this phenomenon are concerned for a long time, you need to seek medical advice and to conduct a comprehensive examination, after which will be given treatment. If this is not done, serious illness will progress and join other discomfort, and later complications.

Causes yellow patches on the tongue
Most often, the yellow coating on the tongue is a sign of gallbladder disease and biliary tract. But this phenomenon can occur with any other disease of the digestive system.
In addition, yellow tongue can be caused by diseases of the mouth, tongue, dentures, various endocrine diseases. The yellow coating on the tongue may occur as a result of the treatment of certain medications, such as antibiotics. Yellow tongue after antibiotics may be a sign of a dysbacteriosis
Signs of dysbiosis - depend on the localization process
Finally, the language of the yellow may be the result of frequent smoking, excessive use of strong tea and coffee.

Yellow tongue as a sign of digestive diseases
The yellow coating on the tongue may be one of the first signs of liver disease and biliary tract. In the liver, the blood is cleansed of all toxins coming from outside and produced by the body during metabolism
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
. Purified blood flows in the circulatory system, and metabolic products with the bile, which is produced by the liver, enter first into the bile duct, and then into the gallbladder. From gallbladder bile enters the duodenum 12 and participates in the digestion of food. The flow of bile in 12 duodenal ulcer associated with eating: in response to food intake begins peristaltic movement of smooth muscles of biliary tract and gall bladder, which contributes to its evacuation.
In inflammatory or metabolic and degenerative processes in the liver breaks down the process of formation of bile. Lack of bile affects the digestion, poor digestion leads to the phenomenon of yellow tongue.
If physical activity (motility) Biliary violated, or bile stagnates in biliary tract at low motility or stagnation is due to a sharp muscle spasm biliary tract at high motility, followed by a sharp discharge of bile into the duodenum 12. This condition is called biliary dyskinesia leads to an irregular release of bile, and thus to a violation of the digestive system, with the result that there is a yellow coating on the tongue.
Biliary dyskinesia often accompanies various diseases of the digestive system, so the yellow tongue coating can appear in gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa), cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), duodenitis (inflammation of the duodenum 12), pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). Yellow tongue in pregnancy may also be due to biliary dyskinesia, which develops under the influence of the female sex hormone progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
- It inhibits motor activity of smooth muscle of the uterus, and all of the abdominal organs.
Often yellow tongue of an adult is the first sign of cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) and cholelithiasis, where in the biliary tract and gall bladder stones are formed. These diseases are characterized as pain in the right upper quadrant, worse after a fatty, fried foods, alcohol, physical activity.

Symptoms of yellow plaque in the child - what do they say?
In children older preschool and school-aged yellow coating on the tongue can speak of the same diseases as adults. Yellow tongue at the junior and middle school age often speaks about trouble from the upper respiratory tract. Thus, the presence of chronic tonsillitis
Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils
or sinusitis in a child often appears yellowish coating on the tongue.
Yellow tongue coating in combination with abdominal pain may also be a sign of giardiasis - a disease caused by protozoa (Giardia) that live in the 12-duodenum.
Yellow tongue in infants is most often associated with errors in the diet, for example, if the child several times a day, eating porridge.
Yellow tongue coating can appear in infants after an intestinal infection or after an infectious-inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, especially if it gets treated with antibiotics.

Treatment of yellow plaque
The appearance of a permanent yellow coating on the tongue adult or child is always alarming. But this should not be an occasion for self-solve. Should see a doctor, get tested and designated by its outcome.
Galina Romanenko