Treatment of hepatitis B should take place under medical supervision and laboratory studies. Treatment is prescribed by the doctor individually, depending on the nature of the disease, its severity, the degree of liver dysfunction, the patient's age and the presence of his other chronic diseases.

Treatment of acute hepatitis B
Acute hepatitis B
Hepatitis B - a dangerous inflammation of the liver
can occur as easy and hard. However, treatment of acute hepatitis B always begins with the assignment of bed rest and strict diets (table number 5A) with the exception of products, which can increase the burden on the liver and the entire gastrointestinal tract.
In less severe disease prescribe excessive drinking, with moderate and severe - intravenous drip of large amounts of the drug solution is washed away from the body of pathogens, their toxins, toxic products improper cellular metabolism and decay of tissue. Such solutions include 5% glucose solution, 0, 9% solution of sodium chloride, and other gemodez. Assign adsorbents (smectite polisorb, activated carbon
Activated carbon - old but indispensable
etc) - are purified toxins from the intestine.
Be sure to designate hepatoprotectors - drugs that protect the liver cells from harmful influences. The group hepatoprotectors are polyunsaturated (essential) phospholipids which have the ability to reduce fatty change of the liver and neutralize free radicals (and Essliver Essentiale forte). One of the modern hepatic is ademetionine (Heptral), which has a detoxifying, regenerating, antioxidant, antifibriniziruyuschim, neuroprotective and antidepressant action. For herbal remedies with hepatoprotective action is silymarin (CARS), extracted from milk thistle fruit. Hepatoprotectors urgosan has also choleretic and dissolves stones.
The antiviral treatment of acute hepatitis B is carried out today even in mild disease - in most cases prevents the passage of hepatitis chronic. Widely used recombinant and natural alpha interferons: human leukocyte interferon vellferon, viferon, reaferon, Roferon-A, Introit-A Interal, realdiron and others. In recent years in the treatment of viral hepatitis have begun using pegylated interferon, the effectiveness of which is two times higher than normal.
In severe hepatitis B is often the appointment of interferon combined with another antiviral drug - lamivudine (Epivir). Sometimes Epivir used independently without interferon, such as during pregnancy (in this case interferon is contraindicated) or if a patient has an increased sensitivity to interferon.

Treatment of chronic hepatitis B
Chronic hepatitis
Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
In most cases it goes unnoticed. Patients concerned about weakness, malaise, lack or loss of appetite, and sometimes - heaviness in the right hypochondrium. The goal of treatment in this case is a persistent suppression of virus reproduction and resolution of the inflammatory process in the liver.
Treatment of chronic hepatitis B does not provide for strict bed rest and a strict diet. The patient is recommended to limit heavy physical and psychological stress, as well as adhere to the rules of rational eating healthy, eat at least four times a day at the same time and avoid the appearance of excess weight (it can cause deterioration of the patient).
The latest treatments for hepatitis B involve the appointment of long-term antiviral therapy of pegylated interferon. Duration of treatment with interferon depends on the characteristics of the disease and the patient's general condition. The average treatment ranges from six months to a year.
Because drugs that have a direct antiviral effect for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B group of drugs used nucleoside analogues, such as lamivudine (Epivir). When the patient is contraindicated treatment with interferon, sometimes prescribed two different drugs from the group of nucleoside analogs, such as Epivir and adefavir.
In addition, patients with chronic hepatitis B treatments are appointed hepatoprotectors (Essliver fort Heptral
Geptral - protection and support to the liver and not only
, Kars, and so on), immunomodulators (Zadaxin), fortifying agent.
Preventing hepatitis B is vaccination. Specific immunoglobulin against hepatitis B prescribed for emergency prevention of this disease. Administering to immunoglobulin preparations containing antibodies to NBsAg can create time (35-40 days) protection against hepatitis B.
Galina Romanenko