Regidron - a drug non-prescription that diarrhea can begin to take before the arrival of the doctor. But this does not rule out an appeal for medical help, as has rehydron and contraindications to be considered in the treatment. In addition, diarrhea, especially in children, is often complicated by dehydration, and only a doctor can decide whether to take the patient into saline or he needed intravenous fluids.

Regidron - its composition and effects on the human body
Regidron - a medicament in powder form, which is dissolved in water, resulting in a solution for oral administration to an organism containing the necessary salts and glucose. Take rehydron loss of liquid from any source. The preparation consists of three kinds of salts and glucose.
Sodium chloride and potassium chloride. Potassium and sodium ions are sodium-potassium pump, which is governed by the osmotic pressure in the cells (they are mostly potassium) and the intercellular space (containing mainly sodium). Loss of fluid with these salts leads to increased pH (acidosis) and general toxicity. In addition, the lack of potassium seriously affects the state of the musculoskeletal system, particularly on the state of the heart muscle - the myocardium. Sodium rehydron contained somewhat less, and potassium in an amount slightly higher than recommended. However, it is now confirmed st clinical studies that suggest that the most effective when fluid loss is small concentrations of sodium and increased concentrations of potassium.
Sodium citrate - in the body is converted into bicarbonate (baking soda) and has alkalizing effect, neutralizing acidosis that reduces toxicity.
Anhydride glucose
Glucose: The energy source
- Attracts the liquid, thus maintaining normal blood volume, reduces the manifestations of intoxication, restore the disturbed metabolism
Impaired metabolism
Including a supplier of energy for biochemical processes.
Regidron generally restores the water-salt exchange and corrects the condition of acidosis and reduce toxicity.

Which diseases can be taken rehydron
First of all, rehydron take for diarrhea of any origin, accompanied by mild to moderate fluid loss. In severe intestinal infections with considerable loss of fluid to the patient is administered saline solutions and blood products intravenously.
Assign rehydron well as the loss of large amounts of fluids during a long stay in the heat (bath, sauna, solar radiation), especially if it is accompanied by a high physical exertion. Regidron in such cases are often prescribed not only medical, but also for prophylactic purposes.

How to take
Rehydron powder contained in a bag, is dissolved in a liter of freshly boiled and cooled water (to dissolve the drug only in water and can not add anything to correct flavor, including sugar). Store this solution may be for one day in a refrigerator.
Regidronap daily dose prescribed by the physician based on the patient's condition and its comorbidities. Start taking rehydron you can own, but then the doctor will adjust his daily dose. Regidron is usually prescribed at a dose equal to twice the amount of lost fluids. In order to have an idea of how much fluid becomes ill, before applying rehydron it weighed.
Babies under one year rehydron appoint one - two teaspoons every 10-12 times per hour during the first six hours. Then (if fluid loss decreased) recalculated daily dose: it should be 40 ml of solution per kg body weight of the child per day at low fluid loss and up to 80 ml per kg of body weight in fluid loss of moderate severity.
If overheating in the first half hour to take 0, 5-1 liters of solution rehydron small portions. After that, every 40 minutes, drink to 0, 5 liters of the solution to restore the water-salt metabolism.
Do not exceed the recommended dosage rehydron, as this may lead to higher blood potassium or sodium - of which may be accompanied by a number of severe symptoms until the patient's death.

This should not take the drug
Regidron well tolerated and virtually no side effects (except allergic reactions, which are very rare). However, in some cases, it can not be taken:
- if you are hypersensitive to the components of the drug;
- acute and chronic renal failure
Chronic renal failure - what to do and how to be?
- for patients with diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
- when intestinal obstruction;
- unconscious.
Regidron - a drug that will help to cope with the loss of fluids and salts.
Galina Romanenko