- Flatulence - when you need to worry about?
- What is flatulence
What is flatulence
Flatulence - a surplus accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract due to the increased formation of or insufficient removal from the intestine.
The quantity of gases in healthy people depends on the nature of food, age, lifestyle, and other factors. Under normal conditions, the gases accumulate typically in the stomach and in the right and left bending colon. These gases are formed due to swallowing air discharge them in the process of digestion in the stomach and intestines, as well as the neutralization of gastric juice soda (received heartburn). Gases derived through the rectum, part - absorbed into the blood and then released through the lungs.

The composition of intestinal gas
Gas in the colon of healthy people is the following: nitrogen - 24-80% oxygen - 0, 1-2, 3% hydrogen - 0. 6-47%, methane - 0-26% carbon dioxide - 4 3 -29%, there is also hydrogen sulfide. The greater the concentration of oxygen stomach and in the intestine - carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen sulfide.

Causes of flatulence
For reasons of occurrence are six forms of flatulence:
- nutritional flatulence - occurs by eating foods rich in fiber and starch (beans, cabbage, potatoes, black bread and other.);
- flatulence to the damage of the digestive processes (when the enzyme deficiency, malabsorption, dysbacteriosis, etc.);
- mechanical flatulence - with a variety of mechanical obstacles to the movement of food (for example, a tumor);
- dynamic flatulence - occurs on the basis of violations of motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, toxic effects on the muscles of the intestine at different infections);
- circulatory flatulence - in circulatory disorders (for example, stagnation in the veins of the intestine with varicose veins).
- psychogenic flatulence - against the background of mental disorders, such as hysteria.

How does flatulence
For flatulence are typical complaints of bloating and heaviness in the stomach, sometimes - aching pain in different parts of the abdomen. Pronounced flatulence may be bouts of cramping pain (gas colic), subsides after passing flatus. In some cases, there is a frequent and noisy carminative, in others - their delay.
There are also belching
Belching: why it happens and that means
, Nausea, constipation or diarrhea, unpleasant taste in the mouth, loss of appetite. Chance of halitosis, in some cases, especially in young people, it can cause a neurosis
Neurosis - reaction to the nervous shock
Discomfort can occur in other organs: a burning sensation in the heart, heartbeat, disruption of the heart, headaches, muscle pain, sleep disorders, anxiety, depressed mood, weakness, fatigue, etc. Sometimes it bothers shortness of breath, which can be quite strong (dyspeptic asthma).

Treatment flatulence
If bloating is often worried, you should see a doctor to rule out a serious illness. Treatment is carried out after the establishment of the causes of flatulence. Appointed diet with the exception of cabbage, beans, fresh bread. Limited to foods rich in starch (potato flour dishes), and digestible carbohydrates (sweets, cakes, ice cream).
Of Pharmaceuticals appointed substance adsorbed on their surface the gases such as activated charcoal
Activated carbon - old but indispensable
, White clay, smectite
Smecta - necessary in any medicine cabinet
Other treatment is carried out taking into account the reasons that caused flatulence: the enzyme deficiency appointed enzymes at a dysbacteriosis (decrease in the number of beneficial microorganisms in the gut and increase harmful) - Restoration of normal intestinal microflora. When the pain prescribers, relieving muscle spasm stomach and intestines (antispasmodics, for example, no-spa). Is the treatment of constipation and diarrhea.
Flatulence associated with mechanical disturbances, sometimes surgery is necessary.

How to prevent flatulence
To prevent bloating, the need for rational balanced diet. Fashionable diet is better to exclude all - they all somehow hurt the gastrointestinal tract.
The next requirement - enough age-appropriate physical activity. If the person does not move, all the muscle, including muscles of inner organs, start to operate in a reduced activity, leading to stagnation and flatulence.
If you have constipation, you should not abuse of laxatives and enemas, it also has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. We need to see a doctor and he will assign the correct treatment.
Remember, flatulence can be a signal of the body of some troubles, so to understand this question is very difficult, it is best to consult a doctor.