- Crohn's disease - an inflammation of the bowel, is fraught with complications
- Complications
What is Crohn's disease and its causes
Crohn's disease - a chronic inflammatory bowel disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Symptoms and Treatment
It is affecting all of its layers. At the same time in areas lesions appear deep narrow ulcer with smooth edges that resemble knife cuts. It should be possible before the correct diagnosis and start treatment - the only way to prevent serious complications.
For the first time the disease manifests itself in the age of 15-35 years, the reasons for his not completely clarified until now. Some researchers believe that the cause is an infection (eg, tubercle bacillus or measles virus). But most experts believe that Crohn's disease is caused by various factors, which when exposed to the human body trigger the same universal mechanisms of autoimmune (allergic against its own tissues of the body) inflammation. Furthermore, there is an assurance that for there to Crohn's disease, genetic predisposition is necessary, which is manifested by defects of the immune system of the intestine.
The initial symptoms of Crohn's disease - it is cramping abdominal pain
Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
(usually at the bottom right), rumbling, bloating, diarrhea. Man loses weight, it can be raised body temperature, general weakness, signs of a lack of vitamins, a variety of metabolic disorders
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
(deficiency of essential nutrients and trace elements) due to violation of absorptive capacity of the intestine.
Complications of Crohn's disease may be local and general. The most common complications are irreversible changes in bowel: fistulas (channels or communication between the various organs and tissues, resulting from the disease) rectal abscesses in the soft tissues surrounding the rectum, anal fissures, narrowing (stricture) of the various parts of the intestine, abscesses (ulcers enclosed in a tight envelope) in the abdominal cavity, etc. Crohn's disease may also be complicated by massive bleeding during bowel perforation, and violation of its supply of blood vessels and peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum). All of inflammatory complications of the soft tissue in Crohn's disease characterized by sluggish flow and slow recovery.
Common symptoms of Crohn's disease may be in the form of skin rashes, vasculitis (inflammation of the small blood vessels), the defeat of the joints (arthritis, lesions of the spine), inflammatory eye diseases, diseases of the liver and biliary tract, a variety of disorders of blood circulation, blood clots in the blood vessels, disorders of formation bone (osteoporosis), and others.
On what basis can confirm a diagnosis of Crohn's disease
The diagnosis of Crohn's disease can be confirmed by radiological and endoscopic studies.
When X-ray revealed an intermittent nature of the lesion small and large intestine with a predominantly right-sided localization process in the large intestine, the formation of deep ulcers, fissures, internal fistulas, abscesses and narrowing of the affected area of the colon.
In endoscopy (colonoscopy, in which a special optical probe unit inserted into the rectum, and further to various parts of the colon) detected against unmodified ulcers of the mucosa. As the progression of ulcers increase in size. Alternating islands preserved mucosa with deep longitudinal and transverse ulcers, fissures created the painting "cobblestones".
Treatment of Crohn's disease
Treatment of Crohn's disease depends on the stage of the disease and the presence or absence of complications. The initial stages are treated conservatively (without surgery).
Of great importance is the diet - it should be mechanically sparing with the exception of sharp, salty, fatty foods, strong tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages. The food should contain high amounts of protein (meat, cheese). One method of treatment of Crohn's disease are the parenteral (injection of nutrients, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract) and enteral (via a tube or probe) power. They are used to remove underweight and stunting, as well as in preparation for surgery and in the postoperative period.
Assign various inflammatory and allergic manifestations reducing drugs (drugs are 5-aminosalicylic acid or 5-ASA, corticosteroids) and immunosuppressants - drugs that promote artificial immunosuppression (e.g., Remicade). All these drugs can, in turn, cause a number of complications, should therefore be pursued under the constant supervision of a physician and other research methods.
When septic complications of Crohn's disease (abscesses, fistulas) appointed antibiotics
Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
Surgical techniques are used only for the treatment of complications (intestinal obstruction, fistulas, abscesses, perforation, bleeding) that can not be cured with conservative therapy.
Crohn's disease - a serious illness, it requires constant care and monitoring in order to avoid all possible complications.
Galina Romanenko