Partial bowel obstruction occurs when the lumen is not completely closed, and some of the feces can overcome the obstacle. In partial bowel obstruction surgery is not always necessary, the decision must be taken on set of symptoms and causes of the disease.

Why can occur partial bowel obstruction
Partial bowel obstruction often occurs when adhesive disease
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When grown up after the inflammatory process, trauma, penetrating injuries of the abdomen or abdominal surgery adhesions compress any portion of the intestine and make it impossible to freely move stool.
Another cause partial obstruction of the bowel are benign and malignant tumors and cysts. The tumor may grow outside of the intestine and gradually squeeze its hinges, and can be located inside, closing the lumen.
In any case, the state deteriorates and partial occlusion becomes full in case peredavlivayutsya blood vessels feeding the intestine.
Partial bowel obstruction is common in children who had undergone surgery on the abdomen.

As shown
Partial obstruction when adhesions in the abdominal cavity may have a chronic course, and then the patient periodically have abdominal pain, constipation and gas, and sometimes vomiting. These effects are not severe and usually pass on their own or after conservative measures in the surgical ward. So it can last a very long time, for decades.
When the tumor (as growing outside and inside the lumen of the intestine) obstruction phenomenon is increasing gradually. Periodically (for example, overeating) cause abdominal pain, constipation, flatulence, and vomiting. Such attacks on the growth of tumors occur more often.
Periods of partial blockage (obstruction) of the intestinal lumen, is replaced by periods of authorization in the form of diarrhea. Fecal while abundant, liquid with an unpleasant putrid odor.
The peculiarity of the partial obstruction of any origin is that it could at any time go to the full with acute intestinal obstruction due to over eating disorder of the intestinal wall. Clamping vascular adhesions
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or tumor leads to necrosis of the intestinal wall and paresis of the intestine. As a result, developed the classic symptoms of acute intestinal obstruction: severe cramping pain, do not cease after the bout, nausea, vomiting (especially strong if the obstacle is located at the beginning of the intestine), constipation and gas.

Diagnosis and treatment
In addition to the clinical signs of the disease is of great importance and bowel X-ray data of laboratory studies of blood - it in some forms of intestinal obstruction has changed.
Treatment of patients with partial intestinal obstruction should be under the constant supervision of a surgeon. In the hospital performed the periodic inspection and routine inpatient care of patients as well as treatment in case of signs of acute intestinal obstruction full
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If there are signs of acute intestinal obstruction in any case before the examination the surgeon can not eat or drink any drinks, even water. You can not also take laxatives or painkillers do enema and gastric lavage.
If signs of acute intestinal obstruction, and no patient concerned unspecified abdominal pain
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and constipation, after a preliminary examination in the surgical ward it is conducted conservative treatment. To this end, a patient with severe intestinal peristalsis entered antispasmodic medication that relieves spasms of smooth muscles of the intestinal wall. Sometimes the introduction shpy restores promotion stool through the intestines.
There are also sucking the contents of the stomach and upper intestine through a tube and cleansing enemas.
With dynamic intestinal obstruction that develops against the backdrop of his paresis or paralysis, used various means to stimulate the motor activity of the intestine, for example, perirenal novocaine blockade, which relieves pain, causing a bowel movement restored.
If conservative treatment does not help and the patient's condition worsens, then surgery is performed, during which restored the passage of stool through the intestines.
Galina Romanenko