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Activated carbon and gastritis
Activated carbon is used in certain types of gastritis, but not at all. For example, chronic gastritis with decreased secretion of the activated charcoal is contraindicated, as it can further reduce the amount of gastric juice in the stomach.
What is gastritis and its species
Gastritis - the defeat of the gastric mucosa. Gastritis can be acute or chronic. In acute gastritis defeat carries primarily inflammatory in nature, while chronic - atrophic (with a decrease in the volume of the gastric mucosa) violation of the gastrointestinal tract, and whole organism.
Acute gastritis are due to errors in nutrition, infections, food poisoning, poisoning, alkalis and acids. At the same time inflammation may wear catarrhal (redness and swelling), corrosive (in violation of the integrity of the mucosa), fibrinous (with the formation of fibrinous films on the surface of the mucous membranes) and flegmanozny (involving all layers of the stomach wall).
Chronic gastritis are the result of delayed or incomplete treatment of acute gastritis
Gastritis - several stomach disorders
or malnutrition, eating large quantities of substances that irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach, eating cold food, some of the drugs. Chronic gastritis may occur with normal, high and low secretory function.
How to use activated charcoal in acute gastritis
Activated carbon - is an adsorbent (the drug precipitating on the surface thereof fine particles of various substances, including toxins), which is available in tablets, capsules and packets with the powder for oral administration.
For the treatment of acute gastritis, which proceeds with nausea
Nausea - there may be problems with the nervous system
and vomiting, is best suited powder packets. In order to rid the stomach of poor quality, irritating or poisonous food, it should be cleaned. In this case, using activated charcoal. The boiled water at room temperature for lavage is added about 10 grams of activated carbon per liter of water. Stomach washed several times to clean water, thus using up to 30 g of activated charcoal.
Activated charcoal tablets of 0, 5, 0, 25 g karbolenom called, it is much less active than the drug in the powder, but can also be used for washing the stomach, but it is necessary to grind the tablets and pour into water for washing the stomach.
After vomiting in acute gastritis stopped, from the remnants of substandard food and poisons need to clean the intestines. Purify the intestine using an enema, using just water (activated charcoal can irritate the intestinal mucosa). Thereafter carbol may be used in tablets the rate of 1 - 2 g of (2 - 4 tablets carbol to 0, 5 g) 3 - 4 times a day for several days. To enhance the effect of removing toxic substances and taking pills pound and a half cups of water.
The use of activated carbon in chronic gastritis
Activated carbon is used mainly for chronic gastritis with high secretory activity. In this case, the activated carbon adsorbs and removes a part of the gastric content, which may irritate the gastric mucosa. But the disadvantage of this formulation is that it removes from the gastrointestinal tract and nutrients - hormones, enzymes, and vitamins. Therefore, long-term use of activated carbon is not necessary.
Do not use activated carbon in the ulcerative lesions and gastrointestinal bleeding - once in the bloodstream, it can cause a blockage (thrombosis) of the blood vessel. In some cases (very rare) is idiosyncrasy of this drug.
For the treatment of chronic gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice is used on activated carbon 1 - 2 g of (2 - 4 tablets) 3 - 4 times per day. If the drug is used as part of a treatment, it is necessary to take into account that it can absorb and excrete other medicines, so it must be taken within two hours of their admission, or two hours before the reception.
It has activated carbon and side effects, which may adversely affect the course of chronic gastritis. This is constipation
Constipation - Watch out for food
, Diarrhea, staining of stool black. Do not bring your body a favor and resulting from the use of activated carbon deficiency of vitamins, hormones, enzymes, fats and proteins. It is also possible potassium deficiency which adversely affect the work of the heart muscle, calcium (it takes an active part in the work of all body cells) and glucose
Glucose: The energy source
- Develops its deficiency in the blood (hypoglycemia).
Activated carbon is an excellent adsorbent, which is usually prescribe short courses of treatment.