At the heart of geptrala is a substance that is always present in the human body, actively influences the metabolic processes in the liver cells and promotes the excretion of toxic bile acid cells. Geptral also protects liver cells from the damaging effects of bile acids.
What intrahepatic cholestasis
Intrahepatic cholestasis - a condition in which there is an infringement of bile flow from the liver cells (hepatocytes). Bile thus accumulate in hepatocytes and does not reach the bile ducts, is not received (or it receives significantly less) in the duodenum. Such a condition can occur in violation of the synthesis of bile and its excretion from hepatocytes (intralobulyarny cholestasis), disorders developing in intrahepatic ducts (ekstralobulyarny cholestasis) or a combination of these disorders.
The formation and excretion of bile promote excretion of toxic substances is formed as a result of metabolism
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in the body, and received it from the outside. Bile is also actively involved in the process of digestion and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Bile activates the pancreas
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And motor activity of the gallbladder and intestines.
Bile is produced by entering the hepatocyte from the blood of its components (bile acids, cholesterol, bilirubin
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et al.), the metabolic processes in the cell, resulting in secretion of bile and bile via specific transport systems in the bile duct using special proteins carrying transport function.
Intrahepatic cholestasis may develop on the background of viral, toxic (including alcohol), medicaments and other lesions of the liver. It is also possible development of intrahepatic cholestasis in cardiovascular disease, as well as metabolic disorders in the body, for example during pregnancy. Intrahepatic cholestasis can be one of the signs of chronic liver disease (chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of different origin, metabolic disorders, liver tumors), or a separate process (eg, drug cholestasis, cholestasis of pregnancy).
Intralobulyarny cholestasis often asymptomatic and is manifested only by a change in laboratory parameters, and ekstralobulyarny has characteristic symptoms as caused by the flow of bile in the blood (jaundice, itchy skin), decrease in its revenues in the intestines (digestive disorders) and toxic effects of bile acids in the liver cells (destruction of hepatocytes and formation of cirrhosis of the liver).
Application geptrala for the treatment of intrahepatic cholestasis
In the treatment of trying to identify and eliminate the root cause of the disease, to restore the broken mechanisms of formation and excretion of bile and arrest the symptoms of the disease.
However, when alcohol and drug cholestasis elimination of toxic effects on the liver is not always eliminate the violations. Therefore, it is focusing on elimination of violations of the mechanisms of bile formation and biliary excretion. For this purpose most often used geptral.
Active ingredient is ademetionine geptrala - a natural substance that is present in the cells of the human body. Ademethionine restores the permeability of cell membranes increases the energy capacity of hepatocytes, resulting in improved receipt constituting bile from blood, their intracellular transport and secretion into bile flow. In hepatocytes geptlal stimulates the synthesis of glutathione, taurine and sulfate, which protects hepatocytes from the toxic effects of any substance.
Especially effective Heptral
Geptral - protection and support to the liver and not only
when intralobulyarnom cholestasis of any origin, in which there is rarely severe symptoms and the disease is detected only by laboratory testing.
Geptral in this case initially administered by intramuscular or intravenous injection for two weeks and then transferred to a maintenance therapy in the form of tablet-taking orally for two months. Injections and oral treatment is usually carried out in the morning, as Heptral has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.
Geptral intralobulyarnogo contributes to the resolution of cholestasis, as well as providing full beneficial effects on liver cells (hepatoprotective effect), including reducing a negative effect on hepatocytes insufficient supply of oxygen and their degradation under the influence of alcohol.
Thus geptral is a versatile tool in the treatment of liver diseases.
Galina Romanenko