A Normoflorin actively restores intestinal microflora, particularly in children under one year and enhances immunity
Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
. Children after a course of the drug get sick less often and less seriously reduced the number of colds, recurrence of infectious and inflammatory and allergic diseases.
Normoflorin A - Bad overall health
Normoflorin A - is a biologically active food additive, which consists of lactobacilli in an amount not less than 10 ^ 10 CFU / mL (CFU - koloneobrazuyuschaya this unit, which is up to 240 bacterial cells). Produced Normoflorin A domestic pharmaceutical company Bifilyuks as a liquid concentrate in flakonah- 20 mL (up to years), as well as conventional bottles of 50 or 100 ml.
All Normoflorin (they produced three species) are symbiotic - drugs that contain not only useful for intestinal bacteria (probiotics), and substances necessary for their "feeding" that they did not die after being hit in the gut, but settled down and active bred (prebiotics). The structure includes normodipin A metabolic products lactic acid bacteria (amino acids, organic acids, vitamins, micro and macro) and prebiotic lactitol, which enhances the process of life of colonies of lactic acid bacteria.
Under the influence of Normoflorin A reduced amount of conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic intestinal microflora and output formed during their metabolic toxins, restore normal motor activity of the intestine. Because the body is also displayed excess cholesterol, which contributes to the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels. Derivation of certain salts (eg, salts of oxalic acid - oxalate), which are capable of forming stones in the biliary and urinary tracts.
A Normoflorin activates the formation of a protective immunoglobulin A, which is in the mucous membranes of the body and protects against the penetration of pathogenic bacteria. Restoration of the gastrointestinal tract contributes to the overall improvement of metabolism
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
Including the absorption of the cells of nutrients and oxygen - it reinforces cell resistance to any external influences.
We heal the digestive organs
Normoflorin A particularly recommended premature babies - it actively prevents the growth of harmful microflora, resulting in the child actively sucks the breast, putting on weight and growing.
In preschool and primary school age under the influence of malnutrition and high nervous and mental stress begin to form chronic gastrointestinal disease. If at this moment is not to try to prevent this process, it is formed in this period, the disease will accompany human life. A reception Normoflorin courses will restore the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevent the development of chronic diseases.
Not less frequently at this age are developing the disease biliary tract and gall bladder
Gall bladder: structure and function
. This contributes to a relatively sedentary lifestyle and student information and great emotional stress at school. This reduces the motor activity of muscles of biliary tract and the bile starts to stagnate. Over time in the biliary tract stones can be formed on the basis of some kinds of salts. Remediation of the gastrointestinal tract results in increased locomotor activity in the biliary tract, wherein the body is actively excreted salts such as oxalates.
What other agencies can improve by taking Normoflorin A
Oxalates may be postponed and in the urinary tract, of which here can be formed rocks and stones in the urinary tract is almost always cause inflammation. Thus, reception Normoflorin
Normoflorin - used to prevent
A is the prevention of various diseases and kidney.
A reception Normoflorin help improve and nasopharynx, because work properly gut produce more immune cells that protect the body from infections. And in the mucous membranes of a large number of immunoglobulin A, which does not allow the ingestion of infection.
Admission Normoflorin A is recommended in allergic processes in the lungs and airways. Removing toxins from the gut - this is a warning exacerbation of allergic diseases, because very often it is the emergence of new toxins provoke skin rash or asthma attacks.
With the purpose of improvement Normoflorin A can be taken alone, in accordance with the instructions attached to it.
Galina Romanenko