- Treatment of liver - trust your doctor
- The liver and its functions
The liver and its functions
Liver - unpaired abdominal organs related to the digestive system, while the largest gland in the human body, it is involved in digestion, metabolism and circulation, neutralizes toxins coming into it with the blood from the gastrointestinal tract, including alcohol and drugs that modern man often takes in large quantities. Liver tissue is surrounded by a network of bile ducts, which are derived from her bile in the gall bladder (temporary storage) and a 12-duodenum, where it is involved in digestion.
The most important function of the liver is also the synthesis of proteins of tissues of the human body of the proteins coming from the food, the formation of glycogen from carbohydrates (energy supply of the body), the formation of bile (which contains digestive enzymes and is involved in the breakdown of food) and immune cells (lymphocytes) that protect the body against external influences.

Liver Disease
Liver damage may occur:
- when subjected to liver cells food toxic impurities, toxic substances (particularly alcoholic beverages), drugs, bacteria and viruses - in this case there is often observed as a change from the liver tissue, and from the bile ducts;
- at stagnation of blood in the veins of the liver on the background of circulatory diseases, ingestion of certain plants belonging to food additives
Food additives - basic classification
and herbal teas (especially Chinese production);
- with stagnation of bile in the liver and biliary tract - it develops under the influence of viral, alcoholic, drug, food, vegetable factors;
- overdose of vitamins, especially vitamin A, thus there is an increased proliferation of cells of connective tissue, causing congestion in the liver and increase the pressure in the vessels of the liver;
- by indirect damaging effect of any toxic factors on liver cells (e.g., inflammatory and allergic processes in other organs, lack of oxygen and etc.).

Basic principles of treatment of liver
A feature of liver disease is that even if they end up in recovery, after a long time they are metabolic disorders, which also requires treatment - the restoration of those or other infringements of the structure and function of cells of the liver or biliary tract. Therefore, the treatment of any disease of the liver - a very difficult task, which starts with a survey to identify the causes of liver disease and eliminate them.
In acute diseases, treatment should initially be aimed at the elimination of intoxication (drip with glucose
Glucose: The energy source
, Blood substitutes, etc.) at the same time prescribe medications, normal secretory funktsyui liver and bile flow. After that begins the long process of multi-stage restoration of the structure and function of the liver.

Medications used to treat liver diseases
Medications used to treat liver, divided into three groups: hepatoprotectors Cholagogue and cholelitolitic funds.
Hepatoprotectors promote restoration of the function of liver cells, thereby improving all the metabolic processes in the liver, enhancing its resistance to various toxic effects, accelerates the recovery of its functions at any kinds of damage. All hepatoprotectors divided into herbal-animal origin (Essentiale and Essentiale forte, Kars, Heptral
Geptral - protection and support to the liver and not only
, Silimar, hofitol
Hofitol - has beneficial effects on liver function
, Gepatosan), synthetic (man-made, such as ziksorin aka flumetsinol) and homeopathic (Galstena).
Bile drugs increase the secretion of bile (allohol, holenzim, Holagol) and its promotion of biliary ways to exit the intestine (magnesium sulfate, berberine bisulfate, etc.).
Cholelitolitic drugs (Henofalk, ursofalk) with the acids contained therein cause the dissolution of gallstones in the biliary tract and gall bladder, they are used to dissolve cholesterol stones are small.

Folk remedies used to treat liver
For the treatment of liver disease, there are many folk remedies, for example, a decoction of corn silk, which is an excellent cholagogue. Preparing it this way: 10 g of dried crushed corn silk (that hairs that are located under the corn leaves) pour 1, 5 cups of cold water and boil for 30 minutes on low heat in an enamel pot with the lid closed; then the broth is cooled, filtered and taken 1-3 tablespoons every 3-4 hours.