Hofitol tablets prescribed for chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract is acute. The drug helps restore metabolic processes in the liver cells, stimulates the production and secretion of bile, causing stagnation of bile is removed in the bile ducts and gall bladder.
Features formulation Chophytol tablets
Hofitol tablets, coated tablets, manufactured by the French pharmaceutical company Phytopharm Rosa. Each tablet contains 200 mg of active principle - a dry aqueous extract of fresh leaves of an artichoke field. In addition, as excipients in tablets Chophytol include: magnesium trisilicate, corn starch, talc, magnesium stearate. The composition of the shell include: rosin, talc, acacia, sucrose, calcium carbonate, carnauba wax, gelatin, polysorbate 80, shellac, and disperse dyes.
Hofitol relates to plant drugs with hepatoprotective, choleretic and diuretic effect, reduces azotemia - increased blood levels of nitrogen products of protein metabolism, kidneys displayed.
Effect of the drug depends on the members of the artichoke extract
Artichoke extract - for the treatment and prevention of various diseases
biologically active substances polyphenols, minerals and vitamins (carotene, vitamins C, group B). These substances actively affect the metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
in liver cells, thereby improving the general condition of the body. At the same time it contributes to increased hofitol bile production and excretion of bile from the bile ducts into the duodenum.
Furthermore, the tablets hofitol inhibit the formation of cholesterol, leading to its decrease in the blood and improve the condition of patients who have pathological processes developed against atherosclerosis.
Hofitol positive effect on the state of the kidneys. He has a fairly intense but mild diuretic effect, increasing glomerular filtration. This derived from the blood of toxic metabolic products of proteins that accumulate there with impaired renal function.
Who and how to take the pills hofitol
Hofitol prescribed for biliary dyskinesia on the hypokinetic type, when the bile ducts and gall bladder bile stasis is created because of a violation of motor activity of smooth muscles of biliary tract. This condition is dangerous because the stagnation can lead to inflammation in the bile ducts (cholangitis) and gallbladder (cholecystitis). In addition, when biliary dyskinesia necessarily disturbed digestion, because the bile is an active participant in this process.
Tablets hofitol is also used in chronic cholecystitis and chronic cholangitis is worsening, and without the formation of stones in the biliary tract. Regular emptying of the gallbladder leads to a reduction of stagnation of bile, which prevents the development of acute inflammation.
In chronic liver disease (chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis) tablets hofitol also accept without exacerbation - it prevents the aggravation. In acute hepatitis hofitol pills used in the recovery period - improved metabolism in liver cells contribute to the overall improvement of the functions of the body.
In chronic kidney disease, which is accompanied by a slow decline in their function, hofitol promotes partial recovery of kidney function, as increased glomerular filtration of blood is removed from the toxic breakdown products of protein and excess fluid
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(reduces swelling).
Tablets Chophytol take before meals. Adults can take two or three pills three times a day, children over six years - one or two tablets three times a day also. The duration of treatment depends on the patient, the average treatment lasts about two or three weeks.
Side effects and contraindications
Side effects when taking tablets hofitol can only be allergic reactions, and diarrhea, which may occur during long-term treatment in high dohah. In case of overdose side effects Chophytol it worse.
Admission hofitol tablets is contraindicated in biliary tract obstruction caused by stones (cholelithiasis), tumor, congenital abnormalities, and so on. It does not take hofitol also in acute diseases of the liver and biliary tract, as well as kidney and urinary tract, hypersensitive to the components of the drug, and children up to six years.
With caution and only for health hofitol pills prescribed during pregnancy and nursing
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
feeding (in this case assigns hofitol a doctor).
Galina Romanenko