Candidiasis: Treatment is not easy - Antibiotics

January 3, 2012

  • Candidiasis: Treatment is not easy
  • Antibiotics
  • Candles
  • Folk remedies

Candidiasis and antibiotics

Candidiasis and antibiotics - are concepts associated, as it is from the antibiotics begin to proliferate the yeast genus Candida - Candida pathogens. Prolonged or frequent antibiotics candidiasis can affect many organs and tissues of the human body.

 Antibiotics | Candidiasis: Treatment is not easy

The natural microflora of the skin and mucous membranes

On our skin and mucous membranes inhabited by many microorganisms. Some of them have a positive effect on the body - the so-called normal or useful microflora. Normal microflora protects the body from bacteria to grow, which could cause disease. The normal intestinal microflora is involved in digestion and in the synthesis of certain vitamins.

The normal vaginal flora The microflora of the vagina: purity  The microflora of the vagina: purity
   It ensures its purity. The main representatives of the flora are lactobacilli, which produce lactic acid Lactic acid - shows our health  Lactic acid - shows our health
 . The acidic environment retards the growth and development of disease-causing (pathogenic) microorganisms.

There is also other pathogenic and opportunistic (those have cause disease under certain circumstances, to include these types of microorganisms and fungi genus Candida, causing candidiasis) microflora. Useful microflora does not multiply it, and under normal conditions there is a balance between them. But in some cases the amount of normal microflora is sharply reduced, opportunistic and pathogenic microflora begin to multiply rapidly. This causes digestive disorders, and vitamin deficiencies (mostly appears deficiency of B vitamins). This condition is called dysbiosis, it is not a disease, but if pathogens are introduced into the intestinal wall and cause its inflammation, it's a condition called colitis. Similar changes occur in the vagina: first developing his dysbiosis (bacterial vaginosis), followed by inflammation of the vagina - vaginitis.

 Antibiotics | Candidiasis: Treatment is not easy

As antibiotics act on the natural microflora

Antibiotics, especially broad-spectrum, long-term use suppresses the development of normal microflora, allowing opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms insensitive to this antibiotic Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   multiply unchecked. The fungi of the genus Candida are not destroyed by conventional antibiotics, so in their application are beginning to multiply. Moreover, antibiotics stimulate the growth of the fungus genus Candida. As a result of developing candidiasis of different organs and tissues. Some antibiotics have toxic effects on mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, damaging it, this further facilitates implementation of mucosal fungal genus Candida.

The most common candida begins on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, external genital organs and intestines. If time does not take action, the candida will spread further and the "capture" of the lungs, kidneys, liver and other organs, up to the brain. The defeat of several organs and tissues is called a generalized candidiasis.

 Antibiotics | Candidiasis: Treatment is not easy

What if while taking antibiotics appeared suspected candidiasis

If you suspect that candidiasis is necessary to make laboratory studies. For this study on material taken from the affected organ (scrapings, smears, separation and so on) and examined under a microscope. Candidiasis is confirmed in the case if it is found a large number of fungi of the genus Candida and yarns (pseudomycelium). Detection of fungi of the genus Candida unit does not confirm a diagnosis, since these microorganisms are almost always present on the surface of the human body. If necessary, a seeding material in a culture medium to detect the infectious agent and its sensitivity to antifungal drugs.

 Antibiotics | Candidiasis: Treatment is not easy

How to treat candidiasis, which began after taking antibiotics

If the diagnosis of candidiasis is confirmed, the prescribed antifungal drugs, including antibiotics with antifungal (nystatin or levorin). If candidiasis occurs easily, for its treatment (eg, with the defeat of the external genitalia) apply local medicines in the form of vaginal tablets, suppositories, solutions for irrigation or creams. At moderate and severe anti-fungal drugs are prescribed orally or by injection.

Appointed as vitamins, especially B group, macro-and micronutrients, drugs that stimulate the immune system Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults

Prevention of candidiasis is receiving antifungal agents with long courses of antibiotics, as well as periodic laboratory tests to identify candidiasis.

Dysplasia - what is it? - So what is dysplasia?

September 21, 2008

  • Dysplasia - what is it?
  • So what is dysplasia?

So what is dysplasia?

Dysplasia - a common name of violations of the development and growth of organs and tissues, regardless of the time and their causes. The processes of growth and development disorders of organs and tissues are mainly represented by congenital malformations, congenital but sometimes changes occur after birth, and even in adulthood.

The term "dysplasia" is also used in oncology practice to indicate precancerous condition of the tissues.

 So what is dysplasia? | Dysplasia - what is it?

Hip dysplasia

As an example we can consider dysplasias hip dysplasia. This pathology manifested in the fact that the head of the femur beyond the bone trough of the pelvis, in which it is to be normal.

There hip dysplasia as a result of abnormal development of bones, joints, muscles and ligaments time of intrauterine life of the fetus. The reasons - family history, older age of parents, various diseases of mother during pregnancy (infections, toxicosis pregnant, endocrine disorders, etc.), adverse environmental conditions, occupational hazards, poor diet pregnant Pregnancy and Nutrition: dangerous products  Pregnancy and Nutrition: dangerous products
   women (lack of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals).

Hip dysplasia is three degrees (predvyvih, subluxation and dislocation), it is more common in girls. The most striking signs of hip dysplasia in the newborn child:

  • If you put your baby on his back, his legs bent at the hip and knee joints at right angles, and then dissolve his hips to the side, the changes will be felt the joint, limiting the movement;
  • when abduction legs in different directions occurs reduction of dislocation Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment  Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment
 Which is accompanied by a click, felt by hand at bringing the legs to the midline is re-dislocation of the femoral head with a mouse and WinCE feet (symptom of "clicks" or sliding);
  • podyagodichnyh asymmetrical pleats and folds on the hips.

At a later date can be seen shortening, delaying walking and a waddling gait.

Treatment of dysplasia should be started as early as possible. In order to give the joint a certain position, used tire, fixing spacers and wide swaddling (between the child's legs, bent at the knee and hip joints, paving the double diaper, a width of about 20 cm with fixing legs). To strengthen the muscles used special massage, medical gymnastics (exercises should be done 5-6 times a day before feeding baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   up to 10 times). Widely used as physiotherapy thermal treatments (mud, paraffin wax, ozokerite).

At a later detection of dysplasia of the hip (after one year) is usually necessary to do the operation, after which usually is the restriction of the hip joint, including changes in gait.

In the future, these children are under the supervision of an orthopedic periodically they undergo preventive treatment in the form of therapeutic exercises, massage, physical therapy and, if necessary - drug therapy.

With early diagnosis and proper treatment of joint function almost completely restored.

 So what is dysplasia? | Dysplasia - what is it?

Cervical dysplasia

An example of how dysplasia preneoplastic may be cervical dysplasia - an example of the structure of tissue disorders in which there is a change of layers in the mucosa of the cervix and vagina. Cervical dysplasia may be the consequence of inflammatory processes, but can also occur by itself. It often takes place unnoticed and can be found on the professional examinations.

Treatment of cervical dysplasia depends on the cause of its occurrence. If this inflammatory process, it is being treated. In severe cervical dysplasia portions altered tissue removed by surgery, including laser, cold (cryotherapy), using a high temperature (diathermocoagulation) and a conventional manner with a scalpel.

Dysplasia - a complex, often a genetic disorder. But we must remember that dysplasia can lead to such factors prevent that we are able, for example, smoking, alcohol or drug use by a pregnant woman, the rejection of treatment for toxemia of pregnancy (especially the first half), etc. By precancerous cervical dysplasia are infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive organs, including sexually transmitted diseases.

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  • dysplasia
