Uterine fibroids small size - is subject to compulsory treatment

May 11, 2013

 the small size of uterine fibroids
 Uterine fibroids small size must be detected as early as possible and treated. The goal of treatment of uterine fibroids small size, which can not be yourself, it is resized to a stable nucleus that leads to long-term suppression of growth.

 Uterine fibroids small size - is subject to compulsory treatment

Uterine fibroids small size - especially growth

A small (medium-sized) fibroid - a benign tumor in the muscle layer of the uterus, develops from muscle yl connective tissue up to 10-12 weeks of pregnancy.

Education tumor often begins around the age of thirty years, with the fact that one of the cells of the muscle of the uterus suddenly starts quickly and uncontrollably share. Why start this process today is not exactly known, but it is well known that it supports and encourages.

One of the major factors driving the growth of fibroids is a hormonal background with excessive formation of female sex hormones (mainly estrogen). It stimulates the growth of fibroids and various gynecological diseases, abortion, neuroendocrine diseases, obesity, high physical and emotional stress, severe stress and so on.

After the formation of the tumor takes an average of about five years, when it can be identified during the examination or starts once to show. Therefore, most uterine fibroids diagnosed in women after the age of 35 years. Often myoma node is not one of developing multiple.

Uterine fibroids detected mostly during ultrasound (US), which allows you to identify all the fibroids and to determine their size.

 Uterine fibroids small size - is subject to compulsory treatment


Fibroids can be a medium-sized does not manifest itself, if it is, for example, at the top, serous layer of the uterus (fibroids subserous) and compresses the organs surrounding the uterus. The state of the woman's menstrual cycle, such fibroids may have no effect, so the characteristic symptoms of the disease such as bleeding and pain in her will. Just once can not express themselves and interstitial fibroids, located in the middle muscular layer of the uterus.

But if submucous fibroid is located, that is, under the inner mucosal layer of the uterus, it is not impossible to observe its manifestations. Symptoms can appear even in very small tumors, and by the time the tumor is medium in size (up to 10-12 weeks of pregnancy) symptoms may wear pronounced.

The main symptom is uterine bleeding Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach  Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach
 . They may wear a cyclical (associated with menstrual cycle) the nature and take the form of long-term (more than a week), and heavy menstrual bleeding. Over time, such a cyclic bleeding join acyclic non-menstrual cycle.

At the time of detection of submucosal fibroids small size woman can develop a large iron deficiency - permanent loss of blood will lead to a lack of iron, which is part of the hemoglobin. The main function of hemoglobin is to deliver the cells of organs and tissues of oxygen and removal of cells formed as a result of metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
   carbon dioxide.

With a lack of hemoglobin all tissues and organs begin to suffer from lack of oxygen. Especially in need of oxygen the brain, so iron deficiency leads to headaches, dizziness, fainting, decreased performance. All these signs are always accompanied by chronic blood loss.

Small submucous fibroids are also accompanied by mild aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. If fibroids develop on the stem, then it can happen torsion and necrosis (necrosis) of tissue, a sign which will be severe pain in the abdomen Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?  Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?
 . Sometimes the pain is so strong that the symptoms of acute abdomen - signal involvement in the serous membrane that covers the inside of the abdominal cavity - the peritoneum. This condition requires emergency surgery.

 Uterine fibroids small size - is subject to compulsory treatment

How to treat uterine fibroids small size

The choice of treatment of fibroids depends on several factors. In addition to its size and location it is set to the speed of growth of fibroids, a woman's age and whether it has a variety of diseases.

Rapidly growing fibroids in women younger removed by sparing operations (endoscopic or hysteroscopic) that preserve fertility. After removing the fibroids the correction of hormonal levels.

Women after 35-40 years of age who do not plan to have children, the fast-growing fibroids, which are accompanied by significant blood loss and iron deficiency anemia, and sometimes have to be removed along with the uterus.

If the fibroids grow slowly, appointed conservative hormonal therapy Hormone therapy - is it possible to fool nature?  Hormone therapy - is it possible to fool nature?

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hysteromyoma

Leukoplakia of the cervix - is revealed during the prophylactic examinations

March 3, 2014

  • Leukoplakia of the cervix - is revealed during the prophylactic examinations
  • Diagnosis and treatment

 leukoplakia of the cervix
 Leukoplakia of the cervix are asymptomatic, so every woman at least once in six months should visit a gynecologist to rule out gynecological diseases goes unnoticed. Such diseases may eventually become a serious problem. Thus, cervical leukoplakia, in some cases, a precancerous condition.


Causes of cervical leukoplakia

Leukoplakia appears as white patches on the surface of the cervix. The spots are the dead cells of the surface layer of the epithelium and are not always a sign of disease. Leukoplakia occurs more often in women after 40 years: the process of keratinization of tissues increases with age. For example, among patients with leukoplakia are older women constitute more than half.

Why do I get leukoplakia, understudied. However, most experts believe that the cause of leukoplakia is a long flowing infectious-inflammatory processes (including long asymptomatic genital infections), metabolic disorders in the epithelial cells, hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
   (failures in the system of the hypothalamus - pituitary - ovary, especially accompanied by increased secretion of estrogen with violations of the menstrual cycle), immune disorders and trauma (eg, during childbirth, abortion, after diathermocoagulation cervical erosion Cervical erosion - almost without symptoms, but with consequences  Cervical erosion - almost without symptoms, but with consequences
   and so on).

Sometimes, leukoplakia is a congenital hereditary particularly women - in these cases, it is not to be treated.

Less common areas of leukoplakia hide under a modified (atypical) cells deeper (basal) layer of the epithelium. It is considered a precancerous condition. In order to distinguish normal from disease, women should be evaluated.

Leukoplakia can be of several types: simple, scaly and erosive. Simple leukoplakia of the cervix is ​​a thin whitish coating, not protruding above the surface of the rest of the mucous membrane (epithelium) of the cervix. Scale (rough) leukoplakia of the cervix more uneven, towering above the surrounding epithelium. Erosive leukoplakia is characterized by the appearance of a whitish film on the sites of the destroyed epithelium (erosion).

The main reason for concern in identifying leukoplakia is a possibility of its malignancy, ie degeneration into cancer. Therefore, all reported cases of leukoplakia carefully examined - identify changes in the basal layer of the epithelium. If they do not, leukoplakia recognized are normal and do not require special treatment.


What happens to the tissues of the cervix when leukoplakia

Under the influence of various reasons (often several) violated the metabolic processes in the cells of stratified squamous epithelium lining the surface of the vaginal portion of the cervix. These processes contribute to the rapid orgogoveniyu (keratinization) of the surface layers of the epithelium with the formation of horny scales and a general thickening of the epithelium.

Leukoplakia can develop both unmodified stratified squamous epithelium and its modified areas covered by a single layer of columnar epithelium (if false or congenital cervical erosion). Therefore, leukoplakia and cervical erosion can be linked not only united causes, but also the transition of one of the pathological state to another.


Signs of leukoplakia

By itself, leukoplakia usually does not manifest itself. But those diseases that have caused it, can manifest themselves in the form of certain symptoms.

For example, for infectious and inflammatory diseases characterized by intermittent itching vulva, various kinds of discharge from the genital tract (whites, including an unpleasant smell), vague feeling in the abdomen, and so on. If the surface of erosion occur leukoplakia, the secretions from the genital tract may appear admixture of blood. Spotting may increase after sexual intercourse.

When hormonal causes of leukoplakia appear irregular menstruation, heavy cyclic and acyclic bleeding, lack of ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 Infertility and so on.


Consequences of leukoplakia of the cervix

The main danger of leukoplakia is a degeneration of its cells and the acquisition of new properties. Such cells are called atypical, their detection is almost always speaks of degeneration of the epithelial cells in cancer cells.


Leukoplakia of the cervix and pregnancy

Most gynecologists agree that the leukoplakia does not affect the prenatal development of the child Prenatal development of the child: Week by Week  Prenatal development of the child: Week by Week
 . However, leukoplakia better cure before pregnancy, because pregnancy hormones change and reduced immunity, which could stimulate the development of leukoplakia. Leukoplakia of the cervix during pregnancy is dangerous and that there is a risk of its transformation into a malignant tumor.
