- The dangerous high cholesterol?
- Risks
Typically, a high level of blood cholesterol does not manifest itself, but it is a real threat, and sometimes even fatal. Many people do not take seriously the dangers posed by high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Yet, one of the six human cholesterol levels increased.
Can such a common social problem indeed represent a serious health risk? Unfortunately yes. Cholesterol is directly linked with the development of cardiovascular disease, which can lead to heart attacks and heart attacks.
In spite of all the miracles of medicine, cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of illness and deaths in our society. According to the World Health Association, nearly 20% of all heart attacks and more than 50% of all heart attacks are associated with high blood cholesterol.
But the diagnosis of "high cholesterol" - is not a reason for despair. The good news is that the risk factor of heart attacks and heart attacks can be reduced and eliminated. You need to act as soon as possible, while high cholesterol did not lead to the development of serious diseases.
All about cholesterol
When it comes to the risks posed by high cholesterol, it is not easy to be honest with yourself in all respects. We generally bad imagines that such a "bad" and what is "good" cholesterol, and some of them have of ourselves. But we prefer not to think about it until then, until he is in the office of a doctor. So let's just repeat the basics.
Cholesterol - a fat-like substance circulating in our blood. A certain fraction of cholesterol enters our body with food. But its main part is produced in the body, namely by the liver. Cholesterol performs in our body a number of useful functions. It is required for the synthesis of certain hormones, and also for our cells. But an excess of it in the bloodstream vdet to problems.
There are several types of cholesterol, but doctors usually focuses our attention on two types: low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL).
LDL is also called "bad cholesterol". This cholesterol clogs the artery, thereby increasing the risk of heart attacks and heart attacks. We must strive to ensure that the level of this type of cholesterol was not more than 100 mg / 100 ml. But people who already have heart disease, you need to reduce this figure to 70 mg / 100 ml.
High density lipoprotein cholesterol - is the "good cholesterol." This cholesterol is attached to the bad cholesterol, and delivers it to the liver where bad cholesterol is removed from the body. Thus, the "good cholesterol" reduces the amount of "bad cholesterol." The body should be less than 60 mg / 100 ml cholesterol this type.
Triglycerides are not the form of cholesterol, is another type of fat present in our blood. As in the case of the "bad" cholesterol, triglycerides excess increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It should seek to ensure that the level of triglycerides, fasting was not more than 150 mg / 100 ml.
So, although we are talking about the threat posed by high cholesterol, this formulation is somewhat flawed. In fact, one should speak of a high level of "bad" LDL cholesterol and high levels of triglycerides and low levels of "good" HDL cholesterol.
Cholesterol in the usual broad sense: it is believed that the level should not exceed 200 mg / 100 ml. But most experts advise not to rely on this figure, as it is not a reliable indicator. Even when the total cholesterol level of less than 200 mg / 100 ml - although typically this figure too high - levels of "good" cholesterol, there may be too low, and the "bad" cholesterol may be exceeded.
Awareness of the risks: how dangerous high cholesterol?
In the blood of each of us contains cholesterol. However, if the level of LDL cholesterol than normal, it may start the excess deposited on the walls of arteries. Accumulation of cholesterol or other substances - the so-called plaques - can narrow the artery is clogged drains. It can also cause arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, usually making a flexible fabric more fragile.
Plaques can form in any part of the body. If they are formed in the carotid arteries in the neck, the carotid artery disease. If they occur in coronary arteries that supply the heart muscle with blood is a disease of the coronary arteries. Like any other organ, the heart to work properly requires an adequate supply of blood. If the heart is not enough blood can begin angina
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There are other threats at a high level of cholesterol. With an increase in plaques formed thrombus. If the clot is in an artery and completely blocks blood flow, the cells no longer receive the nutrition they need and oxygen and die.
If the clot into the brain where it blocks blood flow, it can cause a heart attack
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. If the thrombus formed in the coronary arteries, it can cause a heart attack.