Hemophilia: a normal life is possible - How to deal with hemophilia
December 10, 2011
- Hemophilia: a normal life is possible
- How to deal with hemophilia
- Can I play sports?
How to deal with hemophilia
If a person happens suddenly bleeding, you should be able to intervene quickly to avoid losing a large sketch and serious negative effects of the hematoma. Now hemophiliacs serves injections, which contain protein found in blood deficiency. Previously, it was based on the liquid human blood plasma, it is currently used synthetic drugs called "recombinant", allowing to obtain the same effect.
In order to get a dose of the drug, it is not necessary to go to the hospital. Patients can do injections on their own or with the help of the nearest environment previously discussed all with your doctor. The drug is administered intravenously. All necessary information is available at specialized centers for patients with hemophilia.
Prevention of bleeding
The trouble of this disease lies in the fact that the symptoms of hemophilia luchenie does not interfere with the body subjected to bleed again. For this reason, today it is possible to pass preventive therapy that is administered injections on a regular basis, and not when the bleeding occurs. Through prevention today, many people who have severe hemophilia degree, began to feel much better, approaching those who have a moderate degree.
Keep in mind that the shelf life of the drug injection is very small, and that it must be stored at 2-8 ° C. We need to do a few injections a week, the process does not take much time. Sometimes the person is not very visible veins, and for every injection is necessary to search long for the injection site. For convenience, before the introduction of the drug can put a small catheter.
Attention - inhibitors
If a majority of hemophilia patients with treatment feel significant relief, alas, there are those to whom it does not help. Some patients develop antibodies
Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
on the reaction produced by the drug. They are called inhibitors. In this situation, the body does not recognize the input in the preparations he needed substances and attacks them. Typically, this reaction is typical of patients with severe hemophilia type A. To accept their bodies introduced products designed specifically treated during which inhibitors eventually disappear.
In patients with haemophilia type B situation is more false, because they such therapy, involves the development of immune tolerance, does not help. But, despite this, do not panic - the treatment is, you need only refer to the competent experts.
At school and at work: is it worth talking about hemophilia?
There was a time when children with hemophilia
Hemophilia - a rare, but the disease sign
, Were in separate classes in specialized schools and eighteen. They had virtually no opportunity to face with healthy children. Fortunately, the situation has changed, and today, for a child with hemophilia are no obstacles to communicate with their peers, and they can be trained in a traditional school.
Of course, you need to take certain precautions. A child in school should not be involved in fights and run at recess, and engaged in some sports. But it is not recommended to fully protect the student from the activity, which involves his classmates. Teachers and medical personnel should be alerted to the presence of the child in the classroom. They need to know what is the disease, which entails consequences, and most importantly - what to do in case of bleeding.
At work all the same. You must enter the ropes all superiors, but do not over-dramatize the situation. This is necessary in order to protect the patient from potential health risks from the outset.
Biochemical analysis of blood - for the diagnosis and monitoring - The minerals, enzymes
February 24, 2011
- Biochemical analysis of blood - for the diagnosis and monitoring
- Minerals, enzymes
What held
Biochemical analysis of blood is the study of the chemical composition of blood, which is used to diagnose different diseases and monitor their treatment. Norms of not able to establish all the substances contained in the blood, due to the fact that often, these figures are very individual and depend largely on age, sex, birth and genetic characteristics of metabolism.
Minerals Blood
Potassium blood plasma (the rate of 3, 5-5 mmol / l). Potassium regulates blood transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles. Increase or decrease in potassium concentration impairs the ability of muscle tissue to contract. Potassium can be raised in violation of the kidneys, adrenal glands, in the application of certain types of diuretics (potassium-sparing, for example, triamterene) funds. Reducing the amount of potassium in the urine is fasting, a violation of his absorption in the intestine, vomiting, diarrhea, elevated adrenal function in the treatment of certain hormones and diuretics, leading out potassium.
Sodium blood plasma (the norm - 130-156 mg / dL). Does the distribution of water in the body. Increasing the amount of sodium in the blood plasma of the organism occurs when the loss of water and certain injuries and diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems. Reducing the amount of sodium in the blood occurs in violation of the kidneys and adrenal glands, burns, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sweating, edema.
Blood glucose
Plasma glucose (norm - 3, 5-6, 1 mmol / l). Increasing the amount of glucose
Glucose: The energy source
in the blood (hyperglycemia) occurs when diabetes, elevated thyroid and adrenal cortex, and sometimes - liver disease. The decrease in blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia) occurs when elevated levels of insulin in the blood
The principles of action of insulin - the science of saving lives
, Adrenal insufficiency, and sometimes - in the failure of the liver, with an overdose of drugs for the treatment of diabetes.
Hormones Blood
All the hormones that produce endocrine glands are found in the blood. Their number depends on the physiological condition in which a person is at present and change over the day, the season, the menstrual cycle in women. Since the blood simultaneously with hormones are always present and their degradation products of incomplete formation to determine whether or not the disease is determined and their number.
Enzymes blood
Amylase (diastase) - an enzyme secreted by the pancreas and salivary glands (norm - 0, 8-3, 2 IU / L), which is present in blood in small amounts. Inflammation glands secreting amylase or blockage results in an increase in the number of its blood. It occurs in acute pancreatitis, pancreatic cysts
Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
, Blockage of the pancreatic duct stone or tumor, in mumps. Reducing the amount of amylase in the blood occurs in acute and chronic hepatitis
Chronic hepatitis - a diagnosis for life
, Pancreatic insufficiency.
Transaminase blood - aspartic transaminase (AST, the norm - 8-40 IU / L) and alanine transaminase (ALT, the norm - 5-30 IU / L) - is the intracellular enzymes involved in protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Their lot is found in liver, muscle, and brain. Increased concentration of these enzymes in the blood cell destruction suggests these organs. Therefore, increased transaminases occurs in myocardial infarction, acute liver injury. The decline observed in transaminase deficiency of vitamin B6, in renal failure, sometimes - during pregnancy.
Blood plasma proteins
The blood plasma contains about 100 protein. They are formed mainly in the liver and serves to maintain the osmotic blood pressure that keeps it in water and salt. There are five major fractions of blood proteins: albumin, alpha 1, alfa2-, beta, and gamma globulin.
Protein content in the plasma influences the nature of food, kidney and liver function, a number of diseases and metabolic disorders. Total protein (rate of 60-80 g / L), albumin (rate - 33-55 g / l). Elevated levels of albumin is at a high fluid loss (vomiting, diarrhea) and some other states. Reducing the amount of albumin occurs during starvation, malabsorption of protein in the intestine, kidney function.
Of greater importance is the globulin content gammaglobulins, which are responsible for humoral immunity (antibodies that purposefully removed from the body of pathogens). Elevated gammaglobulins found in liver disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, certain tumors and sexually transmitted diseases, acute and chronic infections. Reduction of gammaglobulins occurs when malnutrition and certain diseases of the blood.
Galina Romanenko