- Increased hemoglobin - when necessary bloodletting
- What is hemoglobin?
What is hemoglobin?
By the structure of the hemoglobin protein complex, having in its composition simple protein (globin) and iron-containing non-protein group (gems). The rate of hemoglobin in the blood of men - 130-165 g / l, at women - 118-145 g / l.
Besides its main function (transfer oxygen to the tissues) hemoglobin also performs the function of maintaining the acid-base balance in the body.
The formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells occurs immediately, where they penetrate the iron atoms, connecting it with the protein. During the life of the hemoglobin takes on different forms. Thus, it may be primary (neonates) to a hemoglobin was replaced by the "adult" hemoglobin. The presence of hemoglobin in the blood of newborn adult may indicate various diseases.
In addition, it opened many kinds of changes (abnormal) hemoglobin, which is often caused by congenital diseases. Thus, when the compound of hemoglobin with glucose
Glucose: The energy source
produced hemoglobin, a large number of which may be a sign of diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
The amount of hemoglobin in the blood can be either reduced or increased. Reduced hemoglobin indicates the presence of iron deficiency anemia (a condition occurs, such as when regular blood loss) can be increased both in normal and in various diseases.
Increased hemoglobin as a variant of the norm
Normally, increasing the amount of hemoglobin occurs during exercise and at high altitudes. This is because, as in fact, and in another case, the body's tissues do not have enough oxygen (he or quickly consumed during exercise, or just a little in the air as on the height), and the body has to immediately produce increased amounts of hemoglobin. The lack of oxygen in the test and smokers (affects the lungs) - they also may show an increased hemoglobin
Elevated hemoglobin - when to worry
Increased hemoglobin by increasing the number of erythrocytes
The amount of hemoglobin can be increased by increasing the number of erythrocytes. This condition is called eritotsitozom. Erythrocytosis may be primary or congenital, caused by gene mutation and secondary, which occur in various diseases as a result of various effects on erythropoiesis (the formation of red blood cells), for example, chronic lung diseases, heart diseases (all of these diseases are caused by a lack of oxygen in the tissues).
Not related to the lack of oxygen polycythemia may occur when the kidneys increased production of erythropoietin - a hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It may be associated with severe renal impairment by various diseases such as cancer, hydronephrosis, and others.
Erythrocytosis manifestations are varied and depend on what caused the increase in the number of red blood cells. Usually celebrated with a touch of red cyanotic color of the skin and mucous membranes, enlarged liver and spleen, varicose veins
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Sometimes - thrombosis (blockage of blood vessels) and bleeding.
In order to facilitate the patient's condition for some types of polycythemia conducted bloodletting 2-3 times a week with the withdrawal of about 400 ml of blood. These patients need constant medical observation and should keep to a diet with restriction of meat, eggs, red and black caviar, fatty foods. It is not necessary to independently make any biologically active substances - honey, vitamin-mineral supplements, dietary food supplements, as all it can to stimulate erythropoiesis.
Elevated levels of hemoglobin in the liquid portion (plasma) blood
Elevated levels of free hemoglobin in the liquid part of blood (plasma) is hemoglobinemia. In healthy people, plasma contains only a small amount of free hemoglobin that is released when the destruction of outdated red blood cells.
The hemoglobin content in the blood plasma varies with the intensity of erythrocyte destruction. Thus, in hemolytic anemia occurs mass destruction and decomposition of red blood cells, which causes hemoglobinemia. Such a condition can occur in cases of poisoning by various toxins, in hemolytic disease of the newborn (red blood cells stick together because of the incompatibility of blood between mother and fetus Rh) blood transfusion man of another group, and so on.
In addition, there are hereditary hemolytic anemia, which is characterized by a large amount of hemoglobin in the blood.