Ivan tea and its beneficial properties - very Russian drink

April 10, 2011

 blooming Sally
 Today in the morning we usually drink coffee, black or green tea. And once that morning in Russia began with the infusion of willow-herb. It was believed that it gives strength, protects against ailments, relieves nerve disorders and insomnia. Even before malignant tumors were treated with willow-tea

 Ivan tea and its beneficial properties - very Russian drink

The botanical characteristics of willow-herb

If you have a sore throat, the best remedy - willow-tea, which has anti-inflammatory and help cope with the disease as soon as possible

Ivan tea or willow-herb - is a perennial herbaceous plant up to one meter from the family kipreyny. The stem of his line, ending with a brush inflorescences pinkish-purple large flowers. Leaves are narrow, linear-lanceolate, naked, next. It blooms from June to September. Fruit - a bare box.

It grows in the European part of the country, in Siberia, the Far East, in the North Caucasus in the meadows, preferring moist places reduced outputs streams.

As a medicinal plant used florets and leaves. They were collected, dried and sealed. In Russia there was a method of fermentation of this tea. The leaves are first dried, then parboil, triturated and dried in an oven, was ground again and stacked in tuesa (special containers made of birch bark), where it could be stored for several years. That is prepared once a famous Kaporskaya tea (from the name of the village Kapor near St. Petersburg).

Even in the XIX century rose-forced into the Russian black Indian tea, but eventually forgot about it, and only today, when the treatment of medicinal plants has become a fashion, began to reminisce about it.

 Ivan tea and its beneficial properties - very Russian drink

The chemical composition of willow-herb, and its effect on the human body

Ivan-tea, thanks to its strong antioxidant properties Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits  Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits
 Effectively cleanses the body of toxins, and thus promotes weight loss

The willow-tea rich in vitamin C, tannins (tannins), mucus, there alkaloids, sugar, pectin. It also contains many minerals iron, nickel, copper, manganese, titatna, molybdenum, boron, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, lithium.

Brewed willow-herb has a calming effect on the nervous system, normalizes sleep Dreams: how to understand our dreams  Dreams: how to understand our dreams
 . If you drink it in the morning, it gives energy and strength - because of these qualities it is particularly appreciated by our ancestors. Ivan-tea treat headaches.

Ivan-tea is traditionally used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - a large amount of mucus and tannins beneficial effect on inflamed stomach and intestines. Ivan-tea treat gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, colitis.

We used the willow-herb, and anemia - the restoration of the blood helped to mix iron and vitamin C (in the presence of iron, vitamin C is better absorbed). Of course, some herbal preparations will not cure anemia, as iron in them is in a difficult organism to digest the state, however, had a positive impact rose-rendered and in the field.

Eat willow-herb can also be like any normal tea, to which you are accustomed to without fear of overdose and other unpleasant consequences for the organism. You can also mix the rose-with the usual black tea. In this case, willow-herb neutralizes the caffeine, which is found in normal tea. However, to use a welding only once

Large amounts of vitamin C and minerals contribute to overall improvement of the body as improve metabolism, with which strengthens the immune system, restores appetite. In Russia, it was believed that regular use of willow-herb makes a person stronger and protects against a variety of diseases. And so it is - today found that willow-herb has excellent antioxidant properties, protecting us from free radicals - particles that destroy our cells. For colds willow tea rinse the throat.

Apply willow-herb and externally: it is washed with a decoction of festering wounds, skin diseases Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin  Skin diseases - what to do when violated the basic functions of the skin
   the affected skin impose a cloth moistened with decoctions and infusions of willow-herb.

Ivan-tea is used in traditional medicine for the treatment of malignant tumors. From a scientific point of view, this is not surprising: such a large number of trace elements contained in it can not affect the state of immunity Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   - This system protects us from malignant tumors by destroying their cells.

Young shoots of willow-herb used for salads, but dried and milled into flour roots were added, giving a kind of sweet flour products taste good.

 Ivan tea and its beneficial properties - very Russian drink

How to make rose-house

To taste the rose-like a wild rose or Hibiscus - it's a little tart and spicy, with the scent of herbs and flowers

Houses willow tea can be prepared as follows:

  • half a tablespoon of dry powdered leaves of willow-herb pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, potsedit and drink like a normal tea; for flavor instead of sugar is better to add the honey;
  • infusion of willow-herb in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases: a tablespoon of dry powdered leaves of willow-herb pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, potsedit and take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day;
  • decoction of willow-herb for external use: two tablespoons dried minced raw pour a glass of cold water, bring to a boil, boil for 30 minutes, to add to the original level again bring to a boil, drain and used in the form of lotions for ulcers, burns and purulent wounds.

Ivan tea - a traditional Russian tea, and he comes back into fashion.

Galina Romanenko

Sage - "cvyaschennaya grass"

May 14, 2014

  • Sage - "cvyaschennaya grass"
  • In terms of botany
  • Effect
  • Healing properties
  • Contraindications

 Sage - a perennial shrub of the family yasnotkovyh. Latin name salvia - salvia - comes from the words "health" and "salvation." The Arabs believed that sage gives immortality, and the Egyptians gave them infertile women, as well as used as a protection against the plague. Belief in the miraculous properties of sage are not unfounded: it is often used as a treatment for multiple disorders, including flatulence (gas), bloating, lack of appetite and excessive sweating.


The use in medicine of sage

The healing properties of sage has long been known. The ancient Greeks valued sage for his property to strengthen the senses, mental strength, intelligence, and restore memory. "Father of Medicine" Hippocrates believed his sacred grass and the most effective remedy for female infertility. Roman physicians recommended that infusions of sage in diseases digestive system, kidney, and menstrual irregularities. Like most of the herbs used in cooking, sage improve digestion and stimulate the appetite, and reducing bloating and cramping in the intestine.

Sage contains phytosterols - active substance having a cooling effect. Studies have shown that topical application of sage leaves infusion reduces sweating twice. In ancient and modern folk medicine sage is used for treating heavy uterine bleeding and cramps, which are aggravated by heat treatments. Sage also helps to suppress the production of breast milk when you want to separate the child from breastfeeding. Due to its cooling properties, sage is also used during menopause to relieve hot flashes, accompanied by profuse sweating.

Sage is also recommended to rinse the hair dandruff Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do  Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do
   or infections of the scalp. According to some reports, sage returns the color of bleached or gray hair.

Essential sage oil contains alpha and beta-thujone, camphor and cineole - known antioxidant, which have antimicrobial activity. Essential oil of sage destroys bacteria, making it ideal for the treatment of all kinds of bacterial infections.


External use sage

The cooled concentrated decoction or infusion of sage and lemon without sugar is used as a lotion for the treatment of abrasions and ulcers. This lotion - a great natural hair dye, not less effective than henna. To get rid of gray hair is also recommended to take a decoction of sage inside.

Pasta with fresh leaves and young shoots of sage in rural India is used as a dentifrice. It strengthens the gums and cleans the mouth and teeth. Many herbal dentifrice powders contain sage.

Hot compresses with a decoction of sage helps to relieve headaches, cramps and also facilitates the abdomen, reduces bloating and discomfort in the gut. In addition, a hot compress with sage useful for sprains, to relieve itching and swelling after insect bites. Butter, cream or ointment containing sage used for pain in the joints.


Sage in Ayurveda

The basic principle of the teachings of Ayurveda - not to treat the disease and to eliminate its causes, that is to treat the patient. Ayurveda makes life a harmonious, and as a result of disease and ailments recede. All Ayurvedic remedies are natural, natural origin.

Sage is used in Ayurveda, often along with other medicinal plants. According to experts, sage can be used as a skin soothing agent that effectively removes a variety of irritation and inflammation of the skin.

Most experts on the ancient Indian science prefers sage oil, instead of dried grass. This oil - a real concentrate of active ingredients, so it is used in very small doses. One drop can be enough to prepare extremely effective cosmetic or therapeutic agent.

Aromatic Ayurvedic tea-based sage is recommended for disorders of the brain. In such a hot tea is used in respiratory diseases as an expectorant. The cold remedy has a diuretic effect and helps cleanse the body. According to Ayurveda therapists, sage - a powerful source of positive energy, the plant is capable of clear mind and calm the passions.

In Ayurveda harness sage leaves to cleanse the house of negative energy. Smoke sage creates a powerful field of pranic energy that repels negative energy. In hot sage it is sudorific and expectorant imbalance Kapha and Vata. The cold is a Sage has astringent and diuretic properties, beneficial for Pitta. Sage clears the mind of emotions Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code  Emotions and culture: how to decipher the emotional code
 , Contributes to the achievement of peace and clarity, reduces excessive desire and passion, as well as soothes the heart.


Preparations and dosage

For therapeutic purposes, sage is often taken orally in the form of tea. Before applying sage leaves was dried, and then mixed with mint leaves Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness  Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
 , Lemon grass, chamomile or other herbs. This is done to enhance the healing properties of sage and decreasing its strong, pungent smell.

For the preparation of herbal tea with sage 2 teaspoons with the top pour 1/4 liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for 15 minutes, after which the tea is ready to drink. Drink tea with sage several times a day for a week to suppress lactation or reduce sweating.


Precautions and side effects

According to some reports, the beta-thujone, in large quantities contained in sage, can cause epileptic seizures. Although the use of salvia as a spice is considered to be safe, do not use sage to treat, especially during pregnancy. Excessive use of sage causes severe headaches and irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper


Lose weight with sage

Weight gain - a serious reason to review your diet and lifestyle. But much is too difficult to dramatically change their lives for the sake of a slim figure. An indispensable tool in the diet are herbs. In particular, used for weight loss and sage. It is believed that this herb helps the body to go through a difficult period of restrictions.

Many nutritionists believe that the efficacy of sage for weight loss is greatly exaggerated. This plant has neither fat burning or cleaning properties, it can not suppress appetite or prolong the feeling of satiety. Yet those who are dieting to lose weight, often used sage as a spice that makes fresh food diet delicious and attractive. Low-calorie meals should be tasty, that the hand is not reached for slimming chocolate bar or other "harmful" product. Sage in a spice makes it possible to get from food and the joy of a new experience, and thus reduces the likelihood of breakdowns and violations of the diet.

Tea with sage leaves, according to many, is able to blunt the feeling of hunger and calm the nerves. However, drinking this tea should be moderate - no more than three cups a day, if not contraindicated.

The perfect tool for losing weight - bath with sage. These baths rejuvenate the skin, making it supple and reduce sweating, which often suffer from overweight.
