Inflammation of the lymph nodes - when it comes to infection - For the ears

July 22, 2013

  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes - when it comes to infection
  • The groin
  • Underarm
  • Submandibular
  • Behind the ears
  • Symptoms
  • Causes
  • Treatment
  • Among women
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 swollen lymph nodes behind the ears

Inflammation of the ear

In normal lymph nodes behind the ears are small (8 mm), so when they increase should undergo detailed examination to determine the cause of a pathological condition. Inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ears can be local or becomes generalized process. The most common cause of infectious disease can be called the beginning, the effect of different types of microorganisms.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ears usually occurs as a reaction to various localized or generalized infection.

Lymphadenopathy - a term used to describe a condition in which the lymph nodes are swollen and / or inflamed. The lymphatic system - a network of vessels and ducts, the tissue which return liquid (liquid which is outside of the blood vessels) back into the cardiovascular system. It also produces antibodies, lymphocytes, which are an integral part of the human immune system, that is, to help fight off viruses, bacteria and other harmful organisms and alien.

It lymph node cells responsible for producing antibodies, using an organism which copes with various diseases. They also produce macrophages, phagocytes species which cleave waste and microorganisms present in the human body. Most nodes are located in the head and neck, including the ears.

 For the ears | swollen lymph nodes - when it comes to infection

It causes inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ears

Lymphadenopathy may be localized or generalized. If the lymph nodes are enlarged and inflamed Swollen lymph nodes - a sign of trouble in the body  Swollen lymph nodes - a sign of trouble in the body
   in one place, it is a localized lymphadenopathy.

The most common cause of swollen lymph nodes behind the ears - is an infection localized or systemic.

Because the lymph nodes associated with the production of antibodies designed to defend the body against infection, inflammation may be a reaction to the penetration of the infection into the body. Inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ears is often associated with an infection of the ears, eyes, throat, and with some species allergies.

Sometimes it may be a sign of inflammation lymphoma, cancer of the lymph nodes, and other types of cancer. Fortunately, this is rare, but you should see a doctor to rule out the possibility of having you malignancies.

If swollen lymph nodes behind the ears accompanied by symptoms such as hair loss, itching and flaking of the scalp, you probably have a fungal infection Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat  Fungal infection: to prevent and defeat
 . In this case also should consult a doctor.

 For the ears | swollen lymph nodes - when it comes to infection

Interconnection infections

Inflammation in the lymph nodes behind the ears is a response to infection in organs that are in anatomical proximity. Most often, the nodes respond so on diseases of the ears, eyes, nose or throat. Lymphadenitis occurs after hitting a specific pathogen in the body. The cause of inflammation is often a viral infection (adenoviral infection, herpes viruses), as well as other agents (bacteria, fungal flora).

The response of the body when the penetration of the pathogen is expressed in the emergence of local, local or general reactions. It is the local manifestations of infection are expressed in the form of increased lymph nodes behind the ears, which is associated with an inflammatory response.

In most cases, such a local reaction can be observed for colds, for example, in angina Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?  Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?
 . There is an increase in local assemblies, which is one-sided. A more common infectious process of lymph nodes behind the ears grow on both sides. At the same time picking up signs of intoxication, the formation of pus in knots, they become painful on palpation, there is a change of color of the skin.

You can not deal with the treatment of colds on their own at home, because it is dangerous development of complications. Anatomical proximity of important organs (especially the brain) is a warning factor for self-medication. The infection is easily spread through the lymphatic system and results have to defeat the system.

 For the ears | swollen lymph nodes - when it comes to infection

What should be treated

Lymphatitis behind ears caused by viral infection, typically after some time passes itself. If the cause of other infections, antibiotic treatment is recommended.

To establish the cause of inflammation in most cases with the help of blood tests. In some cases, however, it requires a study using X-ray computed tomography, and, sometimes, biopsy.

Only by eliminating the direct causes that led to lymphadenitis, you can achieve recovery. You can not treat only enlarged lymph nodes Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
   behind the ears, it is necessary to treat the cause of the disease. In this regard, the diagnostic value of the method acquires a lymph node biopsy. Based on the histological findings can be reliably conclude on the nature of the inflammatory process.

When inflammation in the lymph nodes shows the assignment of antibacterial agents. If it is impossible to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to the specific form of the antibiotic, then start therapy with drugs that possess a wide spectrum of antibacterial activity.

They are representatives of penicillin. Currently recommended protected penicillins that help get rid of unwanted consequences in the form of resistance. High efficacy against the bacterial flora has Augmentin. It is administered per day to 1, 0 g twice a day to ten days depending on the severity of the patient's condition. The average course of treatment is up to seven days. Of the other groups of drugs recommended for the following medicines:

  • macrolide antibiotics
  • aminoglycosides
  • fluoroquinolones
  • sulfa drugs

If the inflammatory process is severe, it is possible to assign the combination of the two antimicrobials. This will cover the widest range of pathogens, especially anaerobic bacterial flora.

In some cases, inflammation of lymph nodes behind the ears can be a consequence of an allergic reaction. Eliminate the manifestation of allergy desensitizing therapy helps conduct. At home, you do not need to carry out any remedial measures without consulting your doctor, especially warming up procedures. The heat factor can trigger the progression of infection, so this kind of procedures should be avoided until the doctor examining the patient.
