Beriberi and skin: how vitamin deficiency affects the skin

November 30, 2011

 beriberi and skin
 You should not treat lightly beriberi. Many of us underestimate the seriousness of the violation and do not understand how the deficit of a vitamin affects our health and appearance. A balanced diet that provides the body with all the necessary vitamins and trace elements, can significantly improve the condition of skin, hair and nails. Some vitamins perform very specific function: vitamins B-group to prevent acne and help with her treatment, vitamin E prevents damage to the skin, and vitamin C slows aging and reduces wrinkles. If your diet does not provide the necessary vitamins in sufficient quantities, it is very quickly reflected on the skin - it becomes dull, prone to irritation and inflammation becomes unhealthy shade.

 Beriberi and skin: how vitamin deficiency affects the skin

Acne (acne)

Did you know that some of the symptoms and signs of acne caused by a deficiency of vitamins and minerals? The appearance of acne can cause a deficiency of vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, biotin and zinc. You can easily prevent acne and maintain healthy skin, entering the diet useful vitamins and minerals.

But vitamin deficiency - not the only cause of acne.

Acne can be caused by malnutrition or more serious health problems, so in any case, you should consult an experienced dermatologist.

 Beriberi and skin: how vitamin deficiency affects the skin

Dry skin

Dry skin - another common problem caused by a vitamin deficiency. From dry skin affected both women and men. In addition, dry skin Dry skin: care and treatment  Dry skin: care and treatment
   prone to premature aging and wrinkles.

If you want to avoid dehydration of the skin, take more vitamins A and C - are necessary to maintain and restore the water balance of the skin and its rejuvenation from within.

 Beriberi and skin: how vitamin deficiency affects the skin


Hyperpigmentation - a small brown spots on the skin, often appearing under the influence of sunlight or due to aging. To make dark spots less visible or completely get rid of them, consume more antioxidants that strengthen the liver and neutralize free radicals.

Brown spots on the skin are sometimes called "liver spots", so it is important to provide the body with enough antioxidants to the skin remained fresh, healthy and beautiful.

 Beriberi and skin: how vitamin deficiency affects the skin

Increased production of sebum

Increased sebum secretion - one of the symptoms of acne, and can lead to acne and pimples. If you have oily skin too Oily skin: Natural and artificial care  Oily skin: Natural and artificial care
 , Increase the intake of vitamin B2, because it is a lack of this vitamin leads to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. Take care of the timely elimination of the problem, until you have acne there.

In addition, oily skin is more difficult to apply makeup, it looks messy and not stay long.

 Beriberi and skin: how vitamin deficiency affects the skin


Rosacea - an inflammatory redness of the skin caused by a deficiency of vitamin B2 in the body. Consumption of the recommended daily dose of vitamin B12 will ensure the normal operation of the sebaceous glands, prevent inflammation and swelling of the skin.

 Beriberi and skin: how vitamin deficiency affects the skin


Stretch marks are most often the result of pregnancy or sudden weight gain, and, contrary to popular belief, they can occur in both women and men. To prevent stretch marks take vitamins E and B6, and zinc.

Now that you know about the effect of vitamins and minerals on the skin, you can prevent vitamin deficiency and thus avoid the most common skin problems. The skin - the largest organ of the body, which is the first to respond to any deviations from the norm, and primarily the lack of vitamins. Health and beauty of your skin depends on you!

 Beriberi and skin: how vitamin deficiency affects the skin

Vitamin deficiency and dry skin

Everyone knows how important vitamins for healthy skin. Therefore, it is important to include in the daily menu of fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products, bread from wheat flour, cereals and salads. These products work wonders with the skin, giving it a healthy glow. The lack of vitamins in the body leads to avitaminoses and as a result, various diseases of the skin.

Skin disorders have a complex aetiology and often require long-term treatment. Almost all diseases and skin problems are somehow related to vitamin deficiency. Beriberi - the main cause dryness and flaking of the skin.

Studies have shown that most of the problems and skin diseases are the consequence of a deficiency of vitamin D in the body. The most common symptom of vitamin deficiency - dry, scaly, hardened skin.

The main function of vitamin D is to regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. In addition, vitamin D is important for the health and beauty of the skin, it helps in the treatment of psoriasis and prevents skin cancer.

The active form of vitamin D - kaltsitrol - helps prevent psoriasis, a skin non-communicable disease, which is manifested by excessive proliferation of lymphocytes, macrophages, and keratinocytes of the skin. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to psoriatic plaques. Chronic vitamin D deficiency negatively affects the work of all bodies as interferes with the normal metabolism of the skin cells and their growth. Eczema, chronic inflammation of the epidermis and dermis, which is characterized by redness, itching, scaling and roughness of the skin, is also associated with a deficiency of vitamin D.

In addition, vitamin D has antioxidant properties and is essential for preventing premature skin aging and wrinkling.

Vitamin A is vital for strengthening the top layer of skin, the epidermis, and the treatment of acne. Vitamin A deficiency can cause acne and skin pigmentation. In addition, vitamin A regulates sebum production, removes toxins from the body and neutralize free radicals.

Deficiency of niacin and vitamin B6 leads to sores on the skin, and other skin damage. These vitamins help in the treatment of acne Acne treatment: how to get rid of blackheads  Acne treatment: how to get rid of blackheads
 And the need to maintain a healthy skin tone.

Vitamin C neutralizes free radicals, promotes collagen synthesis, which in turn prevents the rupture of small blood vessels. Vitamin E - another vitamin that has antioxidant properties Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits  Antioxidants: the truth about the notorious benefits
   and anti-inflammatory effect. Vitamin E provide the skin with moisture and give it smoothness and softness.

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  • vitamins
